Are we all in agreement that amerimutts are a separate species from the homo sapiens?

Are we all in agreement that amerimutts are a separate species from the homo sapiens?

Attached: americans are evil.jpg (643x892, 125K)

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Yeah, that guys is a lot worse than the mudslimes who strapped bombs to those kids in the first place.

>two people can't be evil hurr
God you're fucking stupid.

putin is 5'6

just like those refugees.

could be worse
Could be Dominican or worse, a dirty Rican

he's already taller than most mutts in this country

Don't see much difference

>Take up arms, be considered a MAM (Military aged male)
>Get shot
>Wonder why
The absolute assblast and butthurt

He did the right thing. Filthy Muslims. Hope they all get eradicated from this planet painfully.

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The average height in Muttland is 5'10
>tfw you think you're white but you're under 5'7

Wtf i love mutts now

they’re not much different looking than you types actually
Smelly. Brown. Shitty English. Shouldn’t reproduce but still do. Don’t wear shoes anywhere.
You’d feel right at home, especially in that shit hole Puerto Rico.

>2 sandniggers driving a VBIED into a checkpoint
>getting BTFO by sentries and then having them take pics over your dead corpse to send back to drinking buddies
>going to war with america


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>giving a shit when roaches die
Why would anybody not smile?

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The "child" on the right has a fuckin mustache, Ahmed, who the hell are you kidding?

>Smelly. Brown. Shitty English.

The irony.

nice meme

And has the biggest balls on earth

Guaranteed this guy is now back in the U.S., homeless and addicted to drugs. But at least he has his memento from the "war on terror".

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If you strap bombs onto your children, don’t cry when we shoot them. Fucking sand niggers.

>They are too stupid to figure out our clever ruse

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The one in the foreground is a child, faggot. Use your faggoty eyes. The other child was in the back but his face wasn't blown off and bloody so your American "heros" didn't include his body in the shot. I bet you're a Christian. Right? Fucking little faggot.


You faggot.

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Take that back plz

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>waaaah professional soldiers who kill for a living are callous and brutish according to my soft and privileged standards

War is hell buttercup.


laughing about dead shitskins is not a bad thing.

Get fucked, mohammad

Attached: adowable-widdle-tewwowist.jpg (634x356, 14K)

Like all the (((children))) invading Europe right now ?

Even if they are underage, it doesn't matter as long as they posses a real threat. Them muslim (((children))) are trained to blow themselves up

A 33 year old is 17 In Muslim years.

Stfu faggot. Why are you defending these subhumans? They are not innocent they have genocided people and massacred them too. People like you are fucking stupid.

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>>waaaah professional soldiers who kill for a living are callous and brutish according to my soft and privileged standards
>War is hell buttercup.

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No, I embrace our Anglo-Saxon overlords. I am sick and tired of sucking the cock of Islamic doctrine and observing the write established by a bi-sexual kiddie fucker 5 times a day.

We follow a carbon-copy religion that rips-off Judaism and Christianity. Hell, ( And that is where we are going), Jesus was mentioned more times than that goat fucking warlord pedophile we follow.

that man is a jew btw

>I bet you're a Christian
I think it's safe to say that you are a goatfucker. I don't give a fuck about sandniggers or their children, I hope you all die.

Loads of you retards seem to make the same mistake about this so let me clear it up
>option 1 : humans are 1 species - homo sapiens. races don't matter at a taxonomic level (liberal position)
>option 2 : human races matter, and represent either sub-species or species.
>if option 2 is the case, ALL RACES are a sub species. Lets say whites = homo sapiens sp.Europa, chinks = homo sapiens sp.Asiatic etc. There is no magic "true human" species of which other races are sub-species, that's not how taxonomy works
>best case you could actually have for that is blacks = homo sapiens, and whites/chinks represent homo sapiens subspecies.

I approve of race realism, but please try for less race retardation. Learn biology.
>Dear diary, today OP was a faggot. Again.

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Cry more, sandnigger.

>2 kids
One is obviously not a kid there.
Also shouldn't strap your kid in the car with when your car is strapped with a bomb.

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Can you throw in overhead and corporate taxes in there?

Ah yes.

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>It's better if only the government has gun-

These children look like they're 30 yrs old.

It's true. Imagine living in a country that actively works against you, pretty much Britain but on a continental scale but without the rail transportation networks because the airlines need a monopoly on the market. People are so fucking brainwashed about appeasing their corporate masters instead of anything that benefits society.


>killing shitskins

At least I’m not a paki

one less sand nigger in the world

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>America is da real terrorist!
sorry Muhammad but political violence perpetrated by a state actor is called warfare.
political violence by any non-state actor is terrorism.

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The kids are LMFAOing too.

Mudslimes are vermin. Stop acting like shitskins are human beings.

ah yes, those military age sandnigger children europe loves so much

O goy

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is that an ugly child or a midget?

still better a 50 year old marrying than raping a 5 year old to death, or killing/beating women for not wearing a fuckin garbage bag in the desert, or attacking people in the street when they take you out of allahs asshole to human civilization, shit when we dropping a nuke on those goat fuckers again?

lmao this guy is wearing the same unit patch of the unit im in

Tell him good work if you ever see him.

>still better
Is it though?

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I need more pictures of soldiers taking pictures of their hunting trophies.

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>two dead kids
There's one dead kid and an adult, learn to count.

The kind of species that recognizes a child wouldn't be driving a car and that the legit child was probably either a potential sniper or future bomber, so a dead one is win/win for America and her allies?

Your pain & envy are delicious, muhackmed

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I didn't really like americans at first, but then they invaded iraq and afghanistan and started killing you mudslimes, now I like them

this is a very old picture man. Most likely taken around the invasion of iraq, since we dont where that uniform anymore. This guy is most likely at another station or got out of the army.

Look how happy this (((child))) is

Attached: a(((child))).jpg (600x802, 88K)

alls fair in love and war. if you’re disgusted look away you snobby cunt

Youre sucha a cuck.

statistics aren't on your side, mahackmed butstainy pedofile

I’ve always imagined this guy was shitposting with his body language: the way he’s smiling and leaning are so perfect that he must have known what he was doing.

Have you ever seen a deaf interpreter in action? If I didn’t know better I would think they were crafting nonverbal shitposts.

Kek has spoken

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What bombs?

mutt see, mutt do, when living a pack dog mentality.

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Why are there so many mudshits on this site? I don't remember seeing so many apologists even 4 years ago.

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how do you say "computers and automation"

> fights for israel
> side order of extra lulz.

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it's almost like we don't care about your mudshit lives?

Taking a picture with dead kids isn't terrorism.

we numba one

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Get rid of beaners and niggers and America would more than likely be top 5 in everything.

>subversive neocon's middle-east wars are waged for the enrichment of foreign jews and arabs
>surprised moral men don't participate in waging wars for foreign powers

might as well join a mercenary outfit if all you're doing is killing people to get paid by jews and ayyrabs. sure as shit isn't any righteousness or pride in it.