What land is yours? What is your rightful clay that belongs to none other? Better yet...

What land is yours? What is your rightful clay that belongs to none other? Better yet, what should be the land of other nations?

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>paying rates

none of you own anything.

Obviously silesia and danzig
Maybe even lviv

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what's this supposed to be

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>no constantinople

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What moron made the original outlines

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>A third story recounts how the famous warrior Fionn Mac Cumhaill caused the creation of Lough Neagh. Legend has it that Finn was chasing a Scottish giant across Ulster when he picked up a large piece of ground and hurled it at the giant. It overshot and fell into the Irish Sea forming the Isle of Man while the massive crater left behind became infilled with water and formed Lough Neagh.

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Shut up Terùn

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Change my mind.

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>tfw no homeland

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Map broken

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Why not Danzig?

what ethnicity are you my dear "no homeland" brother

I took danzig

Switzerland was never part of Germany. Suck it Hans.

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I took the german süeaking part


All of it
>T. 1/64TH Irish 1/64th German.. etc

Which were never part of Germany. And what's that kind of logic anyway? You claim land which never belonged to you and while doing that you take away the rightful clay of the people of these lands(like the French speaking parts of Bern and the French speaking parts which used to be under Berner rule).


Attached: rightfullithuanianclay.jpg (2124x2124, 588K)

>French speaking parts
this map isn't the best
I made it as good as i could