Drumpf strikes again

He has surely gone too far
Pregnant Latinas are my fetish

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>woman about to give birth
>rather than moving her back to her own country, she gives birth in America
>Congratulations, your child is a citizen!
Trump really is unironically this stupid, isn't he?

But pregnant latinx are so hot

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Hahaha you think an illegal immigrant who is pregnant for the sole purpose of shitting out an anchor baby was going to go back on their own?

How unbelievably stupid are you?

just push them down the stairs and save some time and money

Drumpf will deport this. Are you seriously ok with that?

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But they are so cute

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they are cuter with a bullet in their skull :3

How could you say that user? Are you a sociopath or something?

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If we were to end this automatic citizenship for being born on American soil, there'd be fewer pregnant illegals flying in to give birth.

>sole purpose of shitting out an anchor baby
I'm so sorry... you've never had sex. So, it turns out, it feels really really good, and actually, because we're animals, we want to have it naturally. Ever wonder where you came from? Ever wonder why you won't have any offspring? Sex!

You could have just said "Why yes, I am unbelievably stupid, user. How did you know?"

please post more pregnant latinas. I'm going shooting this weekend and need targets.

>shills try to push preg spic fetish on right leaning board
this is how retarded you are

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Why would you want less pregnant latinas?

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You just can't acknowledge the fact that thousands of Latina women hop their pregnant little midget meatball asses over the border just to shit out their anchor babies and abuse America's stupid sabotage immigration laws.

>because we're animals

Nigger detected. At least you're truthful about being an animal

>At least you're truthful about being an animal
Are you implying that you aren't? That's a real special level of retarded, champ.

Damn that bitch has a whole tribe in her.

just give them a conjugal visit.

NatSocs truly think they're the master race, well above the rest of humanity.

Fuck yeah. 2 for 1 deportations.


Humans are not animals.

If life begins at conception, doesn't that mean the child can't get birthright citizenship?


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damn, drumpf why?

Gas yourself. I am sure the trauma is in your DNA. Follow it.

tl;dr: Muh dick

Why should getting pregnant free you from crimes you did? Anyone can use that, anyone can decide to not get pregnant if they're in difficult life situation.

>implying ANY pregnant illegal looks like that

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There's no such thing as a non-pregnant latina.

Literally this

Anchor baby infestation must stop

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If the give birth at an ICE detention facility, are they born in the US or legally "at the border"?
I'd hope it's the latter, otherwise detaining and not deporting potential anchors is silly.

>she is preggo she is above all laws!!!

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Good. Nits become lice.

good launch all those pregnant fucking wetbacks across the border already

Absolutely disgusting. If they want citizenship so badly let them walk through fire. If they are truly Americans then God will spare them.