Devs March 29 >France to deploy troops in Manbij. Trump:We're coming out of Syria very soon. meanwhile US deployed Heavy military equipment to Tanaf >No Syrian military operation in Douma due to the large number of prisoners still held by JAI >Jihadist civil war intensifies as Zinki storms HTS areas in west Aleppo >Jewish group calls for Muslims to evacuate Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday >SAA now controls 87% of E Ghouta; currently awaiting Jaysh Al-Islam’s response to deal which has recently expired >Syrian army finds a network of tunnels and Israeli weapons in Harasta >Putin, Erdogan discuss preparations for Russia-Turkey-Iran summit in Ankara >SAA raises flag in Tal Rifaat, states YPG has no intention of turning over town to Turkish forces and that none have arrived yet either >E Ghouta; Underground hospital used by Faylaq al-Rahman discovered by SAA in Kafr Batna town >At least ten buses filled with 566 people departed E Ghouta for N Syria, less than 24 hours remain for evac deal >Iranian officer rejects Saudi allegation of supplying missiles to Houthis >W Idlib; RuAf targeted and destroyed an HTS ammo storage depot inside the town of Al-Hamamah >Ru troops enter town of Babila in S Damas to negotiate with rebels inside
Yeah you're right, Europe should have fallen to communism instead
Josiah Ross
In the last 3 months #Russia has increased its deployment in #Syria by 150% >2-4 cargo plans are landing in #Khmemeim AB on daily bases and not to mention the landing-cargo ships. >New fighters were deployed & air defense systems anti-ship systems EW systems ships-subs
Josiah Jones
French Foreign Legion vs TAF
Who wins?
Andrew Stewart
The only thing NATO does well is allow for decent arms deals tbqh, corruption notwithstanding.
Dominic Morgan
Adam Johnson
>lol you hate NATO you must be a commie *farts quietly*
Alright Macron, fuck it, if you wanna be the warmongering cuck, at least make this an opportunity to unleash the Jaguar. I badly want to see this kitten
By Allah, are the rumors true? What did Emanuel Bonaparte mean by this?
Nicholas Miller
Is that so? Considering the situation, Macron will probably send special forces there and not proper army units. So my point still stands, probably.
Joseph Smith
Well at least the Warsaw Pact knew how to build a wall can’t say the same about NATO
Elijah Russell
>France's Macron offers to mediate between Turkey and Syrian Kurds
rance has offered to mediate between Turkey and the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces, and assured the SDF of Paris’ support in stabilising northern Syria, President Emmanuel Macron’s office said on Thursday.
Speaking after Macron met a delegation from northern Syria that included the Kurdish YPG militia, Khaled Eissa, a Kurdish official based in Paris, said Macron had promised to send French troops to Manbij to support the fight against Islamic State and dissuade Turkey from advancing on the town.
The president’s office declined to comment on that.
They're already there. Azeriflag talked about private flights from France and the UK that shut off their transponders just before landing in Jordan a few weeks ago.
Charles Cook
Fuck france
Henry Walker
>France's Macron offers to mediate between Turkey and Syrian Kurds
Macron is a real absolute idiot. You guys should thank him for hammering the last nail to NATO desu.
Carter Brooks
Destroying NATO would make the world a safer place.
• France will "really soon" send new troops reinforcement in #Syria. • They will be stationed in #Manbij (nature of the troops still unknown) • France also promised to work on the return of refugees in #Afrin & said will now provide humanitarian and medical help to them 2/3
• A direct connection between french diplomacy and the Federation is now established • This military and political cooperation not only concerns #Afrin but the whole N-S Federation • It's the french ambassador in Ankara who shared this decisions with Turkish authorities
dead Frogs soon Also, there's no way in hell that the US didn't approve of this
Nathan Butler
Easy there turbo.
Christian Turner
so macron didnt have the balls to even call erdomeme himself and declare this? top kek.
>• This military and political cooperation not only concerns #Afrin but the whole N-S Federation lol they are still thinking Afrin arent they. poor delusional k*rds.
Xavier Lee
Of course. The top text is the fourth aya or verse in Surah Al-Fath الفتح. It means Allah is the host of both Heaven and Earth.
The bottom text says Air Force and Air Defence.
Caleb Martin
Nothing will happen, happeningfaggotry aside. It's just more ZOG troops to be stationed in Syria.
Benjamin Ward
jesus dude I appreciate the proofs to confirm your statements from the last few days/weeks, but dont get in trouble man
yeah, it's odd. Even in the winter you will often open or even get rid of your jacket when eating on the terrasse of a lodge in the mountain, or in ski lifts, when the sun is out. And in spring you can end up with those weird scenarios where it's suddenly +15 or more °C and still snow everywhere around. If anything the sun in iran should have even more power.
Ryan Ortiz
If Trump withdraws from Syria, the Deep State will stage a coup and arrest Trump for "Russian treason". Tanks will be rolling through Washington DC within hours.
Joseph Cook
>American and allied total inflicted casualties upon ISIS: >82,931+ Killed >Syrian, Russian, Iranian, Hezbollah Terrorists, and Shia Terrorist Militias combined inflictied casualties upon ISIS: >4767+ Killed America defeated ISIS.
Camden Brown
Turkish Airlines into the Eiffel tower when?
Thomas Myers
we need some musak. whose got musak. i'm looking for something nice an chill.. gimme your best shot, come at me bro!
Mason Walker
Stop. I can only get so erect.
Thomas Smith
We let ISIS walk away rather than fighting proper sieges. Once we entered empty towns we declared "victory".
surely, your 'everyone' doesn't include the innocent syrian civilians in refugee camps who have been suffering the ravages of the 'rebels' at al tanf (in the refugee camps)....
Surely it doesn't include the syrian people
and most of all, surely 'everyone' doesn't include the great and glorious assad, the illustrious tiger, the awesome lavrov, or even the magnificent putinsk (thats how the russians say his name)...
>we are in syria to fight isis! >but we dont actually fight we let them go with their weapons hmmmm
Jonathan Thompson
Because when terrorists are allowed to leave they magically become nice people. Good point. That sure saves the civilians who get bombed for months beforehand. Excellent point. You should be the National Security Advisor with that sort of incisive analysis.