Why are so many boys becoming girls? Is it video games? Or manlets?
Why are so many boys becoming girls? Is it video games? Or manlets?
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Well what other damn option did he have?
They put estrogens in the water supply. It's a population culling program. I'm not joking when I say to just buy the damn water filters.
It's life on easy mode for the next 20 years until you start melting an look like a 40 year old man in a shitty wig.
failed numales who couldn't climb up the evolution ladder of passing on their genetic material so they resorted to acting as the female in order to procure a mate.
Dude what the fuck? I know this person IRL. He's from Connecticut. Ask me anything.
Actually a number of mentally ill dudes who are balding literally take finasteride on top of hormones on too of multiple estrogen creams because they'd rather be a girl and have hair than be a bald dude. Yep.
You can tell he is balding. Look at that god damn forehead
how is he 5' 2"? lol
>transgendered girl
What does this even mean? Male to female or female to male?
I hate trannies as much as anyone but it's hard to blame him here. You can't even be considered a man at 5'2 anyways.
I don't know. Genetics?
What app are you using? Transmeet?
Roseanne's cookies
This is such a 20th Century issue, O.P. Get with the times, the latest issues are paedophila, bestialtity and cannibalism.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Soy products and estrogen in the water. When there are no more white (aka smart people) to take care of business all the people left will cry out endlessly.
how do filter out tiny hormone particles?
The only way to get clean is to boil, then acidify, then neutralize the way to make sure all the proteins are denatured.
Tinder. I don't like trannies.
Was it always obvious? Or did it happen over time?
We become what we hate. Young men in America resent their mothers for leaving or emasculating their fathers. So they themselves feminize.
Western society has decided that accepting degeneracy is so moral, that the natural progression is to encourage degenerate behavior...mankind's desire for acceptance from others fuels the fire, and now there's faggots everywhere
idk but that's hot af so I will smash boipucci.
female to male is practically non existant
Are you desperate for anything at this point?
How was his boipucci
It's almost like they are being conditioned somehow....hmmmm I wonder
> acidify
How acidic are we talking here? Give me the quick rundown
that is a girl right?
Can’t hide those fucking man hips
Nigger what the fuck I sweat people are so goddamn retarded kys
It’s like those fish that absorb sperm from the alphas by pretending the be girls and getting fucked
Yeah who would choose to live life on hard mode? I only play poe on hardcore. I'm one of "those people." If I was a woman I would tots trans to a man. Cus fuck it.
Single mother? Weak father?
...there are protein hormones and steroid hormones you mongoloid
people on here have gotten extremely stupid bcecause of the influx of boomers from twitter/facebook/alex jones
Look at how well it was to fuck with normies with that Q shit. Seriously they saw FBI user and they fucking take everything seriously. really look at this stupid faggot shit
>Why are so many boys becoming girls? Is it video games? Or manlets?
How the fuck does one come to this conclusion?
Where the fuck is your evidence that videogames are somehow indoctrinating/turning/convincing "men" into transsexuals
Eat several AID invested dicks OP fucking cocksucking faggot
I’d fuck that ass. Just say no homo afterwards for good measure.
how can i regrow my hair please? do I really need to take that shit?
Dont listen to him hes fucking retarded. Just filter your water to triple 0 ppm tested with a tds meter using either RO or DI methods and youre gucci
Protip zerowater tank, brita pitchers pured into it, youre welcome
>be boy
>demonized by society
>expected to provide for cheating whore
>be girl
>be protected class
>man will provide for you and you can suck his dick whenever you want
question is, why wouldn't you be a girl?
My guess is just a culture-shift
There have always been variations in genders such that there are “manly” women and “effeminate” males. Living at either extreme, while not normal, could at least be expected for some portion of the population. Those behavioral and phsyical continuums were not until recently correlated with “gender”. To an extent I understand why, since hormonal inputs control sex development, which includes physical and behavioral traits. Having a larger umbrella term to catch all these into makes sense, and on a scientific level is distinguished from gonadal sex. However, since this has entered the mainstream, it seems as though being to a certain side of the continuum is equated with actually being male or female. I don’t want to argue about the nature of identity or any of that shit, but if you change the way that you define and comprehend the development of sexual dimorphism, you’re gonna have males turning into traps pretty soon.
do you think youre getting dosed with insulin or someshit brainlet
What do you mean? Alex jones is more woke then you'll ever be le 56% man xd
Does she have a dick?
the molecules for both clases are too small to filter out and pretty resistant to denaturing. you need to use PH and not just heat
>ctrl f
>0 results
Its tumblr and the culture its created.
Its young impressionable boys who are lost in this emasculating man hating culture.
They dont know where they fit in or what they are. They lack strong male role models.
So they stumble onto this shit pn the internet, especially tumblr, and they start to think that they are women trapped in mens bodies because of how out of place and unwanted they feel in this society.
Fyi its not nearly as big of a movement as its made out to be, so theres that.
(Sexual) frustration
alex jones isn't "WOKE" hes a fucking kike dick sucker
legit looks like T1's gf coz of bigass chin lol
Look how mad and frustrated you are, trying to convince some guy on the internetz of ur biased opinion. Lmao!!!! Go play fortnite with your mutt friends.
this shit aint funny anymore
Someone post the John Calhoun mouse utopia experiments.
Is that a guy with boobs or a girl with a penis in the video?
if there were girls with penis i would not be shit posting right now
absolutely wrong you giganigga do you boil and alkalize/acidify your DI water in the lab?
So he really is a guy. Absolutely beautiful. Amo a los trapitos!
Con pito es más rico!
Men seek power and influence by their very nature.
Ever notice that most of these trans kids are small or weak men? They realize they're powerless in modern society.
They realize that:
With the sexual revolution, the top 20% of men get 80% of women. They're not the top 20%.
With feminism, women have gained an inordinate amount of social influence and power.
Marriages don't work anymore, the woman always gets everything in the divorce and the men get shafted.
Sex sells and for lazy men they see that hooker, strippers, porn stars, etc all make money for little effort.
This is why men are going trans. The problem is that they don't realize that female sexual value is fleeting, even more so for trans men. They all be king themselves by the time they hit 30
most trannies aren't even manlets
they're creatures like this
He probably got onto HRT early which stunted his growth.
He's succulent loli with a sausage between his legs. How easy it would be to manhandle him.
Xenoestrogens, lack of male role models/fathers, decline in patriarchy in general, spiritual perversion increasing, etc.
Was this a “yes”?
Best thing to look foward to in life is becoming some successful man's side trap.
I'd rail that until we both bled.
I didn't have a father, but I didn't become a trap. I want to fuck traps in the ass while stroking their feminine penises.
If the trap is feminine enough I don't see a problem
>Amo a los trapitos!
>Con pito es más rico!
I would do the same if I was this short.
Doesn't it sound cuter in Spanish? Trapito, trapito, trapitos. :3
>Trapito, trapito, trapitos. :3
or this
Mexicans are genetically short
is he hot irl? post pics I kinda wanna fuck him.
Nope. Look at those hips. Definitely not a woman
There are plenty of Jews about that tall who manage to get women.
Just become powerful within your sphere. It’s not impossible.
Just look at her hips...
>fucks the small smart one in the strong one's territory and then has strong and smart offspring
thats not how fucking genetics works
Don't worry Jow Forums, stay here telling me how degenerate loving that BP is, while I'm actually railing her(him).
So why are there more and more 5'4" white soyboi traps
Correction: Why are so many boys becoming faggots?
Culture is shifting once again. Manly men will be seen as the sexier sex soon, so much so that weaker men want in on the action.
Because being a girl is LITERALLY life on easy mode.
Ehh i see no point when you can just get a girl. I guess if he was cool i wouldn't mind playing some video game with him and maybe let him suck my cock a bit.
This. The guy played the hand he was given. Can't blame him.
The segment about fightclub says it all.
Drink your own sperm
>Chemicals in food and water
>Society encouraging transitioning
>Mothers encouraging transitioning
>Mother dressing boys like girls
>Abolishing gender norms
>Confusing kids
>Telling children women are better
>Punishing masculinity
>Rewarding femininity
>Media focusing on transgenders
>Social media focusing on transgenders
>get instant attention for wanting to be a girl
>Girls want to be a tranny's friend to virtue signal
>Curious/guys want to fuck
>instant minority status
>allowed to be proud of yourself as a trans but not as a man
>Doctors giving kids female hormones
>friends sharing medications
I got some bad news for you faggot...
The supply of quality women is very low, so there is an opening in the market. Some men recognized the opportunity and moved in the market to make the profit before the window closes.
>posting porn
Enjoy the ban you faggot cocksucker!
This question is getting kind of old, you already know why.
Balding is every man's rite of passage. You should be proud to go bald when it's your time. It means you survived the hardest years of life.
Hairfags all secretely wish to be women. Hair is for women and faggots. Are you both fags?
i dated a short tranny once...
little 5'0 100lbs... hotter than op pic.
more fem. and shorter.
nobody ever thought "omg it's a trap!"
they thought "omg is she 12? wtf you sick fuck!?"
"ummm excuse me? i'm 21..... gaaaawwwd."