Why is popular culture such unsalvagable trash?
Why is popular culture such unsalvagable trash?
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the goal is to demoralize, degenerate standards. allow for anything; permissive sex, broken homes, invasion. create more jobs for the gov't and TPTB.
any other questions?
I'm looking for clips of the movie Gummo on youtube and this idiot keeps popping up.
>democracy is best
This guy’s music is kino though
pop these niggas like a wheelie nigga yousa silly nigga in the hood wit them billy niggas and them hoover niggas
Reminds me of Mr Cool Ice, with the redundant identity tattoos
>I'm looking for clips of the movie Gummo on youtube and this idiot keeps popping up.
I thought you were just fucking around, but you're right, user. wtf
iffy nigga spotted
your great grandfather said the same about the rock and roll
your grandfather said the same about hardrockers
your dad said the same about whatever the fuck you where into
what's your point user? can't keep up? already too old to understand things?
>Real rap:
Being from Philly, I used to be all about Jedi Mind Tricks when I was younger, but after getting redpilled I realized they're all into Islam and stopped listening to them. Fucking shit, I can't enjoy anything anymore.
ZillaKami is better.
they were all right. are you arguing things are going in the right direction?
because of the mentally unstable focus on jews.
any people that COULD help improve pop-culture are as unsalvageable.
lose the jew obsession and you'll find your mind much clearer.
jews spics and niggers
>real rap
Nigger lovers gunna nigger love
And the answer to OPs question is so many people are retarded nigger lovers and nigger enablers.
>white rapers
women. also. nothing is new under the sun so get rid of this "modern" BS
You mean (((popular culture))).
We need to cleanse the machine, and start anew
>old man shakes cane at teenager
great thread
black nipples are fucking disgusting
no, i honestly don't care. i just made an observation and concluded that you are just out of touch and like to whine about it, just like every generation does.
nothing new user, its you, not them.
In all honesty though pop culture is a daily reminder on why you should hate democracy
Popular culture/music is rigged and used for agenda.
That faggot is gross. I'd kill him.
Get lost wigger
>i can’t enjoy anything anymore
That’s what happens when you go down the rabbit hole and take the red pill user.
>popular culture
you mean normie culture? because it's... for the normies...?
you do know if you were busy making your dreams come true that hopefully will contribute to society is some way, you wouldn't be wasting your time on 'popular culture'. Bitch, you'll be making what is known as 'popular' among the normies
No this user isnt wrong he just became older and wiser
>post malone
Pretty sure he’s Mexican
>Not realizing MAGA is the new Pop Culture
>Degeneracy has produced nothing but losers and drug/sex addicts.
Please OP. Have some self awareness.
Degenerates had their time.
This is our timeline now.
There is no real rap its all garbage you fucking wigger dumb cunt
not only were they right... who do you think owns record labels? lmao
>t. /mu/
you have to go back
Just because you don't appreciate it that doesn't mean it's trash.
That being said, social media influence and the music industry are kind of monopolised by the kardashians and a handful of record labels (respectively). This means that they have all the platform they could want to push their consumerist bullshit on kids and teenagers. Since these guys are an easy market to persuade, have a lot of time to waste on clicking garbage and have pocket money to waste on silly things, all we get in our current pop culture scene is stuff made for them.
Mainstream music doesn't really have any meaning behind it anymore, and that's probably because these producers decided that it doesn't need to. I really think movies have improved over the last year in that regard, so much that the kind of bullshit popcorn cheese we used to get in the 80's doesn't really exist anymore.
both wigger retards
whats your point?
rap is for cuckolds
Reason? Jews selling nigger degeneracy because they control all major media conglomerates.
no its trash you dumb fucking cunt
if you want good exceptional ones
Zack Hemsey
Rap can be poetry if it has meaning...
Fave actual poem:
Track 1: "asagagasgasgas bix nood"
Track 2: "oook-eeek-oook-eek"
And so on.
post malone is jewish
Jmt is a weird one, they always mention religious imagery, particularly that of Islam but to my knowledge neither of them actually practise Islam. I’m semi sure they’re only doing it to be edgy.
because Americans are like that. Has it crossed your mind?
the greatest
Daily reminder that this guy is a convicted pedophile.
The only good rap is Jewish rap.
>he thinks this is art
>not degeneracy
Everytime I look retarded Euros of all stripes are emulating vile nigger and nigger loving ways.
Repent and take your blame for emulating filth.
I thought he was given a free pass on that if he got his GED?
Because Europeans are like that. Literally read Plato on democracy
People are fallen and only grace of God kept civilization alive but people turned even against this
>Real rap:
Fuck off nigger
>IQ values plummet
>degenerated drug & sex praising culture rises
>people turn into trannies & fags
>people vote for liberals
It's all your fault America, thanks for importing this shit all around the world (and by America I mean jewish owned media moguls, white Americans are cool)
You're welcome, faggot.
>Just because you don't appreciate it that doesn't mean it's trash.
True, but this music IS trash, it has not the values art has to have, it doesn elevate me it doesnt give me meaning all it does is evoke the feeling of vomiting because this guy looks like a fucking niggerspic
would anything of value be lost if we no longer had hispanics and blacks in america?
This dude has less than a year to live he's pissing off a lot of people.
>Why is popular culture such unsalvagable trash?
Because we are literally living the kind of cultural & skill degeneration the Old Ones experienced in At the Mountains of Madness.
How does it feel to be right yet the whole world hates you for it?
Not gonna argue, we’re the initial victims and it keeps spreading. I like beats and therefore some rap, but I’ve also lived in an area 30% black, so I’ve seen how debased and toxic it makes things.
ease of accessibility to music creation, television making it about image and not technical ability/talent, a dumber audience, and rampant drug abuse all play their roles and bringing the shittiest music to the top of the charts.
I've been on Jow Forums for years and still a normie, grow some spine faggot.
If he got his GED & stayed completely clean for a couple years. Funny how he keeps changing the story in every interview he gives to make himself seem barely involved with it. Don't see how nobody that's interviewed him has pulled the record & called him on it.
He also says he "only uploaded the video for the clicks & attention". So he's marketing to the pedo audience.
because you're a 30 year old fat white retard that listen to random indie bands.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Not so good, because the world doesn't hate us as long as you keep our balls pinned to the wall with nails and by that I mean we are a vasal state of America.
Based bong. Love ya, dad
You gotta shoot heroin and smoke PCP in videos to stay relevant these desu senpai. Also preteens holding rifles helps too. I do like this song though (not based Tekashi69 the king of NYC and LA)
>catering to the lowest common denominator
what else do you expect?
>too old to understand things
>mfw every old person was right by saying that the shit I listened as a little brat was retarded nigger babble
I like this one better:
>You gotta shoot heroin and smoke PCP in videos to stay relevant
The true mark of timeless music or “art” that definitely will never be forgotten.
That's a dildo... A dildo he uses on himself.
t. backpacker
That guy's gotta be a pokemon.
because culture and society as a whole has become unsalvagable trash
How exactly did he get off scott free?
Tekashi is pretty based