Does anyone fancy a kebab?

Does anyone fancy a kebab?

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in b4 insufficient/destroyed evidence. just like all the others.

Just nuke the UK. Nothing of value will be lost.

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blood libel?

Nahh. Such things never happen.

You believe there's a concentrated effort to spout false atrocities that happen in Britain because?

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>Eat at sandnigger joint
>Meat tastes like pork

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Is long pig halal?

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Can't Do Nuffin Guvna, Don't Want to be seen as racist.
Fry the Kids, we Don't Want to be seen as racist.
Rape girls do wtf you like, WE Don't Want to be seen as racist.

How far will the UK government and people go before they get tired of this bullshit?

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Never, that would be racist.
And there is nothing worse than a racist.

Don't Want to be seen as racist.

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It's sad to watch you go, brother

the government know what they are doing and I think they are doing what they know best.
they will never go home, the muslims and black british are here to stay.
being mean to them will only make everyones lives alot harder.
I don't want a criminal record - and they can give you one for saying you dislike what is happening.

Well now that Britain is gone for good we can say mean things without fear of reprisal I guess. Monty Python is trite and the American Office was better.

Oi thas rite, noice and civil...

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viewed retrospectively a lot of comedy dates poorly.
for its time monty p was novel.

Hey what the fuck? Do you even have an opinion license?!

>being mean to them will only make everyones lives alot harder.
So you think these Muslims being imported from the Middle East and blacks from Africa are just going to be fine with assimilating and accepting Western values? If so you clearly know nothing about Muslims or blacks from the Middle East and Africa. You are not importing Canadians who know how to be civilized but rather you are importing literally fresh off the battlefield 3rd worlders who do not assimilate but rather conquer.

The reality is the UK/EU have imported literally the wost possible group imaginable with Islamist ideology they will not allow them to assimilate. You have virtue signaled yourself into destruction. Honestly, I think your mentality is common in the UK/EU these days and the Muslims know this. That is why they can literally blow you up at a concert and your cucked government, media, and cucks like you rush to protect your attackers. It is literally the Moorish invasions all over again and you cucks are inviting it.

It is truly time for you to die.

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I do, but it only covers classes A5 to H7.

And yet no outrage over Jimmy Savile

>worried about a criminal record
The absolute state of british "men"

>Implying the Moors were so dishonorable and that ancient Anglos were so gullible.
Don't you say that, those people actually fought back.

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Even if we point out what is going wrong and who is behind it, it doesn't matter. They deny it and call us racist.
being called one can cost you your job, your stead in the community and everything else
even your family can decide to leave you if they find out what you've said online
most don't believe anything that has happened

yes because I want to go to prison and be put on a ward with muslims because thats where they'll send you.


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>Eyes slowly shift to the Fin

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So cannibalism is now U.K. new policy?

110% accurate and based

So fucking what? Your choices are
>make noise, be called a racist, jail possible
>make no noise, die in your sleep
For fucks sake they can't imprison Everyone. If you do nothing, you're fucked. Do something, and it's terrible. There MUST be enough of you willing to say "fuck this, fuck that, fuck EVERYTHING I'm tired of losing my ancestral homeland!" What you're REALLY saying is "I am sufficiently distracted, and will obey as long as the crisps are restocked." Sad!

if a hundred thousand tommy robinsons woke the fuck up tomorrow and started shouting it would do something

Hungry people riot.
Sated people burp and shake their fist at the TV.

The way to save England is through the environment, this trumps most things now.

You want to build 20,000 new homes? but a colony of rare bats live nearby!

>Make noise, be called a racist
>get sent to jail, be attacked and possibly murdered by Muslims/blacks in prison once they find out you are one
>leave prison
>nobody will employ you because you have a hate crime conviction
>your internet access is strictly monitored.
>friends and family abandon you due to the social stigma
>Be watched by police

No it wouldn't. Because another 30 million people would denounce you and eventually you'd all get locked up or given community sentences.

If no more homes can be built then I have no doubt that white Britons will give up hearth and home to house the invaders, and when that room runs out, the expansion into the countryside will be spearheaded at that time by a people who have never uttered a single word in the King's English. I hate this idea, I've never even visited that county but the thought that my (hopefully white) grand children will have the idea of the UK as some overpopulated Island-of-India makes me ill. Your only hope is that the Scots hold out for a hundred years and the invaders all manage to starve.
You don't GET safety by playing by the rules. You're playing cards with a snobby gang leader 13 year old who keeps inventing rules to keep you losing. Flip the table, punch the bully in the eye. Will you experience some hardship? Yes! Will your grandchildren's grandchildren be white, English speaking Britons who aren't living in fear of shanks and Asian rapists? Yes! Did all the revolutionary genes leave with Yankees?

charlene steaks have a quintessentially british flavour

>Being chopped up and put into kebab meat is PART AND PARCEL of living in the UK

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when I visit the uk should I rape a girl?


What would Jesus do?

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