Left-Wing Rules Late Night

Why are there no conservative/right-wing late show hosts in America? You'd think FOX would have a competitor, but it seems they know it'd be seen as ridiculous.

I guess conservatives are too incompetent to host a main-stream late night show and be INTENTIONALLY funny.

Attached: Stephen_Colbert_December_2017.jpg (2080x2700, 871K)

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The producers of these shows are far left Jews. A right wing comedian would not be allowed on TV. Their advertisers would immediately be threatened with boycotts. Even Fox News deals with this.

Seems like cuckservatives have no power in media other than those (((WE))) allow.

TV is failing
There is a right wing controversial president
Naturally TV will profit off of the controversy

Most people with right wing views have to be in bed so they can go to work.

Liberal Jews own the flow of information.

Even through the Christian Church.

Indoctrination happens at every typical corner.

Faux news is controlled opposition owned by a democrat jew.
Hollywood persecuted conservatives with religious ferver so none of them even get a start in the business.
If you want to see conservative comedy I encourage you to look up Steven Crowder.
He is kinda like Leno was back in the 90s

Go on the internet man.

I know the guy, not a fan.

Once, he was supposed to go make a speech at a university. School gave the republicans $5k to host him, a foundation gave another $15k. The college republicans fucked it up, and Crowder tried to blame the university. That failed, so crowder had to do a free show to not make himself and the republicans look like idiots.

BTW this happened literally yesterday.

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They're not funny.

>haha gays
>haha leftists
>haha let's have a late night hate fest disguised as "fun"

We have Roseanne...

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Whateer I got fucking trips

fuck your mother, father and dieser verdammter spam filter

>Faux news is controlled opposition owned by a democrat jew.
Since when was Rupert Murdoch a Jew or a democrat?

>caring about the truth
>in 2018

The right found a superior strategy with Fox News/Talk Radio.

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Proud and self-respecting Europeans are barred from appearing on Jewish platforms. Morrakiu, who is perhaps the most famous alt-right comedian, can barely even keep a youtube page up without being banned.


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That chart says he's white.

The right has too much of a stick up its ass to handle the bantz. If you can't take it, you can't dish it out.

>dear god what have I done??!

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No it's just that conservatives have jobs to go to in the morning so they don't waste their time staying up all night to watch degenerate trash.

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Because Rightwingers have to wake up in the morning for work.

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fox should give a show to styx

I thought John Goodman died on the original show.

This is an alternate timeline

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We don't watch late night TV, we have to get up early for work.


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They own late night TV. We control the Memes.

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>Liberal Jews
I wouldn't call them Liberal dude

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