Remember to love thy neighbor Jow Forums

I know politics makes us want to kill each other sometimes but please remember to be kind

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Love is more than being nice.

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kindness is finite and reserved for those who deserve it

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This. Sometimes love pulls the trigger.

Fuck you and my neighbor as well... which is also YOU

appreciate the thought but disgusting jews own this place like any other and they have no intention of following that. if they did. we'd all be better and better off. but they dont. so ill make their lives a living hell on here

right on mate

You are my neighbor and I love you.

you're an idiot.
quit crying about jews.
you sound like a mental patient.

you told me to blame you for killing God. so i do. you made all the messes in the world. youre the opposite to my flag. which further implies when God said he will separate the SEED of the devil from that of women. and also when Christ said you were the sons of satan. i dont need to listen to you or to anybody. and you spend all fucken day personally belittling me and there's nobody who sounds like you but for my people. except for me. so stuff it
you too. yes. love your neighbour. but Christ hated hypocrites. and we are to fight darkness but also not throw pearls to pigs. so it's a finite balance. believe in Christ? youre my brother deserving of love. deny Him? you are Godless and deserve wrath

My neighbors blast loud music every night and scream at each other.

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you too as in i love you and not to stuff it by the way

please take your beans back.

Fuck off.

Let's amend the message of this thread to "Remember to love thy neighbor Jow Forums... unless they are a Jew".

It's not healthy to hold hate in your heart user

no worries bro; you're no JC but you have a good heart

only narcissists blame others.

you keep getting posts that end in six
thanks. and i know im not Christ. nobody is. in fact we're all so far gone we dont even deserve His sacrifice. but He did it anyways
pretty much this. Christ was so special and they killed Him. it's all we need to know. ill never forgive them

what if your neighbour is a nigger or shitskin?

What do you think we should think about mostly during Easter?

I have so many ideas, but maybe it's just as simple as preaching the Gospel (i.e. "the good news")?

I believe people should not be judged by the color of their skin but rather by the content of their character

Fuck you kindly neighbor!

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i think you have a great heart too. the greek word for cross is pole. and crosses are pagan symbols. so know that even basic stuff like this is attempted to be corrupted and lied about by people. easter bunnies and the real time of Christmas are wrong and satanic. santa claus and stuff. but yes. during easter we should be thinking and preaching gospel and trying to put self in Christ's shoes. so when we think we have problems, is somebody nailing a nail in our feet? in most cases they are not. is anybody going to die exactly like He did? who knows. and it doesnt matter. he is sinless. nobody is. and He died in the worst way. and we are fed by God. doesnt seem very fair but life isnt. and why isnt it? because humans are utter garbage. so it makes us realise what's important and that things are never cut and dry. i feel sorry for Him and love Him. not pity. just human empathy or emotion which many people are lacking. what we should be thinking about every day is how to marry Him. what i think about every day is how a woman could be so stupid as to directly disobey God literally two seconds after He told her what not to do. the man didnt do that. like what is it about them? this is why Christ is a man. and had nothing to do with them. and there's not a single vagina in the sky. and the biggest blasphemies and secret societies and the fake kikes go and organise through them. blow our dicks off for them. and say God is a woman. all for them

lel that's one homily I'll never ever hear at church

No hate against church. But what do you really need to preach? Having read something and thought about it, and maybe standing on top of rock in the ground so you can call it an altar?

this has really kinda fun here just now you and me and i needed this today. but it's not about me or an ego or anything else. bible says where two or more gather in His name, there beith He. so He's here right now with the both of us. one needn't say anything specific. but Christ is the sabbath. and God doesnt live in a building. when zion comes it'll come with Christ from above. but men think if they make these things with their hands then this is Godliness. it is not. also. baptism. Christ is the temple. so there was a time when baptism of water was needed. but again. he did not arrive like anybody else did. so His blood is our baptism

That's a christian value that is only applicable to other christians. Heretics and heathens need not apply. Deus Vult intensifies.

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Why did you need this today?
>His blood is our baptism
The things you say are so interesting. I don't know if you entirely have your mind in order, but it's always catfood for thought :3

holy fuck that webm

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Reminder that christkikes will be killed on the day of the rope.

Good luck with that. If you're lucky we'll conduct the process in an orderly and fair fashion that respects admissible differences in faith.

My local courts are run by Jews. It's kind of funny how they try to mitigate swearing an oath before God.


but my neighbors are chinks :(

>MFW a majority of shitskins are shitty people

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Weekend came early huh?

Did anyone died? I see one person(probably a woman) just lay there

Erryone has their own problems it cool, just don't make me pay for them

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i needed it today because just look at this board. it's unforgiving and unforgiveable. you are a bright part of it a good and well intentioned part of it though methinks. so i thank you. i dont wanna be a know it all. but the guy just above you. says meme words like deus vult. might mean well. but i MUST fight the satan frog. that frog is literally satan. and if all this shit ive said has been lied about by people then deus vult groups were too. absolute shit for brains hypocrites. i thank you for your compliments and send them back. also i just realised my ID is absolutely abhorrent. but that comes with the territory and i dont care. fundamentally numerology is a form of divination that is banned and the bible explains itself and this place is a ouija board. so my ID is not truthful. maybe it is like that to make my truth get lack of support in such a filthy place. for the same reasons i just said. my mind is fully in order. peoples mouths defile them. nothing else. i might believe that bestiality was the original sin. a form of sex. not many do. but mind games and psychiatry are all fake cover for spiritual problems that the same jews admitted only they have. i'd rather be truthful than interesting. what is it about a baptism in His blood that seems any bit 'off' to anybody? why do women bleed? why dont men? water means woman stuff. if one starts to add all these things together they make sense. women save nobody. children save nobody. nobody can save themselves. so look what we did. lied about it all and did the exact opposites. having kids is how we think we can live forever. but we were told we would. and then get kicked the fuck out. maybe that's when eve started to bleed and bible freaked out about that. circumcision is inward. we arent supposed to even eat meat that hasnt had its blood drained. so. He superceded all that womany stuff. died on a pole. like the tree they died on. and His blood saves. whereas all other blood is sin in certain ways

Same. First they party, then they fight and scream at each other. Then they party again until it's 9 in the morning

you will lick our feet and worship Christ or you will burn in a furnace

I'm a mirror.

>you will lick our feet and worship Christ or you will burn in a furnace

Not very Christ like user, remember to convert people through the holy word and not the sword

Were those doggos saved a from chinese meat factory?

One day, we shall feed the dog eaters to the dogs. All of them.

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what i said IS the word

For the record, the name kike comes from jews that would reject Jesus Christ as their king. Retard

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Jow Forums is a board of love and peace. Don't ever let anybody tell you otherwise.

I'll have to think about the blood and water thing, and also sexual reproduction. I have a lot to say about all that, even if my own thoughts are not organized to preach about it. They say one of the reasons we know the Passion of Christ is real is because blood and water flowed out after the Roman slave jabbe a spear in his side. If I were a real student, I would wonder what that really means, since it seems to be so important.

i dunno. no description in the youtube video. I sersiously doubt it. was probably old or weak or taking cover til its over.

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isaiah 40:17
also, who puts refugees? ill tell you. blowing up shit. lucky larry. and zionist bibi. not exactly culturally marxist now is it. all politics is a sham. for those too lazy to look it up, although one should never be lazy but come on. we're talking about Jow Forums. isaiah 40:17 says that God thinks ALL countries are worth less than nothing. and to go back to the circumcision is inward thing and not eating animal blood. i want to further outline the corruption of the fake jews some of who drink all forms of baby blood and even wang blood. theyre absolutely fucked. vampirism and pedo shit and always breaking rules. they ALL have long hair as males and they ALL cover their heads. that's all fucked up and wrong

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth

I'm finding it harder and harder to be kind to people these days

Esau had a lot of hair amirite

does it not mean what ive been saying? if anybody pricked me or any woman or any man, zero water would come out. but. unlike Christ. all these people and myself included sin. and were born of water. circles back to the baptism thing. the holy spirit helps us. do not be afraid. people used to not fear calling out females or kikes. and then kikes made up LOTS of bullshit about sexuality. and look what happened. so always say what comes to you unless it aids pigs

Start with what the Satanists do. Just tell them what's up and think it's their fault if they don't git gud. Then after that you can use your spare time to try to go out of your way to help them along.

t. former I guess Satanist or whatever it was that got weirded out by how everybody else wasn't playing on the same gameboard.

>dumping a bucket of water on an oil fire

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red complexions are good. long hair on men is bad. yes i do believe esau had lots of hair but it was faked at one point. and God hates Esau. but it focussed on the fact his whole body was red and hairy. like the red heifer which is nowhere in the bible. body hair is fine. long head hair is not. maybe even he had had short head hair. cant really fake that as easily as body hair

Just some advice boys for whatever it's worth but I think you shouldn't let politics taint your world view. Quite often I'll see people dropping a show or music artist because they support X or donated to Y. Allowing politics to influence how you view everything is not healthy. There's a time and a place for it. You'd be amazed how much happier you'll feel when you stop focusing on who's left wing, right wing, republican, democrat, etc.

I guess that one's going to go into one of my browser tabs until I need to re-read something while I'm eating breakfast to think it back over.

Thanks tho. I've saved some of your posts in a special file in case I think of a connection I want to revisit.

When I was like 5 my dad was frying some fish outside and the first thing he told me was stay away from that, and second if it catches on fire do not throw water on it. But I guess black people don't have dads

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all the best. cannabis helps and is in bible too as being a holy anointing oil (kaneh bosm). but it's illegal for the most part in your flag

oops. red heifer is biblical and ill admit esau is tricky for me

I used to be part of the drug trade in my country. That was a good wake-up call, but it also means I don't have too many problems when I have to stop and wonder about what pharmakeia is supposed to mean.

fuck off. i wont also fuck christkikes

Fuck off Jewnigger.

>I used to be part of the drug trade in my country
I don't think of pharma as any different, tbqh. Dealers making a profit, handing out a fix, innit?

You didn't have to be religious to lead a moral life lads.

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Yet Jesus was himself a kike.

youve reformed yourself lots. did i read when you spoke to somebody else that you used to be a satanist? why did you ask me about esau's hair? man made laws and traditions are wrong. it's a plant not a drug but not mandatory and i dont see much wrong with what youve been saying or doing. at all. nobody's perfect. and youre making amends. i feel like a bucket of shit being a faggot sometimes. everybody has an idea if theyll be saved or not. i dont. i dont believe "homosex" is a sin. other things are and i was blamed. but still. i do like the love. any love. love for Christ. and really i dont think ill be condemned for it. just look at david and jonathan. also edited and covered up nonsensically. but for many years people just go on and on about the most vulgar vile things that it makes me feel like a cum dumpster sometimes. oh well

I love you OP

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I was only in to interesting things. Gave a lot of it away for the most part. Seeing how the money game on drugs worked was pretty much as much of a redpill on the love of money as watching some close friends die or go to prison or get messed up with murder charges or whatever else.

I like you a lot more when you aren't angry, I get why it's hard to reel it in.

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no they won't

thanks. is there a such thing as righteous anger? i dont think so. because as the bible says. no man is righteous

Some say Heaven is like a table where everybody sits down together and there's all the food you want. Everybody is happy.

Some say hell is exactly the same, except everybody is chained to the table. Everybody is miserable due to this eternal punishment. If we wind up chained to each other I guess we can try to bantz to pass the time for all eternity and it won't be as bad as it could be.

Thanks lad I love all of you guys and wish you the best. We're all gunna make it

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Hell is being stuck in a hospital waiting room with nothing but Time magazines from 1997 and a TV playing daytime TV on mute with delayed closed captioning. At least that's my hell

>is there a such thing as righteous anger?
I don't think so. I think anger taints perspective and intention. I've worked on transmuting it into laughter. Which also taints, but I think it's a more positive avenue.

>reminding me about my grandmother
but she doesn't know how to shitpost on the Jow Forums table together. what's your personal hell?

that's pretty deep. remember as well though. that as God feeds the birds in the field He also feeds His children. right in the here and now. but yes. hedonism of any form is a bondage. sin and death are the ransoms and prices for this slavery we gave ourselves. so we should worry not even about finding food. we should work for it. but nor worry about the shackles we put on ourselves. this earth is a test and temporary and is not hell itself. nor are our bodies. but our bodies make us sin. and we marry to prevent fornication. and if somebody squawks in my face. then all theyre doing is rattling their chains. their bodies. their sins. not married to me and trying to yank mine

bang on. just know that there is no laughter in heaven and the satan frog is a blind and laughing demon. but. the way you typed that was excellent and you should feel good about yourself. can i ask you why you said that thing to me about liking me more when im more neutral? i honestly didnt think i was liked at all. not that i need to be. but what this is is i said how and why people anger me. but i should have capacity to rise above it. and i try to

Feel bad for them. They got the worse end of the genetic stick. Don't hate them just don't fuck em. Don't hate them but don't change your culture for them. Get what I'm saying?

I'm always glad when people like you post who don't use English the same way that native speakers do. It makes you have to stop and try to figure out what your words mean.

No tower of Babel for me. It might as well by called the Babylon system for intermediating the economy.

>can i ask you why you said that thing to me about liking me more when im more neutral?
Your intention comes through more clearly. It's not masked by vitriol.

Chinks are not human.

Too bad the rich can't love us and pay their fucking taxes so we wouldn't be serfs.

((the rich))

(((they))) don't play in the same system the rest of us do

Watch it. It's good entry level material about what's really going wrong.

Which includes the corporations because they're people too, greedy assholes but still people.

i was wrong about no laughter in heaven by the way. and ok. thanks. i understand
im not a non native speaker of english. if that is what is thought of me that is also fine. im not trying to get you to disbelieve in the confusion of languages by talking in a certain non traditional manner

Corporations are only legal fiction people when it's profitable. In all other cases, the losses are socialized and they are indemnified against injury.

That's why the government became a corporation.

So they're basically niggers.

>i understand
Yeah, you're better than you think.

>implying that wasn't staged specifically for that effect

More like Jews. Niggers couldn't invent such a complicated system. They'd just mutilate genitals and start necklacing whitey or whatever.

South Africa, for instance wouldn't have any chance of engaging in the dimension of horror that it does without the Jews installing global communism. It would otherwise be kindly settlers growing food and sharing it with jungle peeps.

i dont like the word understand. it means somebody is standing on my head. but i also dont dislike myself. ive been a bit "too" honest in here maybe. but i understood your concepts. the Christianity behind some or most of them. and not much else. thanks for saying im better than i might come across as believing. but fundamentally i trust nobody and i think human nature is innately evil