Something that I always see is the British constantly trying to influence American gun legislation.
Every time the gun debate heats up, there is always some British Musician or TV personality who does an interview about it or shows up at some protest.
No other nationality on Earth seems to do this. I'm not hating on Britain. I'm just wondering why do they always feel compelled to jump in? It's odd. Americans generally don't give a fuck what the British do.
nearly every TV personality in britain is a cosmopolitan limousine liberal, that's why
Christopher Miller
so if the TV personality is attacked by a spork wielding maniac, it will be defended by bodyguard lic to carry what, sporks?
Kayden Price
It can't be that simple
Isaac Allen
Perhaps it’s the subconscious idea that the US is still covered under the flag of Britain
Charles Brown
Its becuase we care. but its nothing to do with us ofc USA never tells us what to do with Royals
Dylan Ortiz
British media is some of the most heavily (((controlled))) alongside yours and despite the massive rises in gun and knife crime here the average person shrugs it off saying "at least we aren't like American where any mad man can have a gun!". Christ, I wish we had the right to bear arms.
Joshua Torres
You fundamentally misunderstand the British character. We're not actually particularly interested in America or gun control, but central to the very notion of what it means to be british is a complete assurance that you right about everything at all times. This is bought to a pitch of perfection in Piers Morgan, who is the quintessential Englishman. Since we have adopted gun control, that means it's the only possible correct system. We don't have any nefarious intentions, just a God ordained mission to bring our enlightened philosophy to the less enlightened savages of the world. That attitude hasn't changed since Victorian times and runs through the core of every single Brit you'll ever meet.
But they never go as hard on anything else. Guns, for whatever reason seem to drive them fucking crazy
Jackson Russell
American Media believes that a British accent implies greater intelligence and authority, and if this sophisticated European believes its bad it must be.
On the Royals. Why do guys keep that system in place? They don't really do anything, and it seems like a waste of money and resources to house, protect them, and fly them around the world to shake hands, and not really do much else.
Then again, I'm an American. We've always been anti king and queen
Jordan Fisher
Even british ecelebs get involved. Sargon yesterday held a debate with Europeans
Hudson Phillips
It's because you don't understand soft power. The Royals are diplomatic weapons, Prince Andrew has done more to advance British business interests abroad than any other single person in the world. It's why we protect him despite the fact he's clearly a pedophile.
Adrian Brown
Remember that time we faught and won a war so that we don't have to listen them anymore? Who gives a fuck. Now we're sick of bailing them out of every world war they start.
We literally could not give a shit about anything you do in your country if it doesn't effect us. You are seeing grandstanding celebrities trying to make an opportunist name for themselves, nothing more.
Nathaniel Nguyen
London in a nutshell, it's just another new york type city but in Europe. Opinions on guns and whatnot are different in the rest of England/Scotland/Wales.
Jordan Smith
Ah. So could they be likened to really good "lobbyists?"
Grayson Ramirez
Well the whole World is turning into Murrica so wh yshouldn't they try to influence american politics.?
Logan Campbell
That's kind of what I'm thinking. But again, I never see them get as riled up on anything else.
>opinions on guns are different in England, Scotland, Wales. Elaborate. Help me understand it.
Justin Myers
They're not like REEEEEEEEEEEE GUNS ARE BAD it's either >we should have them too >it could be cool to have >I'm indifferent At least in my experience thats been the case whenever i talk about it to others. London is very different to the rest of the UK. Very very different. Problem is all of our media is done in the capital meaning everything that other countries see is basically London, meaning you get their opinions, demographics, etc.
Nathaniel Torres
Yeah, that sounds startlingly similar to the US.
Jace Ross
most people here think your gun laws are insane
Brandon Miller
they gave up theirs, and now have to justify their shitty police state so they try to convince us it was a good idea and that we should do the same.
although didnt we have that thing a while back where we said "no" to following stupid british laws?
Nathaniel Fisher
[Whispers]their gun laws are insane
No civvie needs a fully automatic assault rifle in reality. Come on.
Nathaniel Rivera
>bill of needs
Hudson Bell
Faggots gon fag son
Wyatt Martin
I hope this is just a lame imitation of John Oliver and not what you actually believe.
Noah Gutierrez
When your rights infringe on other people's right to be safe then it complicates the issue. Assault rifles make it far too easy for some disillusioned madman to vent his fury on random victims. I agree with guns for defense, but there's a limit.
Nolan Nguyen
Literally this The British way is to try and make everywhere equally as awful as London so everyone can moan all the time
Christopher Cruz
Your rights end where my feelings begin Your right to free speech is infringing on my right not to be offended
Tyler Carter
Because they're fucking terrified. Unlike immigration, taxes, and other laws, it's the only issue in which they think requires no more nuance other than "guns r bad!"
they are commanded by the same puppeteer so they are quickest to use when needed.
Thomas James
Also, bear in mind that guns are so absent from UK culture that the mere sight of one is enough to scare most Brits outright.
Thomas Kelly
(((The media))) uses personalities with British accents because Americans subconsciously perceive them as smart, and are therefore more likely to accept the narrative.
Brayden Martinez
>literally incapable of defending himself >relies on the police state that wants to enslave you for protection I can't wait to get out of this awful country and sit back and laugh at you from a distance as you're forced into room 101 for wrongthink
Ethan Sanchez
Are the UK denizens terrified about all of these "hate speech" laws? Or do they embrace them?
Kevin Hill
Guns scare anyone anywhere you bravado-spewing moron. Unless you're a literal retard who doesn't realise what it is then you're going to be wary of one unless a friend is holding it.
Wyatt Anderson
A lot of people make a lot of noise about it on both sides, but those in power embrace it, as must you if you don't want to be imprisoned. >Is afraid of guns fucking labourite city boy. Kill yourself
Ayden Carter
Because someone, somewhere, keeps paying attention to them?
Noah Myers
>right to be safe no such thing. people are responsible for their own safety in a free society, otherwise let's just ban everything and place everyone in their own padded cell.
John Turner
Hey lads, I’m trying to redpill a Brit friend. Anyone got that webm of the lad asking Pakis can anyone be British?
Austin White
Nobody is afraid of a gun when they're holding it. Nobody is afraid of a gun when someone they trust is holding it. Put it in the hands of a stranger? Watch their blood pressure rise? It's human nature you fucking brainlet, a natural reaction to a deadly weapon. Not replying to you again.
Anyone can be British though. It's a kike label to mix us all together. Can anyone be English? The answer is a big NO
Gavin Bailey
>I agree with guns for defense, but there's a limit. and what limit is that? what's the limit on aggression? a gun for defense and a gun for offense are the same gun, the only difference is context and the nut behind the bolt. i have lots of guns, none of them have killed anyone. same goes for over 100 million other people. why should their responsibility be rewarded with having their rights stripped because of what is essentially a statistical anomaly?
Brody Hughes
Yeah but that’s the point, the chaps asking , then he says “ok...and can I be Chinese”were he gets a resounding “no”
Parker Fisher
A gun is the same as any weapon, it's no more dangerous than the man holding it I guarantee I'm more of a danger to you while holding a pen, then you are to me holding a gun >That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. ― George Orwell Congrats buddy, you're literally a pawn of a state that hates you, enjoy your prison term
Kayden Watson
Because our leftist are just as fucking annoying as yours. In fact I'm convinced that they are in league with each other. As you point out there is always some limptard British lefty at your leftist *insert event*, which your leftist like to make out this is the view of all civilised European Nations. And our leftist always pick the exact same talking points as your leftist as to make whatever none event drivel look some how important and relevant. Really made me kek after trump became chad in power, they were all spouting the same bullshit you're Communists were saying, you know how he is racists, sexist.. Whstever ist' it was that day and how "we should impeach him". I literally had to point out to them that they lived in another country.... Real. Fucking. Retarded. So, yeah I get that you always see " us" the way you do, but its like saying Hollywood represents the US, or commifornia or jew york.
Sorry kiddo, not true at all. I live in a state where concealed carry is ubiquitous and open carry is relatively common. When I see someone open carrying that isn't a police officer I don't tremble and wet my pants because I don't feed into the Goyvision Mediastream™ News like you do. Learning to recognize the difference between a lawful citizen and some gangbanging nig or other threat isn't that hard.
British and American elites formed a tight bond around the turn of the century, when the American elites began to have more in common with British elites, than with lower-class Americans in their own country. The fact that they both spoke English was a big factor in the creation of the strongest relationship between two countries on earth. But they both also come from the same legal heritage.
Jordan Foster
Funny you say that because you'd expect Scottish and Welsh identity to be the same but it's not. They try push the civic angle for Scottish but it's never ever done for English. I'm not entirely sure why it is (not that i'm complaining).
Colton Martin
I couldn't give a fuck if they forcefully bred us English and Welsh and Scots together. Even the Irish could join in. We are so similar genetically we might as well be the same ethnicity anyway. But this *British* shit gave them a clear path to mixing any old filth from all across the globe into our island.
Kevin Rivera
Americans in most don't give a fuck about anyone. They just live, eat, shit and fuck their slobby asses.
Josiah Mitchell
>In fact I'm convinced that they are in league with each other. That's absolutely true
Nolan Sullivan
Thats not entirely true but yes, "British" is an artificial label and is utilised as such. It doesn't help that foreigners (mostly Americans for some reason) think British = English either.
They didn't get our guns the first time, so they try again every chance they get.
Brandon Scott
>I couldn't give a fuck if they forcefully bred us English and Welsh and Scots together.
Because you lot are the majority by tens of millions. Drop in the ocean. If we're going by genetic similarity then let the Dutch and their Maghrebi overlords annex the Southeast and we'll give the Isles to sc*andi cucks so they can fill them with somali unmen.
Naw yir no.
Ethan Cooper
The redcoats never came for your guns you fat faggot. Fuck's sake, you lot would still be under the crown had the King any authority left by the late 18th century - was parliament you revolted against.