Kurt Eichenwald has a sad

No, he didn't have a seizure this time. It looks like Kurt can't be happy when someone else is having a good time.

Roseanne Barr is fresh off the successful debut of her television series. Can Kurt congratulate her? Nope. Can he say something nice? Hah!. Can he just ignore her? Pfffft! This time, he's reached all the way back to 2009 and chosen to kvetch about this photo from some satirical magazine.

A C T U A L L Y C R Y I N G!



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Other urls found in this thread:


>6 gorillion
>shut it down

this guy is a living meme

They need to be taken off the air.

Stop giving him attention

damn it Kurt, Metokur video delayed another two years

She's a fucking Jew as well.

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>Burnt Jew cookies
I kek'd

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How does this guy eat so much shit on twitter and keep coming back for more? Disgusting.

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is there a split within the Jewish community that we aren't aware of? I've been seeing the Jews attacking each other a lot lately, more than ever before.

Never 4get

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he's right. I can barely type this over my tears. my great grandfather was mad into oatmeal cookies in the holocaust. he was only 10 years old. they stuck little raisins in him. oatmeal cookies should be outlawed.

Yes there is. It's nationalist jews vs globalist jews.


Oh right he is this guy


Jim's gotta have to add this to his video.

Tell me again how the fuck is this guy still relevant after the hentai shit?

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Distance is pretty great, although not without his flaws.
B-Chiku isn't one of his better works though. Kurt's got entry level taste.

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>I couldn't find any tentacle porn
The only way to fail at finding literal tentacle porn on the internet is to not try. You could find all the tentacle porn "proof" you could ever want with a Google search of "tentacle porn"

I'll never understand how people can turn the Holocaust into a joke. It's not funny. It never will be funny. It was the world convulsing upon itself and pining for self-destruction. It was the worst of humanity. And it is exceptionally horrifying to picture people making light of the suffering of so many. This board is completely fucked and morally bankrupt.

I have huge holes in my family tree because of hitler and the rest of the nazis. It's a fucking travesty that you people honestly can mock Kurt and us fellow relatives of survivors. Fuck you Jow Forums.

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It's a shame they didn't kill your parents before they shit you out, memeflag.

It terrifies me how much society at large still seems to believe that Jewish
People are an acceptable target. If most other minority groups were subjected to the casual aggression directed at the Jews on a near-daily basis, I'm quite sure that there would be a HUGE outcry. I live in Canada, and, unfortunately, First Nations people are talked about in the exact same way by a disturbing amount of white folks here. :(

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Im getting really horny with the idea of dead, burned and mutilated Kikes and i totally agree with you, i can't understand the joke, it's clearly an aphrodisiac

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Roseanne is Jewish. Not that long ago it used to be OK to make politically incorrect edgy jokes. Have people forgotten this?


this was the beginning of the end. We lost the battle of gay = lame.

>wanda dykes

baffling that people unironically believe 6 million jews were systematically gassed by nazi germany
i'm not even memeing, it genuinely confuses me that people still believe this in 2018

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hahahahahahahaha that's amazing

It's hard to tell ppl otherwise , you will be called a nazi instantaneous

is this the seizure | tentacle hentai fella?

Fucking control freaks !!!!!!!

>Samurai Jacks off
Yeah it's the same (((fella))).

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A living meme
Poe's law incarnate

I love this board and its people

> my sons' great uncle
what did he mean by this?

>that pic
What debate?

Good question. My guess is that the supposed death was on the mothers side.

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Can this melodramatic pedophile get locked away already

>Not. At. All.
>Shut it down

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Kurt Eichenwald exemplifies professional malcontent at its worst. He's trying to get this started too. And of course he'll lay off as soon as he realizes no one else is interested.

>remember the 6 gorrillion, Goyim!

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the fictional one between emma and drumpf you antisemite

just wait for Jim's video


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Kurt Shitenwald is mentally ill

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Dumb it down

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>I'll never understand how people can turn the Holocaust into a joke
its quite easy m8

Two jews are arguing, suddenly one throws a soap at the other
- Hey ! dont mix mother into this!

How many jews can be put in the newest Ford Fiesta?
105. 5 in the seats and 100 in the ashtray.

Goddammit, that was gay as Hell.

>that filename

Attached: Thus Spake Goblina.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

>nobody has offed this pathetic kike yet

stop it.

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>my kids and I
>my wife
>tentacle porn

What a wholesome family conversation.

>photo from 2009
>Roseanne is also a Jew

Kurt has some serious mental issues. I wouldn't be surprised if he's on heavy doses of anti psychotics, and if not, probably should be, or needs to up the dosage. The guy is one of those liars that is so bad, that EVERYONE knows he's lying but he's convinced himself that since nobody can actually PROVE it with hard evidence... that it's impossible for anyone to know he's lying. And he's such an insufferable annoying prick that people just don't even bother anymore and just smile and nod. Wonder what kind of dirt he had on people at NYTs though that they let him get away with paying that underage kid with no repercussions.

He's living proof that a jew can get away with anything

>caught with cheese pizza
Oy vey, it was for research

>puts an innocent man in prison
Oy vey, he sent me a weaponized gif

>gets caught looking at hentai
Oy vey, I was showing it to my wife

I wonder if Kurt Eichenwald ever laughed at an Irish potato joke.

That was gay.

lmao, Roseanne is based.

american jews are the worst jews

Yep, some Jews have bought into the anti-goyim agenda because they actually believe that all humans are equal regardless of race.

john goodman in disguise whiteknighting for roseanne.

>goblina pukes on stage
>these retards clap
What the fuck is going on in the world these days?

Its a facade to give illusion of non cohesion.

They are very wel cohenected user. A jewish word its a jewish trick.

>couldn't find any
Are we to believe this jew doesn't know how to use Google? Poor liar for a jew

He is a jew user. He only cares of things demonstrable on court.

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Can't wait for that metokur vid.

>meme flagger
Checks out

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ikr, insensitive bastards. situation clearly calls for jazz hands

Thanks Wanda Sykes

They need to start selling those cookies.