Police show an unbelievable amount of restraint as the family grapples and pins them.
Police show an unbelievable amount of restraint as the family grapples and pins them.
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I wonder (((who))) made this thread. Nobody likes Jews OP.
Police even existing is proof that society is not free to defend itself.
the state of murica police, they cant even stop south american grannies
Top kek
Not muslims, they are a pastors family for fucks sake they are spics. The woman has just got her head covered.
The Worldstar comments:
>Man these police are ruufles killing all our young black kangz!
>Lol these police is bitch made, can't do shit to a strong PoC family who fights!
>The fuck you mean they blew Jerome's head off!? HE DIDNT DO.NOTHING.
lol @ those loser pigs.
I hate the police. I wish that balding prick had taken some punches to the face.
The video is titled "The Muslim family attack the police" Typical pro-police jackoff framing things a certain way. All I saw when I clicked the video was the police being violent the whole time and using a myriad of weapons: baton, pepper spray, TASER. The family tries to get him to stop and that's considered "attacking the police" lol.
White people. *shakes head* They consider resisting arrest to be trying to move your face away from a police officer's punch.
The police in Xinjiang China have disappeared scores of Uygher muslims for less than that. These fucking sandniggers don’t know how tolerant we all are of their bullshit. I hate them so much, and us for liking them.
Those kids pinned the officer and snatched his weapons. They're lucky they survived they should be publicly executed. Teach other PoC that you never never fight with officers because you are 100% going to die one way or the other.
>arrests taking place
>attacking the officers
>taking their gear
>lol why are the police even being aggressive
kys degenerate
I'm with you man. Only the lowest of the low tier nigger scum fight with officers of the law. Their problem is they have no respect for the white man's law any more, gotta learn em some respect again.
Agreed, these don't seem like Muslims either more like Catholic mystery meat from south of the boarder. In a society you must either obey laws or fully commit to changing the ones you see as wrong. People like to half ass it and it just makes it a problem for everyone. Those who want to lawfully act but don't like a specific one; those who simply want to enforce existing laws to maintain order. These types go their whole life committing illegal activity causally, no respect for the land or the law. Then act like victims while being the aggressor, like Negros.
The video title made me laugh, like the family "attacked" the officer.
Then you click the video, and it's some typical piece of shit cop being violent, pulling out a baton, pulling out his pepper spray, pulling out his TASER....
Pro-police people are such liars. An accurate title would be neutral like, "Family and police officers" fight, but the pro-police LIARS just had to frame it their way.
It's scary how much white people support their police officers. Remember the Walter Scott shooting? Dude got shot like 30 feet away in the back by Slager, and a member of the jury said, "I refuse to vote guilty for Slager."
White people want their pigs getting away with murder. That's how much they support 'em. It makes me sick. Fuck the police.
faggot they speak spanish in front of a "church" very muslim you burgertard trolljob clown
You better be trolling. Ganging up on a police officer like that should be several years in prison.
>american police are too weak and cant stop anyone
>american police are too brutal and kill or beat anyone who opposes them
every time I see this memeflag it is shit posting harder than BLM flags.
>more like Catholic mystery meat from south of the boarder
They're fucking gypsies. The most deceitful and disgusting creature in the known universe.
They are speaking spanish
how would you know? Portuguese isnt spanish
>Guy's there's kids.
Ohh well fuck guess crime is legal then
>Spanish speaking muslims
But is very close
>The family "attacked" the officer
Provide a definition for "attacked" that you agree with, then explain how it doesn't apply here.
>Typical piece of shit cop
How do you figure; what about this individual cop leads you to believe that?
>Being violent
You expect him to be passive when they're attacking him and taking his gear?
>Pulling out a baton
Yes, to try and keep them away from him and the vehicle. This is standard practice to try and keep groups away from you. What would you prefer?
>Pulling out his pepper spray
After he was attacked, pinned against the wall, and they stole his taser.
>Pulling out his taser
When you meet aggression, that's what it's there for. You expect him to just sit there and let them attack him?
>Pro-police people are such liars
What lie has been told?
>Neutral title would be "Family and police officers fight"
No, it would be "Law enforcement officers encounter resistance during routine arrest and have to call on their training to properly respond." But that's to long so "Family attacks police" is accurate, officers went to make an arrest, family attacked them which escalated the situation.
>It's scary how people defend law enforcement officers
Third world countries are chaotic hell holes, humans support law enforcement because they enjoy order to avoid becoming that.
>Remember this unrelated incident that I have to call upon to make my unfounded bitching sound more credible?
>It makes me sick
If you're not an edgy larper or underage repeating things you heard. Then your existence is a threat to our society, and would not shed a tear if you where put down like the filth you are. Order is required for a society to function, when you go out of your way to cause problems (without any valid objections) you're a threat, a stain.
more or less
I'd say they did fairly well considering how many people where mobbing them. Could of been a lot worse, if it wasn't two fit male officers it probably would of been.
why didn't the cops just shoot them all starting with the women filming.
I agree.
This seems fake to me. They all should be dead.
Do gypsies normally dress up formally and attend functions like that instead of staying among their own in caravans venturing out only when they need something? Do we know where in the USA this is taking place, does anyone have additional information? Otherwise it just seems what you'd see in most of the southern states. Mystery meat mutts is the new normal of this once great country.
Agreed, their life was in danger multiple times during the encounter and they could of easily been killed
>Do gypsies normally dress up formally and attend functions like that instead of staying among their own in caravans venturing out only when they need something
I knew one that did, but I have no idea where and what they do. Some gypsy that lived next door to me (actually a pretty gifted hacker, had a lot of interesting tactics) used to put on a suit like once a month and go out with his family.
This exact thread is being made multiple times a day. This is a slide thread.
Literally the most annoying part.
I see why the call Jihad 'the struggle'
>Because they always fucking lose.
>gypsy lived next door to me
Are they still gypsies if they settle down and join the society? The area I live has a huge amount of vagrants/travelers and they normally stick to their own outside theft, drug dealing, sexual assaults etc other criminal behavior
>The video title made me laugh, like the family "attacked" the officer.
There are four elements to criminal battery:
>Touching which is harmful or offensive.
>Contact was to the victim's person.
>Intent, that the act was deliberate.
>Causation, that something happened as a result of the act.
The video says it was added 9hrs ago
fuck your agenda
They were squatting, I think. He was jacking my internet by spoofing the router through a wifi intercept. They only ever slept like 6am to 11am
>gets pinned against the truck
>gets free
>gets pinned against the building again
Shoot them you stupid faggot.
They don't caravan much in the US, but the families do stick together both figuratively and literally, as you saw them do with the cops.
They are great at fraud. I'd love to see stats on the number of phone scammers with gypsy genes.
Also, their yard was permanent yard sale status; clothes on racks, random records and cds and shit. Just outside all the time, in Wisconsin.
Du dreckiger JUDE, du sollst 1000 tode sterben.
" You filthy JEW, i hope you die 1000 deaths. "
>They were squatting
Ah alright, gypsies can be pretty creative - like most folks without a determinant residence, urban survival skills
They’re frequently involved in paving scams.
he had all rights to but didnt
>Staaaaahp there's kiiiiiiiiiiids
I don't know man, the amount of RVs is pretty similar to a caravan, at least around here. Some RV parks are filled with 'travelers'
>gypsy genes
I was under the impression that 'gypsy' is generally applied to any group who doesn't settle down/is a traveler. But the public image people have is of those in Europe who're almost descended from the Negro mixed 'untouchable' caste from when they migrated out of India
Those are Mexican Catholics you retard
It's blatantly obvious. Fuck these rats they should have been shot 20x in the first 3 minutes of the video.
Funny how sarcastic she sounds when saying it
the officer made a fool of himself
>staaaaaaawp :3
To be fair, it's become a trend among USA police officers to use less force then they where trained to out of fear of being screwed in the courts; during a baseless accusation. A lot of the courts awarding multi-million payouts to families whose kids dindu nuffin has them spooked.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.
they fucking mobbed the cops and put their hands on them numerous times. that's assault you dipshit, but you're a dumb spic, so I completely understand why you're so confused.
go back to whatever fucking shithole you came from
gipsies not muslims
>Rich and Morty
Are you REALLY a fan of Richard and Mortimer?
>t. Giraffeneck antifa
>watched that game live years ago.
>dreamweaver plays in my head every time I see her now.
You deserve to get shot during a traffic stop by your beloved police, bootlicker
>Defending those who enforce laws makes you a bootlicker and worthy of being unjustly killed
What is your deal?
hes mad that he cant do heroin and speed 200 mph right into a school
exactly, I think there is quite grim stats on how many officers which are killed with their own service gun. what if one of them reached for his gun
Seems so, almost everyone I've meet who is opposed to cops is a degenerate. I agree there are individual incidents or individual cops which are not defensible. But the vast majority of the ones being whined about do not fit that criteria
I find they’re either melanin-enriched criminals or pasty white skinnyfat college sophomores who consider themselves Libertarian and want to rage against the system while feeling like an intellectual.
>Por Favor
Pretty much yeah
>There's kieeds
She needs a bullet.
They're speaking Spanish, why are you pushing fake news OP you filthy kike
there mexican they are speaking spanish.
why do you keep saying muslim when you know they are evangelical Christian Mexicans.
The fact that OP is a burger fag makes me wanna kill myself.
OP are you not familiar with the language they're speaking?
They're spics...not sand niggers
sand niggers always cry out in pain while they jihad. This county can no longer govern or enforce it's laws. Hope you conceal carry.
>I agree there are individual incidents or individual cops which are not defensible.
I like how you just brush off that there are "bad cops" out there.
We give these individuals way too much power. A "bad cop" has the ability to financially ruin another person, or even get away with murder.
You pro-police retards polish turds. Normal people see the police for what they are.... evil.
Should have maced the whole fucking crowd the first time he broke free from the group. Followed up by baton strikes.
No wonder murifats keep attacking sikhs
Dead guy neck snapped or something lying there at the end
Don't cut yourself on all those edges.
holy shit
Sorry. Meant for this fuck hole
I've found that a lot of cops have a hard time backing down even when you prove them wrong. That's my only beef with them
>Acknowledging there are legitimate incidents or individuals surrounding law enforcement which need to be corrected is brushing off problems existing
>We give these individuals way to much power
How do you figure? Their job is to enforce existing laws. If you find a problem with the laws themselves that's an issue for the legislators.
>Cop has the ability to financially ruin someone
How's that?
>Cops can get away with murder
Except officers have been convicted of murder before. Keep in mind that murder is defined as :
"the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought"
If an officer shoots someone as an appropriate response during their job, this would not be considered 'murder' /unlawful. Similar to how private citizens who shoot and kill in circumstances of defense do not commit murder.
>They're bad because I say so
What is your proposed alternative, no police force? No laws? What change would you like to see specifically?
>People who agree with me are normal, those who disagree are abnormal
Seems like a pretty obscure definition of 'normal'.
>People who disagree with me are evil
If your positions are not based upon objective fact, then you're probably an idiot, not righteous
>Sorry meant for
No worries
I know the kind of behavior you're speaking of. But I would invite you to ride along with your city police and/or sheriff to see where the attitude comes from. Officers go all day often dealing with absolute nonsense, they often just want to do their job, finish their shift, and get home to their family. They don't need some a-hole quoting obscure law at them during traffic stops or trying to make a big deal over their routine. If they're off the clock, you may find them agreeing with you more then not. But on the job, all of the "aaacttually you're wrong because x,y, z even though I was in fact speeding" is not going to be appreciated. The time for contesting the validity of law enforcement action is in court
seems like gypos
Thanks OP, needed a good laugh.