Attention nu/pol/, leftists, and cucks

Welcome to Jow Forums, time to learn about WN.
Bumps welcomed.

Attached: Morgan.jpg (1000x654, 111K)

Attached: Black Per Capita Homicide rates 2015.png (1023x653, 271K)

Attached: Black Per Capita Homicide rates.png (1531x841, 117K)

Attached: ArrestsbyRace2012.png (1370x3313, 259K)

Attached: 2013 arrests by ethnicity.png (1574x1160, 212K)

Attached: ArrestsbyRace15.png (1740x1088, 212K)

Attached: Crime.jpg (616x5370, 532K)

Attached: Firearm Homicides by ethnicity.png (597x441, 25K)

Attached: homicide vs race.png (597x441, 38K)

Attached: Homicide rate by mean income.png (760x774, 130K)

Attached: Homicide rate by mean income 2.jpg (675x1200, 159K)

Attached: Sub 18.jpg (600x419, 43K)

Attached: serialkillings.jpg (500x506, 89K)

Attached: serial killer by decade.png (926x480, 33K)

Attached: White serial killers.jpg (501x1404, 1.12M)

Attached: interracial homicide.jpg (695x850, 76K)

Attached: IQ and Homicide.jpg (1600x1788, 223K)

Attached: IQ by country.png (1357x800, 28K)

Attached: Black and White IQ Distributions.png (1116x605, 286K)

Attached: NAXALT.png (640x480, 34K)

Attached: IQ.jpg (662x610, 54K)

Attached: Income realation to SAT.jpg (644x644, 142K)

Attached: RJ IQ.jpg (3225x2677, 2.36M)

Attached: SAT.jpg (1122x4320, 3.26M)

If you're lurking, bump the thread to keep it alive.

Attached: SAT math.png (1006x767, 392K)

Attached: race matters.png (756x479, 32K)

Attached: rape.png (664x1024, 144K)

Attached: Lewontin's Fallacy.png (559x606, 86K)

Attached: IQ GWAS.png (592x247, 51K)


Attached: 1478676428708.jpg (638x916, 121K)

Attached: pop gen.png (2040x1931, 625K)

Attached: IQ lost by immigration by nation.png (1580x746, 231K)

Cute!!!! How do I get this as my gf

I don't know, let me know if you find out.

Attached: Blacks and performance.png (981x605, 210K)

Attached: Interatial rape.png (1119x614, 308K)

Attached: USA 'Melting Pot' Lie.jpg (1276x997, 232K)

Attached: Best predictor of crime.jpg (1024x430, 75K)

Attached: race and crime pie.png (728x3570, 925K)

bump for Morgan

Attached: crime stats2.png (850x812, 139K)

Thanks for the help

Attached: English demographics.jpg (1220x1030, 221K)

Attached: crime stats3.jpg (1531x841, 520K)

Attached: Demographic breakdown.jpg (1012x1474, 395K)

Attached: crime stats4.png (1092x576, 275K)

Attached: 1485468850301.jpg (1366x768, 167K)

Attached: DKPQ_peW0AIxJwS.jpg (720x853, 58K)

Attached: ACT.png (887x741, 45K)

Attached: Cranial Capacity.png (1142x896, 117K)

Attached: 1511648353908.png (1503x1894, 1.22M)

Attached: Deviation.png (799x2325, 984K)

Attached: gun deaths.png (1580x930, 248K)

No problemo

Attached: Electoral Map 2016.jpg (1024x995, 226K)

Attached: 1512485577116.png (566x585, 160K)

Attached: Absolute State of Harvard.png (540x250, 188K)

Hogg posting should be banned when it isn't highlighting how retarded he is.

Attached: 1522360001300.png (608x422, 49K)

Attached: 1489898986855.jpg (1056x816, 434K)

do you think the people you are targeting are going to check yer pics and think about it?
would you do the same on their platforms?
how fucking stupid are you user?

Attached: incarceration by class.jpg (1024x789, 179K)

Based bumpity bump

Attached: Anti-White Media.jpg (1500x2122, 1.93M)

Attached: Anti-White Media2.jpg (1129x1200, 413K)

Attached: Anti-White Media3.jpg (1200x1123, 261K)

Bumping. You're doing God's work, user


Attached: teaching.jpg (1303x4720, 2.31M)

Most people who are white nationalists today, weren't always. I remember getting BTFO here years ago in arguments about race realism. Yes, I know it works because it happened to me.

Attached: IQ twin.jpg_large.jpg (713x485, 143K)

Attached: Anti-White Media4.jpg (1129x1200, 412K)

Attached: IMG_1115.jpg (1200x1049, 205K)

Attached: 2016 nonwhite vote.png (4200x3105, 625K)

Attached: Anti-White media6.jpg (650x803, 209K)

Attached: 1489604874762.jpg (1125x750, 213K)

Attached: Adolf on Socialism.jpg (1024x512, 166K)

Attached: (((Who))) Massacred Russian and European Christians last century.png (650x994, 600K)

Attached: 1488261790261.png (661x977, 377K)

Attached: bowling alone.jpg (613x727, 139K)

Attached: (((Weimar Republic))).png (1509x1250, 1.54M)

Who is this qt ? I hope she has killed.

Attached: 1385429498961.png (379x426, 3K)

Attached: Civic Nationalism.png (1280x623, 565K)

Attached: Hitler on Jews.jpg (850x446, 191K)

Attached: jooish control.jpg (44x125, 1K)

Attached: 1488245147758.png (669x637, 564K)

Attached: Civic Nationalism 1.png (1280x622, 465K)

Attached: Judeo-Marxists.png (1500x753, 677K)

Attached: Libertarianism.png (1262x2094, 952K)

Attached: new europeans.jpg (859x1024, 145K)

Why this one is so small, I do not know.

Attached: Absolutely Kosher.jpg (760x2489, 761K)

Attached: Huwhite Supreemists Founders 3.png (1150x2136, 1.66M)

Attached: Ben Franklin on Jews.jpg (731x733, 290K)

Attached: Life in Nazi Germany.png (2300x940, 493K)

Attached: Talmudic Law.png (998x1134, 197K)

been here for years as well, has done very little to me to be desu, still a normy.
i guess it depends per individual. and you may be right, those already on the fence might be tricked. but not the peeps you target.

I like these threads because it's easy to send a link to friends who use the chans but aren't wholly convinced yet.

Attached: The 'but anon, the Jews are successful because they're smart' lie.jpg (1651x4679, 2.43M)

Attached: The Erasing of European People, their history and their culture - Historically only done by conquero (1888x921, 422K)

Attached: Zionism-Israel-America connections.jpg (2000x1947, 833K)

Attached: We Iz Chilren annnd Shiiieeet.jpg (720x414, 64K)

Attached: JQ.jpg (1000x3000, 407K)

Attached: JQ1.png (1330x1150, 1.5M)

Attached: JQ2.png (1000x3000, 2.45M)

Attached: Rothchild-British govt-Israel connection.jpg (300x396, 46K)

more qt pics of morgan roof

Attached: 1521505193036.png (485x443, 18K)