What is your opinion on white gay people such as myself?

what is your opinion on white gay people such as myself?

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cute pic

You are just afraid of women and pretend you prefer men. No father figure.

>2d boys aren't real

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I always wanted to fuck a cute microdick trap really hard. I wanna put its clitty in a cage and fuck her boipucci till she starts cumming from her chastity cage.

eve had a father figure. she laid the devil instead. what are you afraid of sauna boy. go pick some rice

thanks :)

Yeah, both of these are kind of true I guess.

Ikr ;-;

I really am (if you consider slavs white). There was some immigration around here.


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Bau ich mir einen Mann.

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I like the feeling of a thick, hard cock I'm my mouth. I love making a guy cum right down my throat. The sounds, the pleasure, the faces, the feeling of a throbbing cock cumming in my mouth is unbeatable.

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lying uncle tom
>sky is brown
>"makes sense"
uma delicia

it says freud is a liar and it says to not grabbem and you lied about that so you could grabbems some more and it says to not worship frogs so you worshipped frogs and blamed freud stuff and it blessed its words for gays so you blamed freudian straw men so you could elect these straw men as anti christs and keep being these antichrist heretic straw men and temple whores

You must burn sorry but not sorry

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hitler was a jew faggot who created israel and had faggots as his logo. burn yourself fucking lying dyke jew faggot pedo riddled with aids
>my prostitute adulteress reminds me of my daughter's sweet ass
fuck me


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U get gassed unless you’re feminine in which case you become sex slave to serve your aryan masters with blowjobs on demand. An occasionally butt sex when we are really horny. BUT YOU BETTER NOT TELL ANYONE OF ITS THE GAS! Other thant you will be required to to have white babbies with women once your no longer cute. And no more gay shit you just sit alone and think of Jesus.

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Burn in a fire. Degeneracy is an exception not to be celebrated as the norm. You are a genetic fault and should die as the human race progresses.

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gays should serve straight men in public gloryholes and live only as semen extraction tools

Stop being gay
I did

Faggots are just heterophobic who secretly wants to fuck girls. Off the roof you shall fly tho. Even the muzzies can do something right.

I agree, it makes you feel so submissive, truly the best!

But I'm redpilled guys!


Sounds like a deal to me~

b-but user, that's lewd.

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I think you're lying.
Nice trips though.


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I keep seeing this anime girl posted everywhere, who is she? Some new /a/ meme?

random girl C from anime game #5847
give it a year and she'll be replaced by random girl B from anime game #6743

Keep your degeneracy behind closed doors, and I couldn't care less what you do as long as you're not harming others.

You're very mentally ill. Go to church.

Just dont be a faggot in public. Is that really too much to ask?

If I would guess, around 12% of the population is white here user. That's a lot of people.


Got it!

But church is boring...

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In a scale of 1 to 10 how much you hate, blacks, mestizos, commies and jews?

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Second this

If you are under 24 you have a very very very short period with enough hormones and makeup and clothes you can pass as a trap. You will grow old and become obviously male and disgust all possible partners. Stop this degenerate faggot mindset and work towards becoming a man. Seek therapy and drugs to assist if need be. You are on this earth 60-90 years and you will fucking ruin your life after 24 if you follow this path. Get help.

Please OP let me fuck your boipucci

Genetic dead end.

>No father figure

Oof, that one hurt.

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Gay is fine if you vote red/conservative.

yeah no

>with enough hormones and makeup and clothes you can pass as a trap.
>Stop this degenerate faggot mindset

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You white boys are the best ass I've ever had. No gay tho.

Just keep that shit to yourself. I dont care what you put in your butt,just dont scream to me naked in the street with a dildo up your ass that its normal and I should respect you.

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fuck off faggot nigger

Post legs

Blacks = 9
Mestizos (white and american indian) = 2
Commies = 8
Jews= 7

but I don't mind being regular gay either as long as both me and my bf are cute

i can't, i'm already commited

I can contribute in other ways!

I do!

I'm pretty shy, would never do that

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It's about 40%, pic releted.

I get when Europeans call us non-white, but what up with americans doing it?When europeans cross the atlantic into your lands and have kids with each other they were born black? No, the same apply here.

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