Continued from Is the pope a victim of skillful pilpul, a subversive heretic, or both?
The Pope is a Heretic
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hes going to step down and the new black pope will take the throne to welcome the reckoning
There is no hell
This is the most bullshit word of all time. Hell isn't real. The idea of hell is to keep people in a perpetual state of fear.
t. heretics
Francis is the black pope of the malachy prophesies. Benedict, the white. We are watching the demise of the catholic church. Akita, fatima, they warned us.
Hey nigger, you can't force your shitonastick ideology on me
But you're a total piece of fucking shit for not only believing it but cursing people you never met with that shit
haahaha shit eater
The Pope saying that Redemption from Repentance being able to save ANY soul from Hell is simply spreading the message of Hope from Jesus that every soul is saved , and that is normal .
Philosophically speaking God works out every knot in the pieces , even the most stubborn sinner is given redemption once they are done with cyclical suffering , so instead of being pessimistic about salvation return to the rational truth that anyone can be saved once truly sorry .
>to clarify some things
What are my orders?
>Jesus said Hell is real
Time for the good old Orthodox train to get moving on these sweet sweet Catholic Christians
Hell is the cyclical state disunion with God , Hell is still real , calm down already and focus on the objective of what The Pope preaches , Salvation , that every Repentant Soul CAN BE SAVED .
Honestly , Jow Forums could use more Post-Secularism already .
Stop it.
>catholic heretics meet their logical conclusion
wow what a shock
been waitin so long brehs
And I'm so used to doing it properly that in this post I wrote something I didn't mean
>replying to a Greek and telling him Orthodoxy is Russian
user, I...
NO. You see this:
It's gonna catch on and when it does you will know I was responsible!
>Vatican claims the media always lies and distorts what the pope says
>pope continues talking to the media
Really makes you think
He's an actual Christian. Not many of them exist.
These threads are to make you argue over the slightest thing.
You're on Jerry springer here goys.
Russia is orthodox...
but not the foundation for Orthodoxy , that was 's point .
This nigger will kill every faggot priest in the church. God willing.
Im an early gnostic myself, but i do enjoy reading prophecies from all religions. In the order of popes, the last one (111th) is actually 2 - which confused people until we got to today. Pope Pius, the children of fatima, and akita confirmed a communist takeover and ultimate death of the church at the end of the 20th century. There are other prophets, but all of these point to a very specific time period, not vaguely worded hints. Its interesting stuff, and the current pope is technically in apostasy for the aemoris. So...
A literal shill was posting baseless infographics calling Trump a pedo and using that in /ptg/ last night.
It's a shill thing. Your company is a guy who calls an honest man a pedo to protect actual pedos. You have to stop, you double nigger newfag.
Well we didn't listen. The Church was supposed to help Russia fight back and become Christian, but we didn' listn'. So instead the (((bolsheviks))) took over and started fucking up everything in europe for almost a hundred years. And here we are now.
Benedict has been spending a lot of time with the patriarch lately - and a lot of correspondence going back and forth. However, what was warned is happening because communism is lose on the world. All the "progressive"socialist countries are more than halfway there. Canada is a "post-nation nation".
What will be will be. But the cardinals really screwed up electing a liberation theology loving jesuit.
Finally, now catholics can renounce their heresy and come back to Greek/Russian orthodoxy
If psychoanalyst and South America, how likely would it have been a Lacanian and what might that portend? Could we identify the analyst?
Enjoy hell