In an official statement Thursday, the European Commission announced it will cancel all 300,000 domains under the .eu top-level domain that have a UK registrant, following Britain's eventual departure from the European Union. "As of the withdrawal date, undertakings and organizations that are established in the United Kingdom but not in the EU and natural persons who reside in the United Kingdom will no longer be eligible to register .eu domain names," the document states, adding, "or if they are .eu registrants, to renew .eu domain names registered before the withdrawal date." Going even further, the EC suggested that existing .eu domains might be cancelled the moment Brexit happens -- expected to be 366 days from now -- with no right of appeal.
Do they really think Brits will give a flying fuck?
Isaac Thomas
Wait the .eu will be gone completely? Or can i still buy them
Michael Myers
Still buy. Ring 3 dns is just a transposition table of ascii to ip. Its why you can selfhost. All this is saying is those specific ip to domain will be removed as per lease. You could easily put them under .su or direct number
All domains are leased by the registar, they can be revoked at will. Its why i only deal on direct ip
Jaxson Mitchell
and companies in EU countries sucking (((eu))) cock like it is manna from heaven
Isaiah Perry
Why and not just simply .uk?
Andrew Cruz
the EU trying to be awesome after china clearly showed their megaton balls
Owen Diaz
europe is a joke, we cant agree on anythg in this shithole
Camden Peterson
except maybe on: asian girls is the best
Chase White
>wtf i love protectionism when the EU does it but Trump is literally Hitler for increasing steel tarrifs
Angel Collins
well only a dick in the uk would have .eu instead of at the end of their domain
Ayden Diaz
They came originally under the Russian server trunk during the coldwar. So it had to be subdomained and has stuck since.
Connor Foster
Divisive lying kike
Hunter Gomez
I'veneve4 visited a .eu domain in my life. I do visit however.
Justin Wright
Technically all country domains were supposed to be that way. But the whole thing was so us centric and they did update standards, it kind of faded away. The UK just had significant old school net users that people go used to it.
We'd better start thinking ahead to the next secession. Time to register your .cs (Confederate States) and .csa (Confederate States of America) domains now!