Business/Tech genius• Getting scamed by a filthy golddigger

How can you be so smart and so stupid at the same time.
Genius or stupid beta fag?

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They broke up months ago slow poke.

He dipped and ditched like a boss

Amber Heard is a based Randian.
Don't hate her just because she isn't one of your beloved traps.

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a thread had to die for this shit.

That shit was a top tier pump and dump and she was reportedly "devastated" when he ended it. 200 IQ

The real question is why the media shills so hard for him

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See you on Mars, bitch!

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>Billionaire tech genius pump and dumps what is considered one of the hottest women on the planet
>drops her at the first sign of crazy
>scammed out of no noticeable amount of money

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hes not dating her anymore you fucking idiot, he got some sweet pussy, got his dick sucked then bounced

>sweet pussy
Pretty sure it's sour in that ugly bitch's case.

She's a a based

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Scam artist attract scam artists..
News at 11.

Ayn Rand is ovenkin.

will she get half of the billions he will get from making the "our trip to mars" film?

>revolutionizes automotive industry
>breaks new ground in terms of space exploration

one can only dream to dream like Musk one day

Errol is the true alpha of the musks.

Neither of the people in that picture did either of those

He’s dating Ana De Armas now

He has more money than is possible to spend. What difference does it make that she takes half of what is takable.

Besides, it's nothing to him. If he ever goes broke he can just call the free shit department and get sixteen billion dollars in subsidies.

Even if he lost all that, all he has to do is show up at at any Fortune 500 company and get an eight figure income.

So why wouldn't he be irresponsible with money and exclusively fuck litigious supermodels? He'll give them some of your tax dollars and not even notice a change in lifestyle.

Musk has spoken several times in interviews about the difficulty of finding a genuine woman while being a billionaire
I'm sure he is aware

>scam some roastie of the best years of her life
>dump her after using her up
i see nothing wrong here

>tech genius
Good one, OP.

she's sniffing around sean penn now. Why do you think she likes older men ?

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You know he already has five kids right? He literally dated Amber for sex with no intention of a meaningful relationship just because he could.

He was smart to dump her.

Depp's used goods. And I am sure that Depp is an absolute degen and went a2m on her many times. I'd do the same