What is the cure for homo/bisexuality? How can you cure or get rid of unwanted sexual deviance? All options welcome...

What is the cure for homo/bisexuality? How can you cure or get rid of unwanted sexual deviance? All options welcome, but:

>inb4 a rope
>inb4 a shotgun
>inb4 any other means of self destruction

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>inb4 AIDS

Attached: Ayds-Diet-Candy-Commercial.jpg (500x353, 42K)

Figure out what part of the brain is responsible for sexual attraction. Figure out how to change that part of the brain. At the very least, one day we'll able to use nanobots to reconstruct a person's brain from the inside.

>P-p-puh-people w-won't stop f-f-fucking each otherrrrrrrr I CANT STAND IT BAWWWWWWWWWW

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Interesting thought, but I mean in 2018 :/

Incessant prayer to God to take away your vile affections.

>What is the cure for homo/bisexuality? How can you cure or get rid of unwanted sexual deviance?
Self-discipline and self-control. Same as if I see an attractive woman, I keep from fantasizing about her and stay true to my wife.

It's a problem almost all men have, and society has made it much worse by suggesting that self-control is bad ("repression") and that you ought to give in to your desires.

>get rid of unwanted sexual deviance

so you have desires you are ashamed of user?

Well we can't cure it because we don't know exactly what causes it. The way the brain behaves can be changed with medications in the present, but it's hard to come up with a drug to cure homosexuality if you don't know exactly what causes it. Conversion therapy uses classical conditioning, but it's debatable as to whether that's really changing anything. It does at the very least desensitize gays to heterosexual sex, so they can tolerate having sex with a woman. If you're desperate to be heterosexual, that's currently your only option.

Homophilia is a hormonal disorder that causes abnormal sexual behavior. The proper medical treatment for this disease is androgen medication for males and anti-androgen medication for females. The reason people with the disease are not treated is not for lack of medical knowledge, but for political correctness.

If you can't deal with the repressed anger from childhood abuse then you'll always have these feelings. Go deal with whoever hurt you

What kind of androgen medication?

Indoctrination. Indoctrination turned you into the depraved freak you are, so indoctrinate tourself with the truth instead

It's all about the cult of the outsider. We live in a culture where an attempt is being made to give superior moral status by default to those who are different. It's not about killing gays, it's about returning society to a place where social status is damaged by being gay so people will stay in the closet and actually keep their shit "between two private individuals behind closed doors" unlike how it is now where homosexuality is as much a political identity as anything else..

How does one deal with repressed anger? And how can one determine whether a child's understanding of "hurt" has more to do with a possible "predator" or with a failure to properly assimilate into normal social functioning?

The will to not be a fucking degenerate.

That doesn't necessarily offer a cure for those who endure urges and thoughts they do not want to have. The two choices here are indulgence and identification, or self-loathing and self-shaming.

What's wrong with weirdos being kept in their box by a little self-loathinng?

Confession worked until it was cool to be atheist. Having to confess sexual deviancy kept many people from committing it in the past.

Not even a religious freak, just started seeing the real-life lessons behind the fairy tales and rituals.

Looks like their is some research that homosexuality is caused by androgen: webmd.com/sex-relationships/news/20000329/pointing-finger-androgen-cause-homosexuality#2
So it looks like we would focus on this is if we want to cure it.


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It's an open 'secret' within the science of endocrinology. But like racial differences in intelligence, the science is considered taboo for solely political reasons.

Try a sailor moon poster

Can't have studies that oppose the agenda now can we?

So homosexuality can be influenced by androgen sensitivity in the womb. What would be an effective treatment plan for an adult?

from the highest point, that is the cure

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You’ll have better luck sucking the gay out through his cock.

What is really ridiculous, is the PC left demands that a person with homosexual disorder be given medication that exacerbates their disease instead of treating it. Giving estrogen to a homophile male makes his hormonal disorder worse. If you took the medication given to "transgender" males and "transgender" females and you swapped them, they would gradually become biologically normal, ie heterosexual.

So you're saying men who take testosterone and women who take estrogen would become more and more heterosexual?

An adult's sexual behavior is still affected by androgen hormones. An effective treatment plan for a male homosexual would be androgen meds and for a female homosexual the treatment would be anti-androgen meds. A side benefit for females is anti-androgen meds also help prevent PCOS, which is common in lesbians due to their abnormally high androgen level.

Ignore it. The loud flamboyant types I've noticed calm down and keep to themselves when they realize you don't fucking care. I've also noticed bisexuals miraculously go back to being straight if you ignore their attention whore cries. But honestly, who fucking cares?

>What is the cure

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In general, but there are always exceptions. There are homo bodybuilders on steroids for example. Androgen is an entire class of hormones, not just testosterone.

How do you determine which medication is right?

>"predator" or with a failure to properly assimilate into normal social functioning
the two are not mutually exclusive, in face they go together.
Think about your past and all the times you submitted to an act of aggression, start from there.

I wish there was a cure but I can't change that I see women solely as sex objects who I could never live with while I see men as partners but not great for sex. Whoever finds the cure for bisexuality/homosexuality would be worshipped at least by me because I can't find a real connection with anyone I'm probably not even bisexual just some sort of self aware deviant.

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bah, face=fact*

to go back in time and be unmolested by the guy that molested you

One personal anecdote; my wife is sort of a tomboy, but when she was pregnant with our first child, her body was pumping out estrogen by the boatload, and for several months she became super girly, like feminine x 1000. It was kinda funny and I still goof on her about it.

From what I understand human sexuality exists on a scale from 0 to 6, with zero being entirely heterosexual and 6 being entirely homosexual. There are very few true zeros and very few true sixes. Most people average somewhere around a one or one and a half. I would be interested if there were psychological measures to take that might be capable of moving someone up or down the scale.

Probably try a mainstream drug like Anadrol-50. Trial and error, the same with any medication.

Go away faggotkike

What? I'm wondering if there are mainstream psychological methods that could conceivably remove someone from a 5 to a 1.

The problem is if you're a fag who wants to be a tranny you'll have no problem getting estrogen prescribed. But if you're a fag who wants to be normal it's difficult if not impossible to get androgen prescribed. The homo-left has politically pressured the medical establishment to not allow people to have their disease properly treated.

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None. Psychology has no effect on a hormonal disease.

dont get molested
rope people that molest
rope people that were molested

Is there data that homosexuals have varying degrees of hormonal chemistry relative to the broader population?

Stop watching porn for starters

Too late, faggot.

Yes. It's been known for quite awhile that male homophiles have brain chemistry comparable to normal females while female homophiles have brain chemistry comparable to normal males. It's politics, not science, that prevents further research and treatment of this disorder.

Sucking black cock and taking it in the ass while on drugs till it got boring did it for me. I am a chaste man now. I'm still doing drugs, though. No Need to thank me, good luck!

Ask yourselves this: If it was the other way around could you make yourselves attracted to dicks? Probably not. So what makes you all think it can be done in OP's case? Homosexuality is present throughout the animal kingdom. Not saying it's normal just that brains are prone to hiccups in programming like any computational device. Unfortunately, we don't have a viable solution for it atm.

The cause is the persons choice to be gay.

Shoot yourself while on the edge of a tall building during an electrical storm after ingesting a bottle of hydromorphone.


>1 post by this ID

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Electroshock therapy.

Does that really work?

> unwanted

But...it intrigues you, doesn't it? Try accepting yourself by not letting other's values overrule your own. Be a man not want to be one.

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discord gg/np5RRD

add a .

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