This kid will be a U.S. president one day and all you can do is cry about it, hahahahaha
This kid will be a U.S. president one day and all you can do is cry about it, hahahahaha
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lol no
right-wing retard
Do you think we'd ever elect a gay president? You know he's gay right? He's a beautiful little twink bottom in my opinion.
That was the most convulted and terrible analogy I’ve ever seen.
>women getting the right to vote is like taking the rights to guns away
Fuck off.
he wont be remembered in 2 months, screencap this and chekm
Jow Forums BTFO
You think this pinhead ass motherfucker is going to be president? He can't even get into a college with the entire media enterprise coddling him.
right-wing retard
He looks soy
...with a massive hard-on for our young David.
t. Sweden the rape capital of Europe
No wonder he didn't get into college. He can't even write coherent sentences.
right-wing retard
looks like Mussolini
...who still has a massive hard-on for our young David.
>2036 presidential election
>Hogg vs. Generic Republican
>National televised debate
>CNN debate moderator: Mr. Generic Republican, do you think it's appropriate for you to ask such things to a school shooting survivor?
I doubt it, he's too communist for republicans and too white and male for democrats
>implying he won’t be forgotten about when the next leftist trend comes around
How often do you think ol' Hogger comes onto this site?
bbc enthusiast
Why is he so mad?
Dude can't even write without sounding like a 15 year old girl.
That faggot can't even get into a college of his choice, even Cal, ground zero for faggotry (Although Ithaca comes close).
>This kid will be a U.S. president one day and all you can do is cry about it, hahahahaha
Not before law enforcement led by the FBI discover he has 13 severed human heads buried under his house
But whatever
how bad do we have to bully hogg until he shoots up CNN
Yeah, history sure has shown that gun control is a winning issue for democrats.
You mean those precious rights you lose more and more of every year?
#nextprez, securing the black vote
I will personally John wilks booth him
nah, not a chance
he's a faggot enough to end up ruling over sweden, though
>You mean those precious rights you lose more and more of every year?
Unless you live in a Democrat controlled state your rights have stayed in tact
He's here forever.
Been ignoring this fucker. Havent heard him say a word cause i dont need this level of fagorty in my memory banks.
>This kid will be a U.S. president one day
yeah no
Despite his position about guns and shit. His face requires a severe battering just because a mere appearence of its look. I feel if i will be able to do so, it will be very satisfying, dunno why by the way.
Lol this spook spawn is now attacking the people that have been signal boosting him, he might actually be retarded
They'll support him anyway, he's their golden calf.
But these bitches don't seem to understand: all I do is slaughter sacred cows.
When this kid grows up, gains some maturity, and his brain finishes developing, he's going to look back at this time of his life and realize what an absolute utter pawn for the powerful he was.
America won't live long enough for him to reach the age.
Anyone notice all the sudden concern for blacks from Hogg that came out of nowhere starting about two weeks ago?
>Axios followed up by asking Hogg if there is more his school could be doing for him. Hogg responded by suggesting his school should work harder on “equality” for all. He said his school is “25 percent black,” but his AP classes only have “one black student for every 30 students.” He described that ratio as “disgusting.”
>David Hogg: We Need To Use Our "White Privilege" To Make Sure Black Gun Victims Are Heard
Somebody behind the scenes very clearly and recently told Hoggy boy to start talking about blacks more. I guess it's a calculated thing to bring more people in the 'movement.'
coming from sweden this doesnt surprise me.
i got u tho
by the time this kid is old enough to be a president youre entire country will b conquered.
maybe if you cucks werent stupid enough to fall for this type of shit you would actually b able to grow old in youre native land..
That's surprisingly normal for a lot of lefties. You definitely don't want people looking back on yourself between the ages of 18 and 25 or so. It's an age when we all feel so much but no relatively little and don't have enough life experience to make proper judgments on public matters.
Still whiter then Detroit
Historians have compared the protest to the Hitler Youth events. He'll be the future furer.
>Hitler used the Hitler youth to encourage the confiscation of guns from Germans
>Hoggs is leading youths to encourage the removal of guns
>Very well known salute was given at speeches crowd returned with their own and cheers.
>raises arm in extremely similar salute youths in crowd return with cheers.
Lol no most Americans are against repealing the second amendment.
Ferociously against it. While public polling may show a majority of voters in favor of piecemeal gun control, some measures scoring as high as 90% approval, the voting public also is more in favor of gun ownership as a fundamental right that ever before. Gun ownership is at an all-time high while gun crime is that a statistical low.
The public doesn't make the distinction between pro-gun or anti-gun. However, if the public is made to choose they will certainly choose the pro gun sign.
I mean, yeah? The kids that are in high school right now doing those marches and demonstrations are going to be able to vote really soon- a lot of them already can.
I mean a lot of these kids probably would have just grieved and moved on, but the insane level of vitriol and abuse by MAGA chuds has completely turned off an entire generation to conservative politics. Not to mention the even younger ones in jr high and middle school watching their older brothers and sisters get swung harder and harder to the left.
It’s ironic too, because the thing Jow Forums loves to brag about is that the reason Trump won in 2016 is because the other side had grown tone deaf, and couldn’t hear the growing number of angry white men on the right. They turned around and did the same thing with these kids and the gun control issue. The kids are going to get older, and by bullying and threatening them and making up lies about them on the internet that the rest of the people their age know aren’t true you’re only ensuring they’ll come back that much harder when they can vote.
God that was painful to read it. He needs a lesson on grammar and run-on sentences because it I couldn't even make out what he was trying to say in the first read because it was so all over the place.
Well he's great for the NRA. Trippled donations.
Citations needed. Those kids are increasingly becoming more and more right wing.
I don't necessarily disagree. Had Hillary been elected in 2016 I think Gen Z would have continued down a conservative route in reaction. But with teenagers being natural contrarians, the Trump presidency may have stop that momentum cold.
It is fun watching him stir so much shit. If he gets Laura Ingraham fired that would be hilarious.
Good. Less money for buying guns.
Can we get an Englishfag to grade this like my old teachers would use to?
The should be a note at the bottom. See after class or God how fucking retarded are you.
Something like that
Oh you. :)
You have places like California on there and Chicago Illanois but those areas have the hardest gun laws and the worst gun related homicide rates. Wtf?
What an illiterate fuck
Seriously, no wonder why this kid is getting rejected besides becoming a political pariah.
no he wont you spacker
>that gif
How DOES it feel to fire a weapon without earpro?
>They are all made of marble, they are all the same
>Diversity is our strength
Jesus this kid is fucking retarded but is self righteous as hell.
I doubt he'll make it more than a few more years before committing sudoku.
>ugly as fuck
>no personality
a senator maybe but never a president
Also anyone else get the impression that this little twink has a huge dong?
Idk what it is but I bet he has a huge dick and he’ll come out as gay in like18 months
He looks like the antichrist
And the future Democratic Presidential candidate, according to CNN has 99% chance of winning 2050 election against barran trump Winning MAGA
Doubt it, generally you need more testosterone to have a big dick and this kid doesn't look like he has played sports or worked out a day in his life.
Seriously, this kid is taking down the talking heads.
He is literally the slayer of the hydra.
You must all assimilate or be destroyed.
And you MUST PRAY that he does not team up with Destiny.