>believe a dude who was born of jewess is the son of god, resurrection, and all kinds of magic despite 0 evidence
>don't believe the holocaust happened despite a mountain of eye witnesses, testimonies from perpetrators, historians consensus
Believe a dude who was born of jewess is the son of god, resurrection, and all kinds of magic despite 0 evidence
Other urls found in this thread:
you're tacitly admitting the holocaust is a religious belief
>believing one thing without evidence
>disbelieving another thing despite evidence
Guide me through that one nigel
The holocaust didn’t happen but god damn I really wish it did.
The American Red Cross estimates that only 93,000 Jews died in German internment camps.
>being this jewish
oi vey!
All jews are just jealous of goys because we know how to be happy and not neurotic self loathing weenies :^)
Who are you quoting?
Holocaust happened though most of the victims were polish, gypsies, russians and other eastern Europeans jews hid like the good roaches they are
gee, i guess they all vanished into thin air
*incoming bad chimneys pun*
mountains of eye witnesses to the pedal powered brain bashing machines
>believe jesus is boiling in a vat of hot excrement somewhere
>bitch when people dont believe you were turned into soap and lampshades
He's right actually. The fact that you compare them shows you understand the similarities.
There is no hard evidence of the holocaust. There is only hearsay and lies.
Christian apologists say that the evidence for jesus is irrefutable just as you say the evidence for the holohoax is irrefutable. You are a holohoax apologist.
>quoting the mumblings of irrelevant rabbis hoping to score a gotcha.
good point mutto-kun, i'll write it down for future reference
>implying we haven't jerked off to holocaust stories or other fictional things
We know many jews left europe and went to the US during that time.
Which one was the rambling of irrelevant rabbis, again?
>hearsay and lies
that's called a false premise bobby, it means that your following statement is irrelevant
Jow Forums claims that your six million number is ridiculous and that you deserved to be interned and removed from Europe for your crimes against humanity.
>eye witnesses
>testimonies from perpetrators
Under torture
>historians consensus
Appeal to authority.
Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.
>returning to the sewers where rats feel more comfortable
pick one
Of course, whatever i say to a zealot such as you will be irrelevant. You have no hope of hearing the fact that you are brainwashed and deluded. That just proves me right.
How many jamal? Share your sources
You're the one claiming they were killed. That means you have to prove they didn't come to the US, or go to africa, or go to china.
You need to evidence your claim.
>Forbids Isaiah 53 in their Bible because it talks about Christ
>H-He totally d-doesn't exist g-goy
Oh look the canadian is back spamming his shit in every thread.
Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans
>justice is useless
>nothing is real
How's the weather in Redding?
What a garbage thread, sage and fuck off
Pretty nice.
If Hitler was able to carry out his ebul holohoax I wonder if South African whites would be getting terror raped by niggers as we speak. After all the ANC was created by kikes and the Jew Bonnier family in Sweden that owns virtually all their domestic media pushed the anti-apartheid propaganda throughout Europe, while the lugenpresse in America handled the rest.
Tell me more.
Eye witnesses aren't proof of anything, neither are admissions under torture. If people believe there is an establishment conspiracy to push the holocaust, pointing to a consensus of establishment historians isn't going to convince anyone.
>when u get reverse pilpuled so hard u circle back to objectivity
>Hate Christianity
>Muh holocaust
>Flag checks out
This is some 2012's Jow Forums old style of shilling.
feels nostalgic man
yeah but Los Angeles is full of spics lol so no thanks
calm down gypsie im sure paco wont notice a difference
>0 evidence
this isn't true. do you really think the church would have existed with a made-up fake resurrection?
try it. try and make a new religion based on a fake resurrection. you won't be successful.
He's butthurt I exposed his lies in the last thread.
I'm an atheist, but i think religion has a very beneficial effect on society as long as you have a separation of chruch and state. Just because I personally can't bring myself to believe christian fairy tales doesen't mean I'd ever take them away from anyone else.
Christians seem way more happy and functional than atheists to me
You all sit on our board 18hrs a day whining about your holohoax and larping as Slavs.
Thats one mighty jump in logic, shitflag
If you cared about Slavs you'd apologize for 6,000,000+ Slavs famined by kike NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich, and kike-married Molotov around the Black Sea in the 1930's. You'd apologize for the tens of millions exterminated by Lenin's chosen kike successor Leon Trotsky (Bronstein) the creator of the Red Army. This Rabbi claims that Trotsky and Lenin's kike Cheka purposefully exterminated the best and brightest in Russia and Ukraine.
If you cared about Slavs you'd apologize the yid rape of Russia that restarted in the 1990's and continues to this very day.
Die a lingering, painful death Israel.
if jesus christ isnt real, why do jews hate him so much? nobody hates christ more than the jews, very weird to hate something that never existed
Jews believe Jesus Christ is boiling in his excrement for eternity. They believe Mary was a whore. In America believe it or not yids favour Muslims over evangelical Christians.
Ok user I apologize to you on behalf of a dude I had no idea about for years are you happy now?
It sure puts this into perspective..
You raid in groups and most of you larp as goyim. Nobody has a problem with yids engaging in good faith on here.
>holocaust stories
>whole books wrote by jewish survivor
>stories so ridiculous actual jews from caps question him
>gets caught out lying, was never in a camp
>uses the excuse it was real in his mind
>jew says you could tell when jews were getting burned by the color of the smoke
>jew says 10,000 people were marched into the crematorium in 1 night
>jews says she was 3 years of age
>remembers everything
>says they put an 8 inch nail into her head/brain
>says she was hung by a "necklace made of knives"
>survives all this
All legit holocaust stories from survivors. As you can see they are all absurd and clearly ridiculous. If these were in a modern day court they would be laughed out. This is why the holocaust is so hard to believe. Because of Jews and their lies. If it happened, why lie?
Why not say we were treated badly, starved, beaten or whatever. Nope. It's these insane stupid stories that make the holocaust have little creditability. You seriously overplayed your cards.
Funny coming from the person who spams his bullshit in every thread!
But i dont do either of those.
Also since youre here do you mind defending why your people seem to own a lot the businesses here and why it seems a lot of jews have control over hollywood. Never talked to a jew about that i think itd be interesting if youre not trolling
>0 evidence
>not knowing the word literally foretold your states establishment without any vague bullshit
You guys shill constantly against people on this board but the very people you want turned easily brush you off as retards yet you continue to use the same tactics. You would think that Gods "chosen" would be more smart, in fact simply just having common sense would work better for you guys. I'm not angry with you, I'm more so disappointed that you were hyped up to be these very intelligent beings but end up being just as bad as the mongoloids you've brainwashed. Exploiting moral standards on the norms isn't hard to do if you have the resources, anyone could do what you people have done with ease. You people are a disgrace.
>Jews and their lies
It's certainly not a new phenomenon.
Unironically whiter than you Boskovich
Just because people lied about extremities for attention doesnt mean it didnt happen you immensely thick fuck
Where did all the Jews in Israel come from?
Why are you posting these?
I'm going to find out in a few days if you are who I think you are.
i trust God more than i do people larping as real Jews
Why did you give your FB to antisemites on a Mongolian skiing website?
>stops ticking the jewish box on censuses
We demand the Holocoaster.
With your petty ~5k dollars? My necklace is worth more than that.
No but consistent lies being caught does indicate that something is off. For example, the death count, the photo shopped images that were pushed out to show Nazi's "war crime" being compared side by side with said original photo, the environment of "death camps" having pools, theaters, etc.
I paid someone to check Amarte Salon & Spa every day for the next week to figure out the schedule. If she's working while you're posting we can definitively say it isn't you.
Jesus was a Roman rape child who managed to dupe a bunch of kikes into being decent human with magic tricks and thought provoking narratives.
When they caught on to the bluff, they had him crucified by their overlords and went back to usury and being a close knit group of leeches that were chased from nation to nation for 2000 years all the way back to Israel.
Jews hate Jesus not because he challenged their faith in the word of God and his prophecies, but that he challenged their immoral nature and bettered them through the same sort of deception they use to corrupt others.
Also the Holocaust was ridiculously exaggerated by the Soviets to justify their own horrendous treatment of Nazi POWs and perpetuate their narrative of being the righteous liberators.
The Jews, not wanting to let a good shoah go to waste, leapt at the chance to capitalize on this inflated victimhood.
There’s far more evidence that Jesus walked the earth than any other prophet.
I drove Froghurt and NatView off this board. I'll do the same with you folks.
Hah never even realised I quoted that black ass nigga Martin Luther King.
>calls me thick
>doesn't know shit about legal systems
Listen genius, in a court system we have a very large element. That element is called CREDIBILITY. If you have no creditability you are likely to lose a court case. These Jews lost all creditability. These are not exaggerated stories. They go way, way beyond that. They are completely fictional and made up. They are not based on a truth and maximizing it by 100. Nope. They are totally absurd and made up storie4s without an ounce of proof. There is NO CREDIBILITY.
worked for mormons
Yea I don't know, I hope he doesn't spend his savings to track me down now ;^}
"Goy my shekels are abundant but my intelligence is comparable to a mongoloid. What so ever could you possibly do to me? I'll just pay you to not harass me, because everyone is like us and have no morals/dignity hurr durr"
I inherited more than all of your group will make in their entire lifetimes, and then some.
Oh please no! Don't waste your money on tracking me!
Idk but why do you have a Spic or Italian last name?
>there's proof Jesus existed
>so that must mean he's a divinely-inspired prophet
The logical capacities of Christians on display, everyone.
difference is men lie, God speaks truth
I know which one I wish was true.
*notice the sarcasm*
Then tell me how much you inherited so I can laugh at what you think is a lot of money.
This is an anonymous imageboard. I've said more than enough, as have you.
>sarcastic replies to dampen what its rly thinking what will happen
>when found Anons can do
>pizza bombing
>dox drops on .onion sites
>info sale on AB
How dull are you?
Start sending the pizzas and swatting then.
So nothing then, nice try poor fag ;^}
The better JIDF types create diversionary profiles and lead people into dead ends. I don't know if that's her. I will soon enough.
obligatory soviet fake photo debunking to disprove the whole holocaust
Who said I was gonna do it? I'm just letting you know that you're powerless in all of it if people decide to do it.