Would Hitler of sent me to a death camp for being a NEET?
Would Hitler of sent me to a death camp for being a NEET?
yes, you're an absolutely worthless degenerate.
yes, get a job faggot.
Lol my uncle used to pin these on me when i was a neet.
But seriously you would learn how to work pretty fast yes.
You post this once per week
Can you stop
The most hilarious thing about this board is the fact that most of it's denizens would be among the first to be sent to gas chambers if a hypothetical fascist ethnostate popped up
Under Hitler's regime you would have rejoined society and become a happy and productive worker.
why do you post this every fucking day
We will fight your monoculture to the end Globalist scum
No, you would just be given a job. Certain death on the eastern front.
Exactly what we want.
>if you're not a fat extremist far-right neckbeard ranting about jews being to blame for his virginity 24/7 on an anonymous imageboard you're a globalist and a leftist
sure thing bucko
Tell us about hebrew school shlomo
>death camp for being a NEET?
no you would be put into the Reich Labour Service or depending on how far in the war the were you would have been drafted.
Thanks Hitler! Try not to kill yourself!
No, if you were in a work camp anyway but were also workshy you'd get the badge.
>Do what ye must, for i have already won
You would be sent to Ravensbrück as a guard and given all the Khazar milkers you could get your hands on.
I think I'd be sent to die at Stalingrad more likely
I bet you would not have had been a NEET in nazi Germany. Or else.
Oh ok
you'd be sent to a labor camp for being a lazy faggot during wartime when everyone is needed
that's what (((they))) told a certain deadbeat painter from Austria and his dupes in the 1920s.
Sleep little goy
Maybe in the early days, then you'd be drafted and become cannon fodder in a penal battalion later on.
>full employment
>RAD labour service conscription
>training and education freely available
>army conscription
You'd have to work to actively become a NEET in Germany at the time unlike today
>Implying there were death camps