Why did Hitler and Himmler kill themselves like a pair of depressed teen girls? Why would "the wolf" and so many among the Nazi leadership decide to die like cowards? One thing I will never respect is a man who commits suicide
Why did Hitler and Himmler kill themselves like a pair of depressed teen girls...
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Suicide isn't necessarily cowardly. Explore a bit outside of your culturally conditioned preconceived notions.
The alternative for Goebbels and Hitler was to face the Red Army, Himmler had some warped idea he could meme himself out of role as SS leader and death camp mastermind, when he realised he was fucked, he took the cyanide.
have you ever hear of seppuku?
Thats not what they did, only mental Japs do that
The alternative was to be either raped by Russians or be dragged through the streets and hung upside down until your head explodes like Mussolini.
>suicide is for cowards
Why don't you try to kill yourself right now and tell me thats cowardly.
Where did this suicide is cowardly meme come from. Are you actually spouting faggot anti suicide PSA lines to fight nazis? You're a real fucking rebel aren't you.
>don't kill yourself
>get put in a prison where the jews will shame you until your death demoralizing your movement forever.
German generals killed themselves rather than be captured in most cases. Lets not talk about Paulus.
There were no death camps retard.
It's not confirmed that Hitler killed himself. His remains have never been found.
> 2018
> Beleiving Hitler actually killed himself
You would an hero too if there were a bunch of murderous slav subhumans at your doorstep.
Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans
Hitler did not kill himself. He escaped and fled to Chile.
>slav subhumans
Hitler called Russians inferior and claimed Poland was run entirely by kikes. There's a reason they won't ever present the full quote in context.
Hitler didn't kill himself. The released JFK files show that, go see for yourself.
>Why did Hitler and Himmler kill themselves
"By handing Russia to Bolshevism, it robbed the Russian nation of that intelligentsia which previously brought about and guaranteed its existence as a state. For the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacy of the German element in an inferior race. Numerous mighty empires on earth have been created in this way. Lower nations led by Germanic organizers and overlords have more than once grown to be mighty state formations and have endured as long as the racial nucleus of the creative state race maintained itself. For centuries Russia drew nourishment from this Germanic nucleus of its upper leading strata.
Today it can be regarded as almost totally exterminated and extinguished. It has been replaced by the Jew. Impossible as it is for the Russian by himself to shake off the yoke of the Jew by his own resources, it is equally impossible for the Jew to maintain the mighty empire forever. He himself is no element of organization, but a ferment of decomposition."
Obviously it's harsh, but it's less harsh than what was said by American presidents about fellow European ethnic groups. Subhumans "exist in every people as a leavening agent" .. and "can be found in all tribes" .. according to Himmler and Goebbels.
did you ever hear the word 'challenged' when people talked about you?
Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.
I'll let this go becuase you're a leaf.
>Letting the Soviets capture you
No thanks
Other option is to be killed and dead body paraded around or go through the farce of a trial meant to embarrass you and kill any support you have.
honorable suicide is not a jap thing mohamad, you should know
>not knowing Hitler escaped to New Swabia
Maybe they realized the future will be hell.
Can someone explain to me why people copy and paste threads like this? Is it just lib shot posting? Is there a prompt they copy and paste from? I think this is word for word a post I saw a week ago.
>Killing yourself
>Not cowardly
Lol. Okay.
You're bluepilled as fuck, retarded Eurostani.
>see nuremberg trials
>see picture
>Call Slavs subhumans
>Get fucked by Slavs
>Commit suicide like complete failures and cowards they were
Nazis are biggest losers and failures in history of mankind
It's his 11th identical thread. We've dealt with this JIDF raid shit since day one.
He called Russians inferior to Germans and said they were enslaved by a Judaeo-Mongol ruling class.
you asked if OP had heard of seppuku then you say
>honorable suicide is not a jap thing mohamad,
What did he mean by this?
Also meme flag, I can't belive i'm even responding to you
Yep. Suicide was a main method of execution at one point in the Roman empire. Seneca was forced to commit suicide by Nero.
>depressed teen girls
yet depressed teen girls who commited suicide had bigger ball that you will never have,posting faggot
Joseph Goebbels - The Jewish Problem
>because they were cowardly projecting faggots
fuck stormfags
Hitler was right about the future of America, wasn't he?
Like Canada or The Netherlands is any better
This shit tossing isnt going to get you anywhere
You were warned.
to kill yourself with chemicals is a form of modern art
"our answer to the ancient times"
Hey if I had a choice between being dragged through a kangaroo court only to be hung in the end like some common nigger thief or to take some cyanide and die on my own terms, I'd take the pill.
This is true. Germanic Nords created Kievan Rus > Novgorod > Russian empire
Northern Europeans skill in beurocracy and organization is unmatched.
You're not fooling anyone shlomo. You're a kike, and if you cared about Slavs you'd apologize for 6,000,000+ Slavs famined by kike NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich, and kike-married Molotov around the Black Sea in the 1930's. You'd apologize for the tens of millions exterminated by Lenin's chosen kike successor Leon Trotsky (Bronstein) the creator of the Red Army. This Rabbi claims that Trotsky and Lenin's kike Cheka purposefully exterminated the best and brightest in Russia and Ukraine.
If you cared about Slavs you'd apologize the yid rape of Russia that restarted in the 1990's and continues to this very day.
Why would you not kill yourself when faced with execution or lifelong imprisonment?? The fucking SAMURAI committed ritual suicide when faced with defeat, so why wouldn't Hitler or Himmler??? Or are you telling me Samurai are cowards?
Stalin's Jews
"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"
himmler didn't kill himself
Adapt and turn their threads into redpill dispensaries.
YouTube censored this 50 year old speech by a Jew a few days ago. It had 400k+ views 96%+ likes. He was a childhood friend of Untermeyer/Morgenthau and served on the American delegation to the council of Jews in Amsterdam. Freedman explains in detail how Jews turned on Germany during WWI and the interwar years.
The parallels to America are ridiculous.
good bot
It's well deserved in my opinion.
We helped the Jews, and now the Jews seek out destruction. We deserve to die for that mistake of helping them to begin with.
Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat," he said to some laughter.
Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant."
Will Jews ever cease or at least slow rate of baby penis mutilation and molestation?
Himmler died like a pussy because he always had some weird wanna be soldier attitude when he would never make a good soldier thats why he totally failed when hitler made him head of the army and therefore the defence in the last months of the war. Plus he undercut hitler like a pussy trying to turn sides to the allies in exchange for jews.
Hitler died like a pussy because he let his minions fight eachother more than germanys allies.
Perhaps we shouldn't have dropped a million tons of his women and children while the men were off fighting the Red Army. Perhaps we shouldn't have funded/fed/armed/trained the Red Army after it marched into Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Finland and Romania against the will of the people.
as opposed to what? being paraded around the streets of their capital like gadaffi?
He could have fled Berlin and went west. Many did.
It's like a King falling on his sword when his leadership failed. Yes, Hitler made a few logistical military mistakes that cost Germany the war. He should have let his generals make those decisions, instead he let his ego get in the way.
A Last Appeal To Reason
This looks so fake, similar to the other War crime photo shopped images that the kikes pushed out. You can tell their fake because the object that its focused on is very bright. Go look at the other fake photos and you'll see what I'm talking about.
The germans did it to us brits first in the blitz when they tried to demoralise the british public, how did we train russian conscripts/slaves/ cannon fodder which were the main method russia fought back with?
If the Generals had their way he wouldn't have invaded France and he would have faced a relentless Soviet onslaught in 42 or 43. There's a reason Stalin didn't punish one officer during Barbarossa, and it's because Stalin himself ordered the divisions into attack formations.
Based Rabbi
Himmler had plans to continue fighting the war but he was captured. He was not immediately identified as Himmler but he soon admitted to being Himmler because he knew everything was over. He was being tortured to extract information. The torture was too much so he killed himself by biting down on a glass cyanide capsule...
Hitler was evacuated to South America via submarine. Hitler and Himmler had made contingency plans in Sept. 1944 to continue fighting the war with cold war tactics. All the best German scientists were transported around the world to fight in the arms race. The war never stopped and eventually the USSR was brought down.
>suicide is cowardly
Have you not heard of the saying "you can't win if I quit"?
It's the ultimate dick move in any competition from card games to war. It's technically true,the opponents 'win' is essentially ruined if you just stop playing the game.
You trained the army officers and pilots, obviously. Britain was the one that the started night terror bombing. Hitler waited three months before responding. The speech he gave on this day was one of his best ever. YouTube killed all copies before I could archive it.
there are rumors
He died in Berlin.
>Hitler escaped
if he had somehow miraculously escaped to SA, what has he been doing since 1945? (until whenever you posit that he had actually died)
>inb4 leading from the shadows
no, just no
How the hell did Himmler get away if goring head of the Luftwaffe with tons of vehicles at his command got hung at the Nuremberg trials?
He fled to Argentina according to Citroen. But that could've just been to throw them off, I don't know.
He went to antarctica with the remnants of the 3rd reich.
It was my turn to post this today!
He died in Berlin.
I talked to an alternative historian the other day. He said that Hitler was hiding out in Argentina after the war, and to not be surprised when there is a happening regarding a submarine crash with a CIA op or some submarine from Argentina heading up the Atlantic or some shit like that
I think Goering thought they would find him innocent.
Hitler escaped to Argentina lived til the 1950s protected by his puppet master Rothschilds
Lol sure thing.
Don't know much about the Rothschilds and him but I think the Argentina flee is the most believable.
Do you not think that goebbels was just using these air dropped leaflets over britain to try and pressure the government into a truce? I mean they did conquer france and its not like weren't looking for war
Fuck this black pill slide thread
The skull the Allies found that they say was Hitler's was actually a woman's skull. The Allies had to make up a story to satisfy the public. The Jews sent "Nazi Hunters" to SA to fucking FIND Hitler. They only managed to find a few lesser Nazis like Adolf Eichmann.
Someday those animals will pay for what they did to Mussolini and others
>protected by his puppet master Rothschilds
>this is how retarded Jow Forums is
You really think that the international banking class would protect the people who made the BIS, holy fuck you are retarded.
>Adolf Eichmann.
They were given him and told to never return to certain towns that I.G. Farben owned by the local Jewish communities.
They didnt want to be tortured, subjected to a sham trial, and be dishonorably murdered like the rest of the Nazi leadership would be.
Hitler talk?
Youve been reported to the proper authroities for espousing hate speech.
>Why did Hitler and Himmler kill themselves
Yeah why would anyone not want to fall into the hands of jewish sadists, who will mock you while they rape you, torture you, crush your testicles , rape and torture your children in front of you. lock in you in solitary confinement spit in your food. and all the time have a fat jewish faggot laugh at you.
There is no shame to deprive a jew of that perverted pleasure. An honorable captain goes down with his ship.
They would have just hung anyway.
think about it