>After the convention, Denman told Reuters in 2016, J.D. Gordon, a Trump foreign policy adviser, told her he was going to speak to Trump about the language on Ukraine, and that Trump’s campaign team played a direct role in softening the platform language.
>The Trump campaign has denied playing any role in the weakening of the party’s position regarding Ukraine. Gordon has called Denman’s version of events “inaccurate.”
>However, Gordon has previously said he changed the language because of Trump’s position at the campaign’s March 31 National Security Committee meeting. The one where Papadopoulos offered to set up a Trump-Putin meeting.
>The Platform meeting on Ukraine was 7/13.
>On 7/14, Page emailed JD Gordon and others "As for the Ukraine amendment, excellent work".
>The same day, Papadopoulos emailed his Russian contact Timofeev and suggested a meeting in Aug or Sep in London b/w "national chairman" (Manafort) and "maybe one other foreign policy advisor" (? Page) and Timofeev, "members of president putin's office and the mfa". Papad says meeting "has been approved from our side".
Changing lethal aid to non lethal aid isn't tougher,dumb trumpfags
never give appeasement to liberals. if you see a Republican that does this call them out and stop following them. Laura is a dumb cunt for doing this and her type need to be removed
i dont care what your excuse is dude explain to me why asia has the highest population in the world if "breeding hips" was something that was necessary and actually comes to mind in your bro science philosophy as something that you believe is part of evolution
and youre dead serious millions of people believe this fake idea
Whatever happened to her? She got that new job at ABC or whatever but I haven't seen anything about her. Is she even a backup anchor for whatever station she works at?
Reddit is so mad Musk has become more Trump friendly in many ways
Jason Lopez
>Linton met Mnuchin through mutual friends at a 2013 wedding reception in Los Angeles. The pair were engaged in 2015 after dating for two years. >On 24 June 2017, Linton married Mnuchin. The civil ceremony, at which Vice-President Mike Pence officiated, took place at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C. What a ride
Your story got debunked over a year ago and your too stupid to notice. The idea that you would even ring up Russia to discuss changing a few words on your election platform you have no obligation to follow anyway is retarded on its face
Is it possible that the GOP intentionally lost that Pennsylvania special election just so they could win the seat back in November to add to their total victory tally? I'm mean going past elections in that area, it should've been a piss-easy win.
Hips are not asses you raging kike loving faggot. Just because jews have convinced you to like asses so you hate yourself doesn't detract from hips being attractive.
Bentley Moore
I hate Ryan. It that's fake news. Those pro 2A flyer's went to extreme Dem areas. Sabotage microtargetting.
Brayden Taylor
Hallie and Kasie are much much hotter pieces on that network
Zachary Reyes
>this is how PACs work who are you, hillary clinton? it's MASSIVELY illegal to collude with a pac.
Isaac Diaz
Are they using lever actions and wheel guns?
James Nelson
Fox 10 Benis won't even take her back? :( Come to think of it I don't think I've tuned into those guys in a while. Is Fourth Reich Mike still there?
Ayden Mitchell
what good does the term child bearing hips do when you are fully capable of having children with stick women
it doesnt do anything it just pretend like your thicc butt loving youre trying to make it seem like the natural way
when its not the case
not everyone might like the same size butts and waists as you
>They didn't fire the likes of McCabe because the IG needed him around to investigate him. I had a feeling that was the case, I mean why else keep the guy around or any of those goons? Why would McCabe gather a legal team and beg for donations? Because he is gonna need it soon.
Kevin Cook
So what does that mean? That my ridiculous idea might be correct, or that the GOP establishment plans on losing the midterms as well to fuck over Trump?