You never again experience pre-internet society.
You never again experience pre-internet society
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The internet puts all the information in the world at your fingertips.Pe internet sucked balls.
t-old man
I was born in 74.
I remember having only 3 TV channels
And your TV had to 'warm up'
I taped songs from the radio and played them over and over
I had a digital watch than played tunes.
I went into the forest and made camps and dens and bos and arrows and went hunting with guns and fishing
I meet my mates at prearranged places
my first telephone number was 3 digits long
>You never again experience pre-internet society.
AOL internet was awesome. You've got mail was like some magical shit.
/comfy/ general?
Using kickers in aol chatwas an endlessly entertaining feeling of ultimate power to my adolescent self.
MIB II was the shit.
>wish i got mail
>penis pills and russian bride letters everyday
The internet is great, social media is what ruined everything.
The only thing wrong with the internet is that i gave a platform for libtards to spread their retarded propaganda.
Don't fret friend, we've still got post internet society to forward to.
Sure why not, post comfy pre-internet stuff
I miss it.
Sound point, user.
>1:41 - 1:45
pre-internet was awesome. cool movies, tv and music, golden age of games, the console wars, the 3d graphics race, birth of multiplayer games, pre monatized internet, pre social media internet, wish i got to experience it a bit longer.
i have a certain nostalgia for it but having the internet is way better than not having it.
Yes we will.
Through nuclear hellfire.
don't look at my screen!
Good. It sucked. No rapid communication, no buying choice because snail mail and stovepiped media, no ease of communication, research required digging through obsolete dead tree media, fuck all that.
What you miss is your dead, dead youth. Society wasn't better then despite current social media brainwashing. I was alive long before the internet. It sucked.
once system link came out for the xbox I fucking murdered my screenlooking cocksucker friends
Depressing as fuck.
Not quite pre-internet but still comfy as fuck
quit tryna go back
theres no going back ever. accept that .
hahahahahhaa WHAT THE FUCK
>The internet puts all the information in the world at your fingertips.Pe internet sucked balls.
No it was better. This knowledge is 99% lies just like TV. That's why you come to Jow Forums
Also people didn't act like bugs hovering around a screen who couldn't talk to each other unless they were repeating memes or CNN
Jesus. That was just 1993? Last time I was in NYC there were seas of non-whites and I was screamed at twice by nigger-spics on the street "kill white people!" in only 2 days. It was like being in Cuba.
The only whites were in the Fashion district or hipster area. And they were horrible creepy people.