Women’s suffrage

Was it a mistake?

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no, letting jews in was


but those titties weren't.

so keep posting

Sage goes on all fields.

yes, a curse
women don't belong in leadership positions they deserve to be on their back pushing dicks in and babies out

Unfortunately yes, it was a mistake. The welfare system will look after the single mothers' children but it won't be able to support their grandchildren.

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What should women wear in the workplace and would a ban on makeup cause too much of a stir?

Don't 1-post-by-this-ID us until you provide sauce/moar of that geeky little titcow.

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Nevermind, OP sucks cocks, found her myself.
Happy fappy, frens.


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Is it Pandora's box, can we undo this?

Letting anyone other than land owners and military/ex-military vote was a mistake...

both women's suffrage AND letting jews in were mistakes.

Yes.. no point even thinking about it...

Wymin destroy the nations if given the leadership roles.

>not asian or 2d anime waifu
Not interested.

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>this thread again
Have a herb

Was it a mistake? Hard to say. Is it a radically new and experimental thing? 100%

History will tell us if it was the right descision, or if it lead to the fall of America and the end of the Pax Americana.

Women will vote for politicians to protect and provide for them. Which means welfare and policies that curb free speech and gun control.

suffrage was a mistake. It just let the pleb believe they have a choice when they actually don't.

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This board has really let itself go when it let all the incels in.

This was a separate mistake. Both Jews and women's suffrage were mistakes. The Godfather III was also a mistake but like Jews it has nothing to do with OP's question.

>This board has really let itself go when it let all the incels in.
you mean 5 seconds after it was created ?


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>no ass
u dum

Yes, next question

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100% yes it was a huge mistake. But how do you put pandora back in her box?

ITT we design a new voting system.
>only men can vote
>Two tier age system for when your "adult" rights vest
>18 years old: if you join military, or commit to another officially sanctioned public service, you become an adult at 18.
>Vote, buy alcohol, cigarettes, guns, etc.
>New age of 20 years old for everyone else to be an adult.
>Focus on your studies, civilian.
>Rights that can be taken away if convicted of felonies or if you join Antifa/ISIS/other Anti-American groups
>Dual citizens cannot vote in the USA
>Strict Voter ID nationwide


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>only men can vote

Never gonna happen until we start over from scratch.

Just exclude non-taxpayers and there you go. Kill several birds with one stone. That's not gonna happen either sadly.

Also we have to end the welfare state, public education, and college subsidies before society can return to normal.

it was the mistake that killed Western civilization

Yes, the biggest.

I love my wife and daughter, but I would *never* let them make business or financial decisions that could greatly affect our well-being. Obviously they should not be allowed to vote either. The blessing and curse of a woman is that she bases her decisions upon emotion rather than logic. This is great for raising a child, horrible for making life or death calculations.

Not women's suffrage. Feminism was the mistake. Suffragettes were working on equality in only civil matters: not to end marriage, child-bearing, traditional families, Christianity, the Constitution, society as constituted. Susan B. Anthony was very direct in her writings.

What happened was the feminists came in and strongarmed the movement for their own desires; similar to how socialists moved in on liberals.

Women having the vote, able to inherit property, and have their voices heard and received in civic meetings is all well and good. Feminists brought in no-fault divorce, public welfare programs, Prohibition, etc.

yes,it's suicide

>was letting Eve out of Adam's sight a mistake?

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what's her name? that link is a bunch of random thots

Fuck I want to fucking fuck those milkers seriously I wanna squeeze those big soft tits together and fuck the living shit out of them. My diamond hard cock slipping in and out of the soft wet skin. Pulsing and pumping with every thrust. FUCK LET ME FUCK THOSE BIG JUICY MILKERS!!! I wanna suck on the tits and pinch them and run my hand and face all over those boobs Just lick them and suck them until I cum hands free and they're covered in teeth marks and hickeys. FUUUUUCK I just want to grab them and suck on them and titty fuck them until I cum on her face and chest and nipples and cut all over her stomach. GODDAMMED why are those tits so enticing I want. THOSE. MILKERS. AAAAAAAAAAHH let me touch them!!!

Nah, the elections are shams anyway and if you control the media the election just doesn't matter.