Hello Jow Forums, Power is a online US politics game similar to BLOC (same developer) where you create a politician and run for a seat in one of the 50 states. We need more people to join the Republican Party (tight collection of pol, r9k and other chan boards) and defeat the Democrats (mostly reddit and tumblr). If you are interested then join the discord and we'll walk you through creating an account


If you don't have discord/don't know how to use it, download discord and then click the + sign at the bottom of the channel list and paste the code in.

As soon as you join the discord let us know what state you want to be in. It's crucial to join the discord before making an account since states can either be full (only 4 people per party per state, and it's necessary to have the right in game political positions for the state your in. Positions are nothing more than your ability to get elected in a given state.

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Dont know how you cant find your leak, hahaha Dems still rule the waves

Democrats suck.

2nd for anchovy

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tbqh senpai stay away from James Nightblood he's a faggot.

Oh please, you guys are being busted by GOP. It's a miracle you guys are still up by about 7%, then again, your alt'ing is something to be admired.

Fuck you you little Nazi Piece of shit, trying to meme the same fucking shit you fucking homophobic piece of shit

RepubliCANTS never win HA HA

Fat Lord Supreme - Today at 5:56 PM
bump the thread or chat gets locked
Jow Forums - POWER - A US POLITICS GAME - Politically Incorrect - Jow Forums
POWER - A US POLITICS GAME - "Jow Forums - Politically Incorrect" is Jow Forums's board for discussing and debating politics and current events.

I see this thread all the time... Just stop already.

It's not memes, it's just facts you goatfucker

They cant and they wont FUCKING WIN because rightists are fucking shit

Join and there will be less threads

don't bully fatlord

Attached: worried anchovy.png (800x1016, 586K)

I somehow doubt that.

JOIN THE DEMOCRATS, we can make your dream come true

Once all the GOP alts are deleted you guys will have all of three states to play with yourselves in

If we have more than enough members there won't be threads, but if you join then it will be one step closer to no more threads


well we want more peoplw, so once we reach our target we'll cease. it's that simple

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Rumsod has done alt purges recently and more dems have been deleted than GOP


I'll probably join Dems just to fuck with y'all.

>creates a bunch of alt accounts
"Ha! Look how many new members we recruited today"

It will go back down to 165 when rum comes online

>Dems lose their bot that makes them money
>Nothing but complete damage control
>"RepubliCANTS" can never win

Attached: 186b73-1.jpg (904x531, 42K)

Do that and there will still be more threads

We didnt lose our bots everything is fine

It's sad, how Dems are lacking.

Do it friend, we are very kind-hearted, good people. The GOP is full of NAZI scum


We arent lacking

The dems are going down the shitter, everyone is fleeing to the UK or quitting

The dems have more Nazis than the GOP

The Democrats have no Nazis, thats only a conspiracy

Is this where I come to fuck shit up

William Luther Pierce isn't a Nazi?

stop shilling your trash tier game

or at least fuck off to /b/ or /v/

There are no nazis in the democrats party

Join and we'll stop

#war-room AA Berry Strong PLs

Attached: aadempls.png (503x484, 77K)

Lies, GOP even has more diversity than the dems




I just joined, but I'm not joining your discord. How do I get elected to help the good guys win?

Lol triggered goatfucker

Why are you so mad

DONT AA HIM he isnt as bad as higgins

You join the discord and we will give you money and attack ad support

Im not mad youre mad

Anyone is better than Higgins

>no u

We accept all people


Make sure you join the democrat party. I'm a high ranking GOP member and this party is going nowhere fast...

That doesn't make anybody wanna join... How many members are you actually getting here? After this many threads I doubt you are missing anybody who would.

>17 posts by this ID

Even alts


>You join the discord
Fuck you, pleb. I don't associate with the useful idiots.

Highest we got here is 20 from one thread, 3 just joined the discord

Just join the Dem discord we just banned all the republicans so its safe

Then join Nebraska, we need a guy there

Ok, enjoy losing to Reddit tier liberals then

DemocRAT brains are too small to understand math.

>join the discord

Attached: 1472149103021.jpg (259x259, 26K)

Only the democrats discord is safe we banned the rightwingers

Yeah, it's the best way to coordinate with each other

I'm off to join Dems, see you in the game.

Not all of them

I'm out, never once asked or wanted to be chairman and to get it at the worst possible time for both my irl commitments and the party falling apart from the endless seam of people who'd happily destroy the GOP just for their aspirations of being chair or whatever else isn't great. watching the shit that's transpired over the past week or so and having very little time or ability to take action was painful as someone who loves this party to death. i've always tried to reach compromise and party unity in cases of drama, from pizogate to the FC coup to the adrian/midori takeover, and wasn't always successful. sadly, as of now it feels more and more like the current position of the party can't be fixed until it breaks out of this perpetual cycle, which can't be done by me alone. maybe when it does i'll eventually come back who knows, but it likely won't be as a member of leadership or anything like that. You guys are the true heroes of the party for all it's been through, and if anyone deserves to lead the GOP it's guys like pott, jim, kaiser and others in leadership right now who've put endless hours into the game through pretty much everything. just because an army of provies are mad at the results right now doesn't mean it's their fault; leaders are ultimately only as good as the resources they have to work with, and i can say from my time working in countless positions here that they're far more competent than any alternative, whether it's old guard members who think they're entitled to everything because they've played since power 1, or the current coup. i honestly do hope they can bring back the autistic cesspit of coupers into the party and it can return to its former glory, and part of me will always root for that, but it's likely not gonna involve me anymore.
with that said, @Malcom Tucker is gonna be your new chairman. best of luck to him.
it was a fantastic ride. wanna reiterate a massive thank you to all of you for my time here.

Ok, enjoy losing whore

>Just join the Dem discord we just banned all the republicans so its safe

Can confirm dem discord is a echo chamber of retards who lurk Jow Forums for any gop recruitment threads because we're all so scared about the gop being bigger than us

Adrian lives in Canada, so you are impostering him

No it isnt true we have spies everywhere our party is so good

oh right, thanks for reminding me

So do we, you guys are so bad you make your members leave the country

Who says we don't have spies of our own?

>DEMS CAN'T STOP WINNIN- (Loses majority in the House)

Fuck off

We already planned to leave before we lost so HA

Also the ID still shows you with an American flag on the previous post

I find that EXTREMELY hard to believe. Also, I find it said that you need russians to help you in your races.

Thats not us we are innocent

T. Kingsperg

i joined the GOP is really great

Attached: U.S_Vice-President_Walter_Mondale.jpg (157x200, 10K)

obese man overlord will lead us to victory

The GOP is great you loser HAHAHA

RT T.Kingsperg


>Uses alt to be able to compete against GOP

Sit down son, GOP is coming through.

Yeah we know the GOP is great

The GOP is going no where your leadership is still the same as always

>When the libtards create a safe space political simulator in order to give them a false sense of gratification but end up being BTFO by the very people they sought to escape from and now reinforce their reputation of being flip-flopping dishonest mentally ill retards by posing as republicans on a mongolian basket weaving forum

Yeah, with the mayority. As it should be.


hey it's adrian :)))))))))))))))))))))

Attached: itwasipubliustheentiretime.png (192x66, 9K)


Hi Dino