YouTube app is censoring all news from outside the US

Tried to open videos from rt, presstv, al jezeera, bbc, abc Australia, and the app shuts down. On my phone and tablet, both are android.

Attached: YouTube-Android-App-to-Soon-Work-as-Background-Music-Player-393827-2.jpg (728x400, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

big fucking surprise

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What the fuck is going on with these kikes lately? The shoah is probably approaching.

What stories are you after?

Attached: 1497300531777.jpg (1550x1161, 373K)

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Look at this kikery. Every video should have
>YouTube is involved in whole or in part with the United States Central Intelligence Agency

Attached: Screenshot_20180329-160403.jpg (1080x1920, 664K)

Works fine on phone web browser
>install flash
>have ad blocker plugin
>no stupid app with ads

Look how they change the wording based on (((who))) runs the news agency.

Attached: 1493429486081.png (1772x1160, 1.67M)

I come to Jow Forums for all my /news/.

US news is the only credible news, goyim.

Attached: coincidence.webm (485x274, 2.84M)

Fake news

Boy do I fucking hate Alphabet. If I could afford it, I'd make my video sharing platform public. EC2 costs suck cock.

If it's not on pol it's not worth knowing about anyway

Use crawler dot com for search

videos dot com

Youtube app is the shittiest shit.

Doesn't even properly list the 1 hour + vids when you search them and search results are all shitty filtered shit.

>If it's not on pol
kike detected

Soon Akhi

>BAsed decentralised monetised anonymous video uncesored platform (apart from kiddy benders) when?

testing for an information blackout

I have a copy of Searx running that I let my buddies use, it's pretty great.
Never knew about this, thanks user.

Seems like some big news might be dropping soon? Hillary tape? Wikileaks?

You got me, just keep doing what you're doing

time to kill google

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I think stuff like this is where the Blockchain networking stack will really take off. Not some meme coin, but fully-encrypted, P2P data transference at the highest quality and speed.

How would you even go about doing that?

Something big it's happening and we are supposed to find out.

Attached: mendigo.jpg (1252x768, 100K)

By exposing the executives as pedophiles

Anti-trust their shit up.
>What's wrong liberals? I thought you loved regulation?

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The problem is always how do you allow the basedness free transfer without the worst elements (Nonces) or does it simply ALL hav e to be uncensored?

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As much as I don't like the idea, it's all or none. There's no feasible way to prevent it, so you have to take the good with the bad. It's like enjoying nuclear reactors, with the knowledge that the same tech provides the endless destructive power of thermonuclear missiles.

I thought op was a faggot but I tried it with the app and it was shut down literally. What did they mean by this?

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my god, russia today is russian. who would have known

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lol. I didn't read at start, it actually refuses to play them. well good bye jewtube. what's the point of a video platform, if it refuses to play videos you want to see
>good, all these (((platforms))) will die and replaced with proper platforms

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