Look at the guy in the picture I provided.
His ancestry looks rather off to me. He looks at least one fourth nigger. Maybe even half.
What does the rest of pol think?
Look at the guy in the picture I provided.
His ancestry looks rather off to me. He looks at least one fourth nigger. Maybe even half.
What does the rest of pol think?
Looks like your average American if you ask me
Haha so funny.
Not political,
Seriously this guy claimed to be white when I met him.
I asked him if he had black ancestry. He said he didn't.
This belongs on pol. It's a discussion about people who claim to be white but aren't.
Seriously how can somebody who looks like this claim to be white?
No frenchie this fits
Also OP no shit he is a half nigger. But if he thinks he is white and acts white don’t worry about it.
definitely mixed, op
It's kind of odd his this guy identifies with his white side. Even though almost every other mixed person in the US identifies as a nigger.
no he looks like a human being
He looks like a half human being half nigger.
whatever he looks like a human being to me, maybe you should take your hitler goggles off.
He does have kind of a chimpy cast to his features.
looks like a mix of white, filipino, and hispanic
He's not wrong. It doesn't look like Negroid admixture, it looks like Australoid. Australoid is something most of you still don't understand correctly and project Abos onto. Abos are Australoid and Negroid mixed. No pure Australoid likely exists today. They are comparable to Neanderthals timelinewise or possibly even much more older in history.
I am going to ask the mods to archive this thread right now. I want to start another thread where I discuss who this guy actually is. Unfortunately Jow Forums isn't allowing me to do that since they can't have 2 threads with the same picture open at the same time.
I'll give you a hint about who this guy is. I don't know the guy in the picture personally. In fact, the guy in the picture isn't even American.
>south african
You really need to be sodomized to death, you tremendous autistic jew
Kairos facial recognition is shit, but here’s this
This guy is the head of Orania.
His name is Jacqui Gary Gradwell. You can look up pictures of him on google images if you don't believe me.
Yes. Boers and Afrikaners select mulattoes as their WN leaders.
looks italian/irish to me, italians can have really dark olive skin
>leader of a controversial Orania-style, whites-only settlement in the Klein Karoo.
No, he isn't. You are going to hang.
So we have to pretend the guy is white now that I disclosed he is the leader of Orania? Rather than a guy with 35-45% sub-Saharan African in ancestry?
He's literally a fucking farmer, they get tan in the sun. OP is a basement dwelling nigger or kike who has been spamming for weeks now about how we should all hate south africans. He needs a bullet to the brain.
No we just ignore you because the guy is a fucking farmer and you're a kike liar
Shut up. I'm the person who is trying to show that these Sandra Laing producing mutts have no business being allowed into our countries.
why are you cunts so obsessed with race?
How am I a liar? Everything I say about the Boer and Afrikaner mutts is the truth.
This is a guy who they pick as a WN leader.
Until I disclosed who the guy actually was, everybody agreed he was a mulatto. Once I disclosed who he was, everybody pretends he's white. Kind of funny.
He looks like a white man who did a lot of drugs during his life. Mystery solved.
No. He looks like a quarter to half nigger. Who South African mutts accept as white.
Gentlemen, the leader of Orania!
He looks Moroccan or something
Why does it have to be political? Doesn’t politically incorrect just mean saying what is not socially appropriate in public?
He's South African. He's the leader of Orania. His name is Jacqui Gary Gradwell.
Although I do agree that he looks Moroccan. He looks like a very nigger admixed Moroccan, from the southern parts of the country. He looks like he's from Western Sahara.
Politically incorrect means racist and sexist statements.
At least half.
And this is a guy who South Africans pick as WN leader. Let that sink into your head.
Amerimutts hahahahahahaha
While South Africans shit out Sandra Laings.
And South Africans pick this guy to lead their white nationalist commune.
>Jacqui Gary Gradwell
1) He's English, not Afrikaans.
2) He's the head of the Eden project, not Orania.
Weak dude, weak.
Not even close. Pic is
Carel Boshoff, President of the Orania movement and son of the late founder of Orania, Carel Boshoff and great son-in-law of late prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd, the architect of Apartheid.
Top kek.
So he's a Boer and not an Afrikaaner? I thought the British South Africans were supposed to be less admixed than the Dutch South Africans are. Maybe that's not the case.
Anyway, you still picked Gradwell to lead a white commune.
You Sandra Laing producing mutts are embarrassing. Why do you larp as white?
>I thought the British South Africans were supposed to be less admixed than the Dutch South Africans are
Sorry to disappoint. The english love to suck up, and suck the big black cock, of the niggers here, pretty much like the liberal Anglos in the USA.
They're the reason we don't have a civilized country anymore because "savages are people too". Also, Sandra Laing? Her mother fucked the gardener by the looks of it.
Extremely rare colorized photo of Sandra Laing's mother in 1954.
Sorry, my bad. That's just a picture of the average white girl in the US...
Your own apartheid government concluded Laing was a throwback. They passed legislation to protect her whiteness.
I've researched it. And I have not found a single source that even mentions the possibility of a black gardener being Sandra's father. Except for your Jow Forums posts anyway.
Were blacks even allowed to be gardeners for whites under apartheid? I always thought niggers were not allowed in white areas under almost any circumstances under apartheid.
>Your own apartheid government concluded Laing was a throwback. They passed legislation to protect her whiteness.
"Sandra Laing (born 1955) is a South African woman notable for appearing as and being classified as coloured by authorities during the apartheid era, due to her skin colour and hair texture..."
Operative word there is COLOURED. Your research skills are top notch. Kek.
>Were blacks even allowed to be gardeners for whites under apartheid?
Being this ignorant of life during apartheid. Haven't you ever heard of the pass book system in SA? Any black without a pass book, in a white area, would be arrested. Pretty much everyone had a black gardener and maid during apartheid. Which is also how the degenerate whites, who are almost exclusively English, managed to fuck so many niggers.
Looks like a garden gnome
South Africans miscengate more than Americans do. Miscegenation is a lot less common in America than people (both supporters and opponents of race mixing) claim it is. Most Americans frown on race mixing, even if they don't admit it aloud.
Meanwhile, the only South African I've met my whole life was a quadroon. That's no joke.
Miscegenation is why you "white" South Africans have nigger blood. A lack of miscegenation is why we white Americans don't have nigger blood.
And even when race mixing occurred in the United States, the offspring was considered niggers and forced into the nigger community. In the 1910s, we strengthened our already tough hypodescent statutes so that anybody who was even 0.5% black was a nigger.
You want me to give an example of somebody who would be a nigger under our one drop rule statutes? You. And in fact almost every other "white" person in South Africa.
Laing was declared white by the government. She decided to become coloured on her own accord. Because she fell in love with a Coloured man.
He's too important to the movement.
>Laing was declared white by the government.
Laing was temporarily declared white by the government due to the petitioning of her cucked 'father'. Basically, a "there, there, keep your little bastard spawn."
This was only done because it was illegal for races to mix back in the day. If her father did not recognize her as his child, she'd have to be taken away and placed in the care of an orphanage or in the care of coloureds. A shit show for sure, all because her mother was a nigger lover.
>South Africans miscengate more than Americans do.
Sure. Sure. Whatever keeps your fragile view of the world intact. The only Americans I've ever met were all nigger lovers, and hate us for trying to protect ourselves through apartheid. Does the name Amy Biehl mean anything to you?
native, or prob southern italian or aboriginal or something
Quit pretending this guy is southern Italian.
It's obvious. This guy is a part nigger mutt.
Yet in South Africa he gets picked to lead a white commune.
He kinda looks American.
It was a shitshow because her parents had distant nigger ancestry. Like all Boers and Afrikaners do. And their nigger genes decided to make an unexpected comeback after skipping several generations.
Sandra Laing symbolizes the blood that is hidden in all Boers and Afrikaners. Including you.
No. He looks like he's from a Sandra Laing producing country.
Not a country where anybody who was 0.1% nigger used to be banned from drinking out of the white water fountain.
American mutt confirmed.
>actually believing Americans care enough about your shithole to hate it
I've learned to hate Boers and Afrikaners more and more. The more I point out what frauds and mutts you are, the worse and more assholish you get.
I used to just hope that South Africans would be refused entry into the US. So that they wouldn't potentially contaminate the white gene pool in America. I didn't really care who would win a potential race war in your country.
Now I'm half rooting for the coal black niggers in South Africa to viciously slaughter you and the other supposed whites.
White Americans produce Clayton Bigsbys on fictional tv shows.
"White" South Africans produce Clayton Bisby in real life.
Enjoy getting blacked, you degenerate mofos.
Ignore the D&C shit. He passes the RWDS checkpoint.
If he puts on a red Maga hat and votes for trump in 2020, he can be as white as he wants for all I care. I'm sad to say he probably has shitty beer in his fridge but odds are he owns a few choice guns.
I read somewhere that about 5% of African Americans marry whites. Which is probably up from about 0.1% at the time of Loving.
Most mulattoes in America marry into the black community anyway. Race mixing in America usually doesn't damage the white gene pool, at least past the first generation.
He's not American. He's South African. In fact, he's the leader of a white commune there.
If you read past the first few posts of the thread, you'll see I was just pretending he was some local guy in the neighborhood I know.
I'm a Divide and Conquer Shill? Because I point out that South Africans pick a mulatto to lead a white commune?
Enjoy getting killed by blacks, you product of a denegrate 1600s race mixing orgy.
South Africans pick mulattoes to lead "white" communes. And Americans are called mutts by this website.