Macron meets with Rojova and agrees to send French troops to support Arabs and Kurds against both ISIS and Turkey.
It's happening! Two NATO members are about to go to war against each other.
Macron meets with Rojova and agrees to send French troops to support Arabs and Kurds against both ISIS and Turkey.
It's happening! Two NATO members are about to go to war against each other.
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Time to Stomp some roaches, Constantinople eoy.
Doing God’s work France. I’m sure we will bail you out if things get serious.
The absolute STATE of NATO hahahahahahah
I predict Turkey will leave by 2020
5 minutes later...
Turkey doesn’t belong in NATO anyway.
> collaboration with Germany was a bad thing
kys commie fag
Time to retake Constantinople
More frenchmen to die for an Israeli cause to destabilise Turkey, because Erdogan said something mean about them
They never belonged anyways. Not that I like nato but being a member implies turkey deserves the same status as any European country
>y-yeah we were only collaborating h-haha
only your women, in bed
French are collaborating with Russia for the eventual takeover of Turkey.
Turks are whiter than you
> Germanic mating with Germanic is race-mixing
only western turks are white
eastern turkey is full of mongrel shitskins
He probably just wanted to take asylum applications in person, enjoy more "new French frogs
French going there armed with washing machines and bleach.
Agreed, duck those goddamn roaches.
>c-collaborating w-was the plan all along!
For cunts who constantly go on about being woke, you Jow Forumsack cunts sure are fucking completely oblivious to life in general. Hope you crackers neck yourselves if you don't start getting a decent head on your shoulders.
> Germanic mating with Germanic is race-mixing
I don't know if it was the plan but trading a few kikes for even a single frog life is nothing to be ashamed of.
>Two NATO members are about to go to war against each other
I don't think so
Uhm you don’t know me alexei
So, we will stand side by side with the Russians, our allies from the XIIth century?
But to be fair, I didn't bring up WWII in particular, you did. I could be refering to...say 1812.
BLEACHED will take on a whole new meaning.
So what?
So when does Article 5 of the NATO treaty get triggered ? Can't Turkey initiate it? Or does it not count when both countries are NATO memebers?
Strategic retreats
Something massive is going to happen in the next week. By the end of Passover, disclosure, WW3, I dont know but it will be one of those historical dates taught in history books as the start of something immense.
Well, this time no retreat, BTFO roach!
T*rkey is getting aggressive towards Greece again. If the t*rkroaches move first we have a great pretext to destroy them. Doubly so if France is in on the plan.
You burgers should solve your anti-russia problem an join, removing kebabs all together
It would most likely be French Foreign Legion on the ground.
I wish! And kebab is long overdue for removings. But it seems like these kikes are hellbent on warring Russia.
Think Russia would send its own considerable kebab supply s cannon fodder?
I wouldn't fight white Christians, but I'd reenlist for war with T*rkey in a heartbeat.
What you retards forget is that France was the first country to recognize the US being an independent state. You'd be still a britcuck if it wasn't for them.
was there ever a shittier ''''''''alliance''''''''' than NATO?
No, that was Morocco.
You should know that since it's where you most likely came from based on your flag. .
Just as Rensburg predicted
Finally an intervention in Middle East. It's been too long.
Better than pissing around in the fucking jungle
They're more than likely descended from 20th century immigrants, probably Germans or Italians, you can't expect them to have any knowledge or connection with America's founding.
The Virgin Sultan vs CHAD JUPITER
What is this fake news?
France provided military (primarily naval assistance), but did not formally recognize us a nation until 1778.
The Moroccans beat them to it by recognizing us in 1777.
t. a descendant of the Jamestown settlers who does know his history.
Nope it was France. Look it up
AFP is one of the big three with Reuters and AP
Usually no spin, just news
It's not happening - not now, The US will standby inside Manbij and France is sending troops to support them as defense against things going south ( like for instance the Kurds taking revenge for the US policy of not defending them from Turkey or Turkey playing games while they extricate the Kurds) - Then Turkey , the United States ,France and Russia will combine forces to wipe out isis , then the US leaves and so do the French. After that assad will get his ass handed to him and the Turks will invade and control both Syria and Iraq and begin to call for a united muslim nation under a Turkish caliphate. Then things will cool down for a while as the caliphate gains acceptance through the entire world and becomes a super power basically overnight. After that , they will likely unite with Russia against in some form through deception against the US , incapacitate us and then the caliphate will invade and occupy Israel. So "the habbenin" wont likely really happen for another five to ten years....give or take.
I'm not talking about formal recognition, Morocco was only interested in trade.
France didn't just provide "assistance" they declared war against the British and fought with us against them. They actually helped make sure we became a country.
go to bed kemal
Please god yes. I'm so fucking ready for this. End it all with nuclear fire. As long as all the Jews die too I am beyond caring.
also this. But it's mostly just the absolute state of turkey. Those shitskins never could follow a plan, it screwed the british empire before and it's screwing nato now.
At this point I honestly think it's a race as to whether turkey vs the kurds or Israel vs Iran/Russia is going to be the first piece that gives way and sets the entire powderkeg off, but it's going to have to happen. Pressures got to give.
>Saudi arabian civil war is an amusing third option. That shit would be spectacular if it went down.
> France formally recognized the United States on February 6, 1778, with the signing of the Treaty of Alliance.
>Sultan Sidi Muhammad Ben Abdullah of Morocco formally recognized the new United States as a nation on December 20, 1777.
1777 comes before 1778.
Do you remember this dude?
Start reading from 911 pic
>predicted 911, Crimea, syria, etc
(Just determined)
>predicted space station falling
>marked that as an important date in our history
>predicts Turkey will invade northern Iraq to genocide Kurds but it will implode Turkey itself somehow
>Far-Leftists will start civil war in US and seeing US weakend, the bear will leave its cave forever. Russia will come through Mexico and to US and Mexicans will align with Russia. Texas would be nuked.
>alien species who skin children adults and reconstruct their skins to imitate humans and lure other people with perfectlyimitated voice genocide humans for sport and ritual. He thinks its a scavenger civ which takes remains of destruction.
>these ayys liquidify humans and put them in dryers and in their ships humans are kept alive but with most of their body parts missing but kept alive via cables like matrix.
>ayys cant be killed they are too fast and too strong even if they are wearing child’s reconstructed skin.
Are we finished?? Chinese space station will fall soon around Easter. Yesterday, erdogan warned attacking Iraqi kurds. Shits are really hitting the fan.
But that's not what the Toothpaste said.
>What you retards forget is that France was the first country to recognize the US being an independent state
The first country to do that was Morocco beating the French by about three months.
leave us out of this shit.
Leave ASSad to me
I hope he is a larp and i do have one proof that he is a larp but his shits are too realistic
Macron better live up to the hype and start this God damn war against the roaches.
T*rkey can barely hold its westernmost provinces and it has a low fertility and greying eastern half.
It's not caliphating anything.
If the west wants to march over Turkey Germany will be the first step
NOOT NOOT ! Motherfucker.
We btfo the Islamists in Mali with tremendous sucess.
Whose turn now?
We coming for you roaches ans Turkoids, watch out.
the call that saved the kurds
>But that's not what the Toothpaste said.
>>You'd be still a britcuck if it wasn't for them.
Morocco saying "Yeah you can trade with us if you want" didn't have any impact on our independence.
Fuck off you traitorous commie with your divide tactics. The French are allies and always have been.
Kys kike
>NATO member vs NATO member
So what does that NATO charter say about that?
Do they roll digits for who gets what team?
before that we give them escort through belgium
Nice LARP, dickhead.
It's about time we drop dead some roaches and Isis scum
WHITER than you Muhammad
we fought the whole war ourselves, french fags didn't show up until the last engagment. some help they were.
Bump this is big....there has been some bizarre awareness happening in the past few days, particularly with the topic of jews, khazars, the holocaust, 911 and how they are all interconnected...
it became the last engagements because we jumped in bucko
Someone explain me why this salope meets with fucking arabs while in the meantime some fucking arabs kill people on our soil.?
let's see how this plays out
the Kurds are the second proxy after ISIS and the "Arabs" might as well be the FSA so there is no reason to assume it's a "based" move
>americans are more commie than frogs
dude look in a fucking mirror
because the arab was paid by erdogan
Turkey was always a bad fit for NATO. The sooner their gone, the better.
you sided with soviets
Watche this video you ignorant.
Rochameau was behind the strategy of the American and French troops.
France sent actual troops who fought alongside the Americans.
>against isis
the arabs ARE isis
to be fair to the frenchman, Obama was knowingly giving aid to islamist arabs too since he loved having Prince Alwaleed's dirty terrorist cock up his loose black anus.
French-Ottoman Alliance is OVER
Syria is my new best friend
So there are going to be more attacks in France?
There was a close attack on soldiers today.
>what are bantz
Fuck off, autist
>France and Turkey are the team captains
>Turkey gets ball first France gets first pick
Which NATO member gets picked last?
bantz is smart, not dull.
>The next things to come along are that the rest of the middle east falls apart, not just what we're already seeing but jordan, lebanon, saudi arabia, iran, pretty much everything except israel, eventually a space station (no idea which one or when/how) will de-orbit, a war between Russia and the U.S. is going to kick off, it's inevitable, Russia is going to invade up through Mexico, the red line is how far into the U.S. they end up advancing due to aid from the native Mexican population initiating an insurrection due to increased nationalism, and a weak quasi-breakup of the U.S. following a civil war. the green circle is a flashpoint where Russia didn't invade at first, they stayed on one side of the ship channel until finally attempting to cross it and that's when things go nuclear, 36 nuclear weapons are exhanged in and around the green circle, i have no idea how many are exchanged elsewhere as that is the last time we have internet or TV ever again, many other electronic devices and vehicles still worked however, mostly older ones though and for some reason as i said the hand held scanner for finding humans worked.
This was written Nov 4, 2016
Its own kebab won't fight. They'll all claim disabilities, bribe military officials and sit it out.
Is Germany the Ref? I think the ref is biased to shitskins.
France vs Turkey lets go!
Isn't it more direct and easier to clean our goddamn country instead of helping some remote sandniggers in the hope it will have an effect. FFS even if we glass the entire middle east we will still have hordes of moulouds right here.
>says who
>says you
impressive, saus, archive?
Start reading at the pic of World Trade Centers burning.
>French are collaborating with Russia
I fucking doubt it, France pulled the "they tried to hack our election" thing a few months ago and just expelled diplomats
If anything this is all a cover and they are going to support FSA over SAA while Turkey barrels down the East side of the Euphrates and captures the oil fields