How do you determine that a country is first world Jow Forums?
How do you determine that a country is first world Jow Forums?
Drinkable tap water, refuse collection, high speed internet and reliable power grid. Democratic Gov.
>reliable power grid
Have you ever experienced brownouts in your home?
>low crime rate
>national identity
>small State
>few taxes
>transportation infrastructure
>freedom of speech (“racism”, “homophoby” would never be crimes)
>gun rights
>gun rights
I don't think so
Japan doesn't have right to bear arms yet they're even more first world than the US
If they are America or allied with America and against Russia, they're First World.
If they are Russia or allied with Russia against America, they are Second World.
If they are not allied with America nor Russia, they are Third World.
Do a fucking Google search once in a while, you stupid nigger.
>How do you determine that a country is first world Jow Forums?
By the percentage of whites
No jews present.
Their whiteness
500k sats sent ;^)
It's mostly white with white leadership.
I blame the media for overusing the term '3rd world' when they should've said undeveloped
No, just Jow Forums.
>LMAO America's a third world country now xD
If they are white and were never under communist control. Also Japan.
Percentage of white population.
Pls, I am getting crushed by bears.
If in your country people listen to David Hogg then you are not First World, you’re 3.5 world
What’s your favourite flavour of penis?
I pulled out 4m yen last January. Did you pull out?
count the niggers
>Democratic Gov.
so the shittiest form of government makes it first world, fuck first world then
>Good pasta
>Proper coffee
>No pineapple on pizza ever
1st world is any country on the side of US during the cold war.
2nd world is any country on the side of the USSR during the cold war
3rd world country is unsided hence austria is a 3rd world.
I have ~200$ lmao.
999$ ATH, all in alts.
Why you put in very small amount? If you live Canada it's not very hard to look for salary?
All the time. I keep all browns out.