Jow Forums BTFO

Jow Forums BTFO

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I don't listen to bestiality freaks, you leaf niggers

But we don't force people to buy government issued weapons via taxes.

Not an argument. Owning rifles are a right, getting healtcare from a doctor is not one.

>you deserve a right to live
>you dont have a right to defend yourself up to and including lethal force

Your math doesnt add up try again

>just get socialized healthcare and all of a sudden the 2nd amendment is now OK.


The difference is that providing everyone with socialized healthcare costs the taxpayer money, whereas allowing people to own guns saves the taxpayer money because otherwise government would have to enforce a retarded prohibition.

Maybe we should use our guns to take your healthcare,

You have the right to healthcare in America though. You have to pay for it just like everything else. Including food, water, and guns.

You have the right to defend yourself from harm

You don’t have the right to the labor and services of doctors and hospitals

Justin should have payed attention in school

There's something seriously wrong with a country that believes you don't have the right to choose the means by which you secure your own life.

There’s something seriously wrong with a prime minister who takes a before in office surplus and now has a deficit

He spends other people’s money like a rich entitled middle aged white man

>being able to defend yourself and family should not be a right
>but making sure illegal mexicans can survive their 12th heart attack should be

There's something wrong with a man that dances every time he's introduced to a crowd of foreigners

Canada is a bad joke

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Nobody is out to get you, and the odds you’ll end up in a situation requiring lethal violence is almost negligible. Meanwhile, 40% of Americans will get cancer at some point in their lives.

How does Jow Forums fall for this everytime? Fucking right wing retards

fuck him

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Not an argument

Would be nice to solver Healthcare as that solves Poverty in The United States , so long as Medical Expenses continues to be the primary cause of Poverty that is .

And 100% of Americans can purchase insurance and healthcare just like guns

>muskets existed 250 years ago
>systemic healthcare didn't
Gee, I wonder why one of those made it into the Constitution so long ago and the other hasn't yet.

fake, gay