uk just jizzed its pants. how can bongs ever compete?

Attached: china-vs-uk.jpg (470x528, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

jay walking isnt a crime in the UK


That's just retarded.

Attached: arrasiansrooksame.jpg (800x428, 67K)


Jay walking is a crime you Dumbass don't walk in the middle of the road you're a burden to every driver

someone send this to bill burr

The second one of you jay walks in front of a Muslims car and dents his property, you bet your ass it'll be illegal.

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>being a smartphone degenerate

what a bunch of cuckoids

not your personal nigger

Solution: Don't have a phone.

Hackers are going to have a field day fucking with this chink grade fully connected technology ...
> mfw they end up being victims of their own madness

Attached: 1522357297358.gif (569x320, 2.65M)

the fact that they all look same yet the system can tell them apart only makes it more impressive

this is some Watch Dogs shit

Attached: scan.png (322x540, 395K)

how is this going to work since they all look the same?

But if you are a minority and go bark to the courts, they let you off with a scolding

Crossing the road wherever we please is one of the only freedoms we have left

If the state actually followed through on giving criminals their just deserts, I'd kind of want this on a massive scale in the US. Imagine a world where illegals have nowhere to hide and niggers diddu it.

I would not want to drive in bongland.

although it might be using a combination of facial recognition, biometrics (height) and phone data if they are carrying a phone

But it is a hate crime, because you are appropriating the culture of the Jays with no regard for their emotional well-being.

Off to prison with you.

>recognizing chinese faces
>each day thousands of unrelated chinks receive fines for jaywalking in cities they don't even live in.

>the opening shot of the Sino-Russian War is Xi being arrested for spitting his gum onto the sidewalk
What a brave new world.

>Get a text at work because the system fucks up and I look like some random chink
>In China

This would go badly, but China wouldn't admit if it did.

>biometrics (height)

>wear heels
>bill goes to someone else

Attached: 1443148361551.png (395x401, 64K)

>move to the country
>no money to put a government surveillance bot up your ass

What then?

People need to reclaim old dying towns.

>giving a shit about muh minorities

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>tfw it is here and we've imported a whole bunch of British cops on a power trip to enforce our stupid laws
We get the worst of both worlds. The Australian police are at least fairly laid back, but the British cops are absolutely power trippers. Got a $110 fine from one for jaywalking, what a fucking joke

Yeah, someone forgot to inform them that they all look alike. Something tells me once they actually start taking action the whole thing is going to be proven to be worthless... hahaha

They would first need a database...
First, how fucking huge would it have to be.
Second it would be of chinese people and those fuckers all look the same.. Not even kidding who's got that article about how one chinese woman could unlock another chinese womans phone with the facial recognition (I know it meme, but they didnt look like each other at all)
Yeah, as with all versions of western technology, this chinese rip off will be a pile of shit.
The british system has been in place since the first cold war, designed to catch spies.. But yeah, if they think they could get away with it, this shit would be a reality here..

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How about forced national wifi ID implants and implementing the recognizion based on them? Battery has to be charged 100% to go out and at 5% it alerts the authorities you aren't recharging it.

Why do people never link the article?

Mr Reese. We have another number.

Attached: harold finch.jpg (1920x1920, 192K)

It was never about power, it was always about making the state money.

>reliable facial recognition in China
lmao good luck with that

because i stole it from 9fag

>the fact that they all look same
are you fucking retarded user?

its just a system recognizing phone users. moreover, people fined will also be placed on low-tier lists, making it harder for them to get jobs, transport, loans, etc.

Imagine how inaccurate that thing is.
We're talking about the chinese.

>its just a system recognizing phone users
>facial recognition
well the question if you are fucking retarded seems to be settled

>visit China
>walk across the street while squinting
>a thousand miles away in the neck of the woods, a guy gets fined
brave new world

it's fucked there, they all drive on the wrong side of the road, pure madness

>Land of the free
>Has designated crossing streets

>Sino-Russian war
Spotted the Pajeet

Oi where is your walking license mate

>oh le rule the world
>capital is ruled by a Pajeet

and if there's no cars?
you can fuck off with your dumb rules


they already have it
you don't even realise the world you're living in




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who is zuckerberg married to?
what languages does he speak?

Nigger what?

>Facial recognition

How does that even work?

nobody has made that joke in this thread, ha ha ha

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA LMAO >>Peak communism. Technology will never hurt human species

Future... Test your death squad's facebook and state media score... imaged your score lowing from your pissed off black hate...

Jokes on you, those "facial recognition devices" are just automatic guns with motion sensor

I bet they are doing this not because they are evil commies but because there are way too many retarded chinks who cause stupid accidents like in those chink GIFs

Didn't even know jaywalking was a crime in some countries

there should be laws against cctv

sick of feeling like im always being watched


Nigger you

What is this from?

Came here to make a poi post.


Google Stephon Clark's brother

Use your words user.

>jay walking
How can you illegally cross a road?

You're telling me that Americans have to cross on designiated crossing portions of the street? Fuck me, how is this a thing?

Fucking brutal

>letting niggers and spics walk over the streets
Not worth the trouble desu. Better to have them.
Besides they never follow it anyways because jay walking is a meme in Florida. Pedestrians have the right of way down here