How can you maximize your potential as a man?

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dont be here


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avoid women

I thought no fap was a meme till I tried it.

Holy shit I feel like super man. I can run longer and harder, I lost a lot of body fat and I sleep better. When I wake up im not groggy. I don't crave crap food.

I reccomend no fap as a simple and effective start.

It's a bit of a retarded question.
Are you ready to maximize your manhood, the fuck does that mean^ You want your own harem^
You do that

Or you know, you could start lifting.

I do both. Huge difference in how I feel.

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Heil Hitler!

No fap is just a really direct way to gain more discipline. Same as ignoring that food you really want if you were some kind of fat pig. A

Read the Werewolf Manifesto

Get family
Protect family
Raise good kids
Own land

Agreed. But I think it also has regulatory effects on my system as well. It could all be placebo. Who knows.

Don't just work on your body! work on your mind too! thats why you have these huge gym rats who look like the hulk but have the mind of a handicapped child left in their wheel chair in the sun on a hot day

>How can you maximize your potential as a man?
By sticking to a regular sleeping schedule.

The work ethic of a farmer, the body of a greek god, and the mind of a monk.

By not being a man. There's no reward for being a male in this society so it's best to off yourself and hope you'll get lucky in the next life. I just can't be bothered anymore.

Depends on what you want.

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I think its changing. As women get older they are realizing their mistakes in marginalizing men.

Same goes for cold showers in the morning and after workouts

>I think its changing
Yeah, I don't think so. Death is the only way out.

unironically nofap and LSD

>cold showers
>do cardio and lift weights at least 3/4 times a week
>supplement d-aspartic acid for 12 days if your T levels are kinda low to help give you a kick-start (it only triggers your body to make more, it's natural in plants and your brain)
>stop watching porn completely and stop masturbating so much

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stop posting here and go outside
not even memeing