What a fucking racist
I hope he gets his just deserts
What a fucking racist
>someone who doesn't know the difference between Sikhs and Muslims
Not our guy, in b4 this is blamed on us.
Also people need to keep there fucked up views to themselves otherwise they are going to ruin there lives. Like this beta faggot has. Also attacking women makes him a giant faggot.
100% fake and gay I guarantee it.
>Sihk GIRL
>wearing turban?!
>Attention seeking whore confirmed
>guy just standing there minding his own business
>he was shouting obscenities at us moments ago!!!
seems legit
Chad btfo's shitskins
>hmm.. i hate this guy, let's see what i can do
>roastie gets a pic of him
>makes some shit up about him on twitter
>fired from job, life ruined
>possibly arrested by bong hate speech police
So a story with no proof and a picture of the "target". We are not your personal army cause this guy stole your girl.
we had a similar story recently. big national stir. turns out the girl and her mother were lying. imagine my shock.
Why there's a crossover between racists and retards?
Jow Forums is the biggest example of that.
i'll take shit that didn't happen for $100 please
Sikh women don't wear turbans you window licker.
Sikh girls don't wear turbans or head dresses so yeah this is some bullshit. But in the case that this was a muslim girl I gotta give that guy props for standing up for whats right.
Everybody needs to go home, party is over, sorry but it's late, tempers are fraying and soon there will be a fight, great time, see you again, you should walk, you've had too much to drink. Good night. See you soon.
>It's that time.
The ride never ends
>Why is there a crossover between literally any group of people and retards?
Because a large portion of humanity is fucking pants shittingly retarded.
They can choose to wear a turban if they so desire. Still, this is bullshit and if proven so, I hope she gets ripped apart for posting this poor guys picture. Most racists know the difference between Sikhs and Muslims, as the former are generally decent people.
Brits, when will you wake up?
I swear to god london deserves to get nuked
Sikh girls don't wear turbans
More than likely didn't do it.
Plenty of stories falsely accusing people of doing similar things.
It's a bad ploy that usually ends in backfire where the accuser gets arrested for defamation.
I used to live in Brampton Ontario until two years ago. Sikh central. I have never seen a woman were a thing on her head apart from maybe a scar draped loosely over it same as other Indian women.
I can assure you this story is bullshit and the Greek girl posting it an insufferable virtue signalling cunt and a traitor to her own people if she views Muslims in a remotely favourable light. Hell, I agree with what he's alleged to have done!
Nah shill, a metric shit ton of them so wear turbans, also referred to as darmalas. They usually belong to the AKJ group of Sikhs.
Pic related
I dont see whats wrong with this
someone reported abuse so they places say they'll investigate it, thats normal
We'll need to wait and see if they decide to do anything
>sikh girls don't wear turbans
Yeah, we don't have many around here but I read that more Sikh women are choosing to wear turbans. She is still a liar. She tweeted that she is taking it to the police, so she undoubtably knows she is about to fuck this guy over. If you were going to go to the police, why post his pic on social media. Virtue signaling cunt.
Fuck off paki
Most likely. I've crossed paths with a lot of people like that, specially latinas.
They started harrashing my aunt who's got a shop and started calling her racist and other stuff on the profile of her business. For what she told me she refused to accept a return for a used purse that stank like beer and vomit and they threatened her to ruin her life.
So pretty sure that guy just bumped into one of those cunts and didn't appologize or something and they took a pic of him and slandered him out of spite.
>Sikhism has retained it's existence by slaying Mudslimes, just like crusaders.
>Fuck off paki
wat'cha doin imaam?
Just as bad. They come from different cultures, like muslims. Send em back
Those are girls? The one on the left is not even a sikh, it's Mr. Bean.
>just deserts
How many and which ones? Gobi? Darfur?
The government apologizing and openly talking about an investigation legitimizes the accusation despite no proof but her words.
if he said that to some pakis he'd probably get mobbed and stabbed by like 50 of them outside of the train station
>quintessentially British
I dont know how many times Ive seen people mistaken Sikhs for Muslims and they are always whites that do it. Muh white IQ is a meme for the most part
Its just a boiler plate response to get people to calm down, if they informed her privately that they would be investigating shed just publicise that anyway
>post picture of white guy minding his own damn business
>claim he did something without any proof
>people will believe you and do whatever is necessary to ruin his life
Holy shit leftists are puppets
ALL white men are racist Nazis so we do not really need to do an investigation.
What is a just deserts? Like which ones? Definitely not the African deserts.
Oh yeah, I know that game. This is definitely true with Puerto Rican girls and black girls. I feel as though if you give them a stern, "shut you fucking mouth" with a no-bullshit disposition, they'll shut up. You just have to be prepared to back that up with your goon hand.
I don't tend to believe this
Haven't been on Twatter . No profile.
Watching Ron burgundy so tough, no time, but what she's doing is possibly illegal.
Never be an ass with work related clothing on, ever.
So happy to have already earned my pension....HA !!!
Fuck all the brownies !!!
Did you miss the part about what he’s allegedly done?
The government shouldn't broadcast a boiler plate response to the world every time a guy is accused of yelling on a bus.
They also shouldn't fucking apologize because it places them squarely in the accusers corner instead of being neutral until "investigated."
Twitter is a message to everyone. It isn't telling a possible victim they are investigating, it is giving press conference and yelling it to everyone.
Yea whites never say racist or bigoted stuff, impossible to believe.
>what is guilty until proven innocent
>even then, still guilty.
Dude's will likely be fired and ostracized, regardless if he said a word. That kind of power should not rest in the hands of the public.
Especially not in the hands of some simple cunt.
Yet this cunt decides to hold court on a public forum. Fuck outta here.
Quick, plant bomb-making materials on that Paki scum and report her.
The fuck century did you come from?
You want real racism? Go hang with blacks, hispanics, or chinese.
Until then, fuck off nigger.
what a cunt
Brit/pol/ in real life.
>When you must defend yourself from mutts because you're a paki
Can I have one doner kebab please paki?
An alleged attack is worse than an actual one because one can’t be sure that the actions aren’t actually worse than they are alleged to be.
Why shouldn't a brit be able to live his whole life without knowing the difference between Sikhs and Muslims?
He should never have to look at either one unless he reads National Geographic.
That’s Turkish, bro
Like all natural disasters, residents of the third world are best viewed from a distance.
Fucking educate yourself, you're scum if you can't tell the difference between North Africans, Arabs, Turks, Lebanese/Syrias, Indians and Pakistanis. They all act differently, they all need to be treated differently.
Then stop claiming muh IQ, white nigger. This is common knowledge type shit.
Go away mudblood nobody wants your newfag ass here
yeah but none of them should be in western countries
This! The Sikhs are really not bad people. They tend to work hard, stick together, have the proper amount of kids and live in nice neighborhoods. Also, they serve well in the armed forces, which is pretty selfless considering.
IQ has nothing to do with an interest in the queer ways of foreigners. That fellow has a 100% right to his parochial worldview and bless him for exercising it.
this is a general Jow Forums post
why would you start off strong and suddenly meme?
I agree but yea.
>be bongistani
>get arrested for words or if your pug lifts his arm too high
Where's the evidence any of this happened?
>unfounded accusation.
she should be beheaded.
We should report every white knight to the London police and attach their pic from their profile and say we took it in the tube. How would they act then.
even if it's true the fact that they just ruined some dudes life over a picture is scary
>if your pug lifts his arm too high
I dont know why people think this is the part that got him arrested
He was charged because of his repeated and enthusiastic use of the phrase "gas the jews"
t. sikh
Based shitskins!!!
Immigration without assimilation is called an INVASION!!
and now you know why muslims treat women the way they do.
kys cuck
>young Sikh girl wearing a turban
>girl wearing a turban
Pathetic faggots..
He's not a racist, he's just trying to make her feel at home
I agree. I was just having a laugh. It is alarming that the HR would respond in a public tweet and a strongly worded one before investigating
that guy in your pic isn't even a muslim, hes a jewish mossad agent
im sorry if I blew your mind a bit too hard there
I know Dankula misrepresents his own case since he keeps saying he was arrested because his dog lifted his paw, but thats a lie
Nice British name.
Racists are retarded. Intelligent people hate on thuggish and nigger behavior, regardless of skin color
The absolute state of England
How long until hate hoaxes reach critical mass and normies start getting affected?
shhh youll trigger all the dumb low IQ amerimutts
I am not going to focus my time on a group of people that I will never see, meet, or be bothered by. I live smack dab in the middle of a American barrio, I have other people to focus my anger on.
>Jow Forums is autistic
>autistic people are more likely to be intelligent
Therefore, Jow Forums is intelligent.
Now you said it it does. I keep forgetting about Mossad
Was he being sincere?
^^ was for this
top left and bottom right are the same girl
This is some absolute bullshit. Is her female cousin a Sikh with a turban whilst she is an Arabic speaking Sikh?
ooo no you did not
>you are as bad as the racists
racists bridges always fall