strawpoll,please only vote if you are from these nations
yes we all have some minorities we dont like but the vast amount of the nations are white,and as we are all reasonably developed there will be no unbalanced migration to one over the other like IE if romania was let in for example.
would you support it lads? to live work and travel between all the realms without bullshit paperwork? do you want to unite the english speaking world or let our peoples and shared culture and blood drift apart and become strangers?
Yes, the next step is convincing America that they're still a commonwealth country despite the war of independence. They can keep their president, but we'll become one state.
Asher Gutierrez
we need to take it up a notch desu and the commonwealth means shit like pakistan and jamaica and SA i want to unite the whtie anglosphere and keep the commonwealth seperate.
Fuck that shit. I dont want the cultural enrichment enjoyed by UK and Canada here. We have basically open boarders with NZ and we're fucking flooded with Maori which roam in gangs and have killed whites...
Colton Campbell
I want my borders closed, not opened up even more.
Brandon Bell
This, we just gotta kick out everyone except us.
John Gutierrez
but that means maori and bloody abos will be running around chisik here aswell lol
its a price im willing to pay,there is 60 million plus whites here alone
with our vast amount of human ressources we wont need to import labour from abroad we can just share our peoples
but if some of you leave to go work in uk for a few years and some to canada and a few english and scots came to you are you really full?
Nathaniel Brown
this would only work if it was white nations. australia and new zealand should not allow this. they are the only white nations left, though aussies are in danger of chinese colonization that is growing fast. and i dont want any fucking uk fucks in canada. they honestly enjoy their police state where a dog is a nazi and cameras on every single corner, but cant see 1000s of girls involved in muslim grooming gangs, but its a fucking instant find if you are mean to a minority and more jail time than the rapists.
>Canada and UK bring in the nigg- I mean refugees. >The excess moves to Australia and New Zealand. Perfect plan. The jews are so smart they never cease to amaze me.
I don't want free movement of niggers who snuck into the uk. Fuck outta here. We have enough problems with fucking Trudeau
Robert Wilson
exactly, as long as one of those countries has holes in its immigration policy, they all do. Fixing Canada will be hard enough, but now I would have to worry about bongland?fuck that noise.
Exactly, you 2 bit Reddit troll. This doesn't benefit white people from these countries. It benefits the immigrants.
I love that you get offended so easily though, faggot.
Angel Hall
And if I were them, I would not give access to Canada. We are controlled by Chinese, Jews and arabs emeriates. There's no Canada anymore. It would be dangerous to their survival as whites to allow free access. There isnt free access between Can and US. You need passports to enter now, even driving. Considering the UK denies access to Canadians for saying mean things, I dont think there's any chance or reason for any country to enter this kind of agreement with you. You'll arrest our citizens for complete bullshit reasons because of kike control of your country. The world should watch you burn for your actions in WW2.
Ryan Garcia
>uncle chang detected
canzuk scares you cause it would make it hard for you to buy up all the property in canada cause your people would be frozen out in favour of anglo migration
Christian Cook
Lmfao imagine being this stupid. Definitely an inbred paki posting here, should have known
Thats not a good idea. Fast track visas between them, but distinct borders define a distinct cultures.
Gabriel Rivera
Liam Turner
>UK invites Pakis and other shitskins >Pakis and other shitskins get british passports because denying them would be racist >Canada, NZ and Ustralia get flooded with quintessentially british Pakis and other muslims Yeah, no. I don't see why the fuck would anyone want to have open borders with UK at this point
FUCK NO this means that the UK will act as a trojan horse for pakis and niggers and general sand niggers to move freely into aus and for even more chinese to come in from canada
This. It's just a way to force those people onto Australia and New Zealand, who have been more resistant than the other two countries. Blatant fucking scam and anyone here who cannot see that is a serious concern and should not consider themselves fit for geopolitical thinking or discussions because you obviously don't think in terms of what happens if x happens.
Ian Sullivan
Where do you think the "Saxon" part comes from in the term "Anglo-Saxon"? Judging by your typing style, I'd say you've either come here from leddit or you're a nigger/half breed/muslim, probably both though.
Eli Nguyen
>its a price Im willing to pay yeah there's a fucking surprise from a conquered islamic country
Jose Gonzalez
>Share the same legal system
Tell that to my pocket knife and tactical assault bicycle wheel.
Henry Scott
Nope full anglo from up north,just vote on the bloody poll and shut up will ya m8?
Dylan Hall
NO. I don't want your muslims or asians. Get fucked.
Luis Brown
Needs to be rejected so hard that they grow scared of losing votes
Christian Sullivan
im hoping that we soften and harden each others laws desu,i want gun rights here eventually.
you guys have reactionary shit also,you banned ninja stars cause kids thought they was cool ffs
Cooper Edwards
no. do not want pakis and canadians. fuck off.
Aiden Morris
i dont want chinks abos and maori but i know if we share our white gene pool there is plenty of workers and all the shit we need for our gaps in the labour market,we wont need to import any if we share our people
just imagine being able to visit your ancestrial homeland for a few month,earn some good coin and go back home? or stay if you can hack the rain and vice versa?
Jacob Diaz
Get fucked pom. I don't want to visit your Orwellian State. I would be arrested for speak Australian. Keep your muslims to yourself.
Matthew Powell
Fuck off cunt You will not be selling a bridge to your immigrant hordes to us as "sharing our white gene pool"
we can do that already
fucking cunt keep your aids to yourself
fucking suggesting that an islamic nation like the UK should have open borders with aus kek
Josiah Edwards
>just imagine being able to visit your ancestrial homeland for a few month
My ancestral homeland is Albion, not Orwellian.
Gabriel Jenkins
I'm ok with it. Meeting an American, Canadian, Australian or Kiwi is always a pleasure.
Alexander Clark
KEKZ union, checks out
Adrian Torres
fuck off
Carson Watson
you dont have a choice in the matter son the empire needs men
Again, its no surprise that the country that let itself get usurped by islam to the point where you're a minority in your own capital and are headed by a terrorist apologist sees no problem with enabling movement of millions of sand niggers, niggers and chinks into white lands
you're a joke of a nation and you will not be pozzing us you will trigger the dissolution of the empire :)
Thomas Hill
You sacrificed your Empire to kill Hitler. Was it worth it?
Noah Mitchell
>the empire needs men
Then why the fuck are you including the Canadians?
Ethan Parker
>Again, its no surprise that the country that let itself get usurped by islam to the point where you're a minority in your own capital and are headed by a terrorist apologist sees no problem with enabling movement of millions of sand niggers, niggers and chinks into white lands Except for when they're a cunt.
John Perry
NO fucking way UK is filled with nigger muslims, take out UK and then alright.
isnt the poll in the OP on an article? voting on some anons strawpoll does nothing nothing
vote in the actual articles poll if you want to have influence
Julian Scott
Fuck off, maybe 30 years ago, we are not even close to the poz status of ur country.
Julian Flores
no it will lead to the millions of pakis and general refuse you are housing to spread across aus, canada and nz strengthening the multicult perspective and setting up global government you absolute brainlet
Jason Perez
I’d bow to her majesty if you know what I mean
Michael Fisher
im not fond of them either but why would they move to aus? your money isnt worth as much as ours,you are out of the way and its more expensive to live there
also your culture is more racist than ours so why would they move to you?
also pakis dont like snow so canada have that going for them also
Australia only needs to sign a piece of paper and we can make hundreds of nukes. >skilled whites Australian jobs for Australians. Fuck off.
Gabriel Robinson
You're a fucking dunce and its no wonder the UK is now an islamic country considering people like you live there
Juan Price
you don't need nukes for that, half of uk is chinese already
Carter Adams
>No USA Thank fuck. We'd be flooded with Mexicans and (even more) niggers.
Brandon Phillips
She was so perfect. Post more qt queen pls.
Tyler Edwards
Imagine needing a licence to watch television or own a butter knife, or getting 20 years prison for eating a bacon sandwich within a kilometre of a mosque. The British just want to spread the misery.
Jace Young
you need more educated whites of your own kind,stop being a xenophobe to your own race you bogan cunt