How do you call the phenomena?
How do you call the phenomena?
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They're hapas.
Russian army.
that's what happens when you get conquered by the mongols for hundreds of years
It's called bias
i call it bullshit propaganda
Is there anything more repulsive in this world than a German, I ask.
Hot fucking feet.
why are russias males such manlets while russian broads are usually quite tall?
sasha rose is the most beautiful women in the world.
That is all i want to say.
these are what authentic whites look like
wait... is that dilma?
Sexual dimorphism
Sure sucks to be gay in here.
sexual dimorphism
its shitposting. its like saying all western women have big heads and chins that make them ugly. Think british slags.
Not true.
I was born in Russia and am a very attractive white man.
Women tell me I'm handsome, charming during casual conversation.
Why are Eurasian women the sexiest on the planet?
Look babe, I'm sorry that we couldn't stick around. One day we shall remove again - together.
The Electra Complex?
>the 2nd from left
because you are a vain russian motherfucker
they tell you that to shut you the fuck up, and are being gentle with your insecurities
>not 2nd from the right
Pleb taste user
its called makeup
Imagine then if they were wearing as much makeup
as your average mutt woman.
Los creaturis.
>t. insecure Stacy from the superior Anastasia
I bet good hard cash that all those women were bred nightly by daddy. Or someone close to them when they were children.
Its kinda true
>its called makeup
and the absence of whatever early childhood obesity does to a body
you provincial retard do you not think fashion mores are different across cultures? are you so retarded to think that because in America nigger hookers like heels and short skirts most of all this must be the case worldwide?????? does the corn syrup when it is forced pastt brain barrier does it feed the Kike lies in your brain?
I believe the term is "being a straight male."
Really liking this La Goblina meme.
That is all.
we use to call that conquest...
Because all the good strong men went to fight, and die, in wars. The shitty genetics got left behind because they were unfit to fight but ultimately survived
kys shill
yes my macaco friend
Russian men drink vodka, and have the deepest voices on earth. You know your looks can come second when you've such a fucking loud ass basso profundo that you have to wait for the choir director to put on ear muffs and brace himself for your last note in a song.
Soon russian women will be replaced with happas. Which means russian men will gradually disappear. Unless of course they change their ways
that happened to us all, and I still wouldn't touch a britess with a stick
Sexual dimorphism. You're welcome.
Wow. Did I struck a nerve there, tyrone? Or is it Ivan? I'm sorry, but next you're going to tell me those women are going to Christian school and that slavs aren't mostly raging alcoholics.
she was only cute when she was younger and molestable.
>russians will be replaced by half chinks
Is Russia going to become the school shooting capital of the world now? How can America even compete.
Russia a multiethnic country.
Retarded meme perpetuated by ugly virgins in western Europe.
Russians with Turkic or Georgian backgrounds are definitely better-looking than fucking Germans lol.
In reality, this is what the average German man looks like.
Also, Aryan sluts from Berlin loved Soviet cocks.
Although this is kinda embarrassing, it's a great movie-material story nevertheless
The contrary happens in Germany.
Asiatic-steppe goblin detected.
Don't even have the same face
>hey user, will you teach me how to handle your sword ?
That's not a German though.
yes it is
I'm so happy western Europe is becoming multiracial lol.
Not even, German women are just as top tier as Russian women.
I agree. German women can be very pretty.
Man I'm German and fell in love with. male Russian police officer. We talked about living together in America and would always teach the other in our broken English different words. I miss him a lot.
Russian women are the germanic genes, Russian men are the turkic and baltic genes mixed with slav.
>mutts it up with greek colonists
>mutts it up with celts
>mutts it up with north africans
>mutts it up with hellenic greeks
>gets invaded by germanic barbarians
>gets invaded by franks
>gets invaded by moors
>gets invaded by normands
>gets invaded by germans
>gets invaded by french
>gets invaded by spaniards
The Russian inferiority complex is palpable...and justified. No one takes you steppe monkeys seriously. Friendly reminder your kinfolk got raped by needle-dicked mongoloids. Sad!
It's true, German woman are mostly fat in the face a good bit, dunno why this happened, used to be better.
I call it post-feminism. Since the Soviet Union was the first country to suffer all the marxist shit, equity, quotas and female empowerment. The women have finally realized they suck at everything except for sex. Yet they have draw so much power and privileges from the state policies, that their life expectancy became 12 years longer than mens'. Now they are the electoral majority and continue the trend to discriminate men to dehumanize them more.
lol even the tsarnaev fags were worshiped by American women after they committed that atrocity.
Rolling Stone put one of them on the cover of their magazine admiring his aesthetics.
keep chirping you cucked ugly basement-dwelling virgin.
> Dagestanis, Ingush, and Chechens
> Same ethnicity as East Slavic Russian
> t. redditspacing mutt
Sad, you could've created ultimate USSR era East German spawnlings
Still Russian. Russians are a multiethnic people. Not everyone is East Slavic you retard.
its the opposite in britain
You snowniggers really are despicable. Hope you get skin cancer today.
t. italian
Italians always looked like their ancient counterparts you mong. Even back then the Romans were mutted up. If you actually believe they were Aryan you're fucking deluded.
If blond was the hair of it's people why would the color be associated as a symbol of prostitution? If Romans were already blond why did they go through the trouble of gathering Gallic bitches or butchered scalp of Gallic niggers to make blond wigs to place them on prostitutes in the first place?
Stop giving him you's, idiot.
No I'm a man, sorry.
kys degenerate scum
This never happened you giant faggot. The average American doesn’t even remember those beta males. Aesthetics? Dude looks like an Armenian with Down syndrome.
Aesthetics? are obviously an Asiatic mud person.
Looking good is for women, so not something a faggot like you could understand.
yet most are complete whores on a level even worse than american sluts.
hey man, I despise those guys too. it's not my fault American women were talking about how attractive they found them.
Yes, ancient italians were all blonde haired aryan nordics. See attached quote by caesar.
Are traditional Bavarian qt pies rare?
Your Mother, sister, and girlfriend don’t count as “American” women faggot. Aesthetic? I can’t stop laughing at you homey.
No idea, but assume as much since the state has ultimate control on it's citizens.
niggers, but wrong color on accident
Men of every race rate the women of other races higher than the men.
100 years of communism. Only beauty whores and ugly fuckers stayed alive.
Don't believe silly memes.
Serbs went through communism too yet Serbian men are the tallest men with unbelievable facial aesthetics.