Just Withdrawing Money From an ATM

> Horrifying surveillance footage shows the moment a man was approached taking money out of an ATM and shot dead by a teen robber.

Florida's such a shithole...

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They said the attacker was 17

He looks like Wesley Snipes when he was 40

Typical nig behavior

Weneed more gun control

>open article
>This video starts playing
>It's some nigger ringing a bell at an uncle tom

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then this video played

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>victim's name is Dillon Bud Calvin Steve

Goddammit Florida

>wh*tey shot for trying to assault his wife's lover during routine redistribution of wealth

This is just self defense. Treyvon the Martyr went down the same way. Dillon being arrested shows the hypocrisy of the wh*te man.

Shut the fuck up OP, he didn't do nothing, he is a good boy and he was just trying to get his life on track, money for school and such

like the old saying goes: around jungle bunnies do not attempt to withdraw monies

You know what to do.

>he didnt bring a gun to the gunfight
>he didnt bring a knife to the gunfight
>he brought a fucking HUG to a gunfight

he deserves to be dead

get a load of this racist pol. kek where are the mods?

>standard nig behavior
next autoplay woman's lacross signing NIGGER

He relaxed around niggers,

>As Hill is squatting down to get the cash, Steve lunches at him
>Steve lunches at him

quality journalism


We need nigger control.

Moderators!!! Jow Forumstards are being rayyciss again, oy vey

Niggers are the most relaxing race. I always relax whilst around people of African descent.

Just going to post this. Checked btw

>he relaxed

What the fuck is wrong with you you memers pieces of shit. Were is your rage? Holy shit. A dude died trying to defend his money and all I see its "LOL NIGGERS"

Cmon pol take moshes finger out of your ass. Also 17??? This piece og nigger shit its trying to get judged like a minor. I hope his ass rots in jail. A waste of money IMO.

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Why would you go to an ATM after dark, especially in a place like that?

Aaaaaand...the nigger won't be publicly executed.
I no longer care.

get cash to buy drugs, duh.

Blame shouldnt go on the victim, but anyone with common sense would have withdrawn the money elsewhere. When I take the city bus I dont even take my wallet out to get my bus ticket until the bus has opened its doors and im getting on if there are blacks around. You really need to be that cautious, sadly.


Someone post a fucking webm thank you in advance

fuck, rip hugh mungus

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>Steve lunches at him
Is this a fat American joke?

la creatura...

What can we do but laugh, Spain?
Racewar won't break out until the 2030s at the earliest.

floridafag here. castro shouldve done away with us when he had the chance

Looks like it could be Obama's son

Is it still politically incorrect to say "hoodie"?

It doesn't excuse the murderer, but the victim was a retard. Compliance is far less likely to result in death.

This happened the other day


Weird that only one bank's ATM in my area is enclosed and requires a card to get in after hours.

I bet he used an AR15 TOO!

That nigger looks 45

And all the muh police brutality nogs protesting right now, ask them how do you explain this shit? We have a nigger brutality problem

He relaxed around a nigger, his own fault for not having situational awareness and a gun.

It's America, nobody cares about what's happening in that shithole country.

i hate americans so much
just beat some respect in those animels, contain your niggers ffs

>ima leav
>i aint fucking with you

lmao, is this a threat he thinks they would like do anything he says?

>how do you explain this shit?

the guy at the ATM got himself killed by

1. being unarmed
2. being unaware of his surroundings
3. trying lunge at a nigger with a gun

nothing to see here, just a dead retard and a nigger


>insert atm card
>atm dispenses complimentary tethered gun
>finish transaction
>place gun back into atm
>atm releases card

this is patented trademarked idea do not steal

>shoot self with gun
>sue bank for millions because i am not firearms trained and should have never been given a gun

Typical nigger behavior.
>Oy vey the poor teen
Pay attention to your surroundings. You might wash the feet of poor niggers every weekend while donating your Christmas bonus to the nigger college fund, but they care only about violent impulse and instant gratification.
Niggers will always nog.

a spic killed by a nigger
just another day in beautiful, diverse Miami
Keep up the great work!

I particularly love it when nigger apologists get nogged, but I'd wager we all do.

Killing niggers when they nog stopped being legal some time around the civil rights era. Only a civil war would fix this shit.

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I'm starting to think that women should only allowed to own firearms, at least until we get men's inherent violence under control.

I always get me knife ready when i go to atm, even in my car. I live in florida. I would immediately stab a nigger in the face before i would give up one cent.


Society figured out male inherent violence centuries ago. It's pretty much the reason for 1 man 1 woman marriage.

this is why you don't try to fight someone with a gun with your hands....

hell even if you had a gun I wouldn't recommend drawing it unless you are able to do it subtlety and have the training/ability to shoot him before he shoots you.

These two cunts need their skullls caved in.

>mutt shot by nigger

this is now an american hate thread

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>Be amerifatfuck
>Fight amerinigger with gun
>Believe your fat can absorb bullets
>Get shot
>Die like a brainlet.

Unironically would whole heatedly shred the constitution personally for a ban on assault niggers

and he's high as FUCK OF COURSE

you live in the united states, get a gun you stupid faggot

People should stage protests telling black people to stop killing white people

an ATM in a public street will only deliver £200 ($280) at a time. I don't recommend doing what that guy did for the price of a family Sunday dinner out.

This is actually the perfect crime to do with your buddies for insurance money

This child isn't even 18, why are they violating his civil rights by posting video footage of this unfortunate accident?

Trips of truth kek.
>all first names
To be fair, he was screwed to begin with.

ATM at night

what could go wrong??

lol the fat fuckin' retard fought back. He must be a SPIC. Only a spic would be dumb enough to lose his life over a couple hundred dollars.

White people would be like, "Here, have it. Just don't shoot."

That fat fucking retard is dead. Forever. For a couple hundred bucks he was probably going to go spend at a bar.

What a fuckin' dipshit.

Literal kike nigger in the frizzy hair and shades. Sponsored by Beats by Dre Kek.

It's tough because I don't like bad things to happen to people, but we certainly reap what we so.
I try to mind my business, but tasting anger every day certainly gets old. Is anyone else waiting for the green light? Will it ever come?

people still use cash? what a tard

Lose your rights when you do crime, prisoners don't have full rights.

> throwing money at gun
We lost a real genius

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If only someone would propose common sense gun control measures, this horrible assault weapon killing would never have ruined the life of a promising aerospace engineer.

>having money on them
Only spics and niggers do this.

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>Dillon Bud Calvin Steve
Yo America, you cant just slam a bunch of first names together to make a full name you know

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Does your drug dealer take a fucking check?
Can I get his number?

I can't imagine somebody related to this guy managed to get themselves shot.

in a civilised country? nothing.

They have no shame even at a funeral


Help redpilling some normies on Twitter:


>he didn't go for the jugular with his teeth
natural selection

I look forward to having a proper surveillance state with hundreds of millions of cameras running facial recognition AI software so that shit like this can be practically eliminated. If you can take the risk of getting caught up to effectively 100%, that’s all it’ll take.

>nigger kills a nigger

>facial recognition

Pretty sure simple skin tone and an alert app for smart phones would be just as effective.

Florida needs more of this.

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>he's never been to a white trash funeral where the cops have to come multiple times

it seems like niggergenes dont mix out of a person until they're diluted to like 1/8 or 1/16 nigger
anyone else notice this?

Even Google labels them as gorillas.

I get that they might be happy, but actual masturbation at a funeral is a bit too far.

if you really think this way, you live in a shithole country