What's this? #comfytime WITHOUT a horrendous Question Time before it? THANK YOU JESUS FOR DYING AND INVENTING EASTER! Yes, owing to the ever-moving holiday there is no Dimblebot for an hour of rambling nothingness, but instead there's THE NEIL, Choo Choo and leggy Liz Kendall with her 4% vote share. Telly doctor Robert Winston features discussing Labour's problems with (((them))) as does leftist moron Aaron Bastani.

Starts in 15 minutes on BBC One. For illegals:

On TW (11:45pm - 12:30am):
>Andrew Neil presents a round-up of the political week with Michael Portillo and Liz Kendall. There's a review of Westminster life from Claire Cohen, Robert Winston presents a film on Labour and anti-Semitism, while Aaron Bastani joins the panel to debate the issue. Plus Tiff Stevenson puts playing by the rules in the spotlight section.

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Tiffany Stevenson is on tonight. Remember her?

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Any mention of Telford tonight Andrew?

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Ahh yes I do remember this, and how livid it made me

What's this shit that's on before This Week about wog drug dealers?

>Journalist Bronagh Munro investigates the conviction of a heroin addict for the murder of a student. In the early hours of 12 July 2002, Jong Ok Shin, a 26-year-old Korean student, was stabbed to death as she walked home after a night out in Bournemouth. Omar Benguit, a heroin addict, was convicted of the murder and sentenced to life in prison.

>However, Benguit and his family have always maintained he is innocent. Unusually, it took three trials to secure his conviction. No forensic evidence linked Benguit to the crime, and the majority of the prosecution witnesses were serious drug addicts with criminal records.

>Bronagh Munro examines whether Benguit may be innocent and investigates his family's claims that he was framed. Munro tracks down the witnesses who gave evidence against Benguit and looks into whether a serial killer may have carried out the murder.

>this intro

Fucking hell, Neil going all out here.

How come there was no QT this week, lads?

Also, check this cunt.

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>Not being thankful there was no QT

It's good for shitposting on the QT threads.

kek Portillo BTFO

>I'm a Zionist

Go live in Israel then you daft cunt.

Does anyone think that this attack on labour for supposedly being "antisemetic" is some kind of attempt at reverse psychology to make us think labour are our guys?

It's a metaphor for them being too pro-Paki.

I have no doubt it's genuine, even lefties realise Jews are parasites.

>appeal to the muslims
>wonder why anti-semitism rises

Labour are fucking retards

Labour should publish their hierarchy of victimhood. I can't keep up

>I am a zionist
>Literally Jewish supremacist
>Allowed to go on the bbc and talk about the dangers of anti-semitism
>When he literally thinks Jews are the master race

What the fuck did the (((bbc))) mean by this? Most normies probably don't even know what a zionist is, but this guy isn't exactly selling himself.

>Some members are even saying even this is a Jewish conspiracy
Howling, this is such a mess for Labour.

Words/phrases that should be banned:
called out

Labours view of the world is "every rich and successful person is evil" "the people that take advantage of our shitty systems are evil, not the incompetent people who create these shitty systems"

Labour hates kikes, but they hate them for the wrong reasons. Definately not /ourguys/.

But I welcome advances of anti-semitism wherever it might come from.

>doesn't at all attempt to explain reasons WHY people might be anti-semetic then try to dismiss them

>It's literally just a "don't wrongthink" episode with no substance

>You seriously can't factually say a certain few big families hold a lot of power/influence because they happen to be Jews


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>Guy brings up the point that most people would shrug of the mural as not antisemitic
>That faux shock look on Liz
Ugh, what a shit episode.


Dumb fucking newfag burger.


Fuck off yank it's political

>liz kendall: a double agent for newsnight

I doubt it desu. Labour have a history of (((anti semitism))). Even Good Goy Nige knows that.

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Who is this horsey faced Jewess?

Pretty sure she's an android.

This is one of the things that disappoints me most about modern career politicians - no insight, no originality, no courage, no truth, no rhetorical skill: just obviously false, poorly delivered, regurgitated talking points from a spin doctor

>A fucking wetsuit

Oh come on it's past watershed.

>Yes, owing to the ever-moving holiday there is no Dimblebot for an hour of rambling nothingness, but instead there's THE NEIL, Choo Choo and leggy Liz Kendall with her 4% vote share.

Am I retarded or are you?

She looks like she wouldnt believe the harsh and dirty fucking ill give her.

Gwaan May, you tell em
Hope she stays till 2022. I still remember Robert Peston howling on that she would surely resign "within days" after the General Election results. What a drama queen.

You are retarded for commenting on things yanks would obviously not know about, not our fault you don't get the references and inside jokes.

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Just being David Lammy is a crime, surely.



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State of Labour.

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Why do Lammy, Abbott, Umuna and Phillips all have white spouses?

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>implying she isn't lady nugee

Can't believe what a faggot cuckold we've got as our speaker.

Boris getting told there


>Stop being such a disgusting misogynist you fucking white male! *Lets wife fuck black men*

Oh yeah really got told hard.

Watched that, it was fucking ace.

Who would have thought going to Bournemouth was taking your life in your hand.

>Tiff Stevenson is 39

Depends if you honestly think Jews are the problem or not.

Reminder that Richard Herring after 30 years of stage experience went on This Week and metaphorically shit his pants on live TV and yet this woman with no ounce of humour about her is doing fine.

He was tired user for fuck sake!!

>this outro

>when this week is literally 2deep4u

Attached: this week record debut single 'blue nun'.webm (800x448, 2.88M)

Somali drug gangs are the worst problem from what I hear.

Did suez guy write a blog post about it lol, really was a car crash with the musical outro

You've got Jolyon Rubinstein (what is Suez?) confused with Richard Herring (muscial outro)

Suez guy didn't. Herring did, then deleted it after he realise how pathetic he came across.

Easter happening video!!!! A new hope