Women are outperforming men at an amazing pace at the popular discovery survival challenge "naked and afraid". Pretty much completely debunks Jow Forums's "men are stronger and better at survival situations" meme. This backs up numerous studies that have been done on the subject. Jow Forums has never been this btfo
Women better at surviving than men
post broofs, link related is liqupida popo at best
Most men on the show have muscular builds and run out of energy fast, starving and having to give up early. The men who do make it are usually soyboys who have require less caloric intake or have more cardio based builds. Women naturally have cardio based builds and usually don't have to eat as much
Zieg Hail
Naked and Afraid is a show for 12 year olds to beat the meat to.
Change my mind.
>the cope
higher body fat percentage next
You might want to take your ideas over to /out/ and ask the experts, user.
Big difference in studies and results.
this article is from 2016. But its surprising , I've watched a few episodes and did not get that impression at all. I wish they had included some statistics.
Men need more calories per day then woman. Therefor with the lack of skill due to our pathetic first world life style or an easy source of nutrition they will succumb first.
obligatory: youtube.com
came here to post this
I am extremely interested in watching this show I have never heard of. Thank you for telling me about it. I would like to see just one of your "numerous" studies that back up the claim that women survive better then men.
Big hollywood productions and elle.com NEVER try to enforce false narratives right?. Still though will watch this show.
Kids have the internet now
It is for people with weird fetishes
>the island the women are on is 700m across
>they get lost for several days
I remember watching this episode by episode with /tv/, the fucking scribbles on the maps were hilarious
What show is this? what season? I must watch it in its entirety.
Is the male perspective available?
If this was REAL and not scripted shit then maybe it would jog my nog.
Its a complete lie that women do better than men on that show. The women usually sit around the fire all day "making cordage" or collect twigs for the fire. Building, hunting and anything hard is done by the man. The man carries the team. I've seen so many episodes where the woman has a emotional meltdown, throws a fit, and his to tap out. Men only tap out when they've become dangerously ill.
>why women do better on naked and afraid
Same reason anything on any reality show happens
Because the producers want it to
From the episodes I’ve seen it’s always the men doing everything, while the women just sit around and bitch. The females usually do better because they don’t actually have to work
IS that the guy from bake off?
> Dutch Survivor show knock off called Expeditie Robinson
> what you expect will happen pretty much does
> Women's team fails epically
> Men's team gets along reasonably well
> A few of the men have to be sent to bail the women out of their misery
The show is stacked to have decently strong/talented women with roid goons and retards.
>obvious slide/retard thread
>all the good gullible goys reply to and bump it
You people are fucking idiots.
because after first season of the women crying and doing nothing they stopped bringing on survival expert males and brough on survival expert females and regular dudes.
>Its a complete lie that women do better than men on that show.
its not really clearly what they mean in the article when they say the women *always* do better. Do they mean they drop out less often ? Or is it some other criteria like the judged ratings they give them at the end of the episodes.
>The women usually sit around the fire all day "making cordage" or collect twigs for the fire. Building, hunting and anything hard is done by the man. The man carries the team.
But neither perspective is true. Women are vital to making primitive camps work precisely because they do the maintenance at camp while men try more hard labour or risky things like hunting, trap setting, cutting trees, etc.
The women in the Bear Grylls show were just having a sun tan vacation in the bush. If these women are actually making cordage, keeping a fire going, weaving clothes, making the shelter better.. these are good and vital tasks.
It's also true that if the men try hunting they'll largely be unsuccessful. This is the principal archetype for hunter gatherer communities since time immemorial.
This is what happened. They make sure to only accept men that don't know shit and are out of shape.
I watched a 40 minute video of their perspective but I think it got removed from youtube
They were total bros, killing crocodiles and boars and shit
the island with bear grylls, season 2
if you download the show, sure.
funny thing about the show is for season 1 it only featured men. this, of course, made a lot of people very mad (how sexist!).. then bear grylls goes and adds women to the second season, but splits them apart from the men. seeing the result this, of course, enraged them even further.
absolute madman.
Why is it that whenever the name of an article starts with the word "Why", implying it's going explain something, an explanation IS NEVER ACTUALLY FUCKING GIVEN? I knew it before reading the article, but I still went ahead and read it anyway, thinking it might be different this time.
Fuck these dishonest clickbaiting writers.
>british channel has blocked it from being viewed in britain
Damn it must have painted women in a terrible light lol
In one season of the Dutch version of "Survivor," the men and women were split and given their own islands. At the end of 8 days, the men had a "Cafe on the beach," while the women were stealing from each other and had not yet built a hut; the women approved of a tribe merger.
Go back to Jow Forums with the mental gymnastics
>Why is it that whenever the name of an article starts with the word "Why", implying it's going explain something, an explanation IS NEVER ACTUALLY FUCKING GIVEN?
And that's a good thing.
Pro hunting tip. Girlfriends dirty pads make best bait. Even deer try to eat that shit up.
I have watched many episodes of the show, not the worst "reality" show and never thought that women did better.
They seemed more likely to go pyscho after a few days than the men
You should not play with the poo-poo like that.
Is it that? Or are they projecting it because MUH feminism is pop culture?
I'd ask how you know this but on the other hand I really want people to get mauled by bears so.. sure. Great tip.
I've watch quite a few naked and afraid in my day. And most of the time the women are shit. Yes a few stand out but still all in all they have to get pulled out cus they get sick and vomit, get burnt, hurt their shoulders and rip a screw out of their metal plate, or just lay there and do nothing. SAD!
Wasn't there a dutch version of survivor where the exact same thing happened?
roasties BTFOOOOO
No. It's because the men do everything for the first couple of weeks to prove themselves, then they tire themselves out / take a costly risk so the woman has to start actually pulling her weight. Seen a few episodes and the same thing always happens.
>tv show with an axe to grind means something
shiggy diggy
>This backs up numerous studies that have been done on the subject.
[citations needed]
From an evolutionary POV, it would make sense that women would last longer as the female of the species is just more important for the species survival. No doubt, the women use their natural ability to coax and manipulate the men into protecting them without either of them even realizing it.
>A reality show
>Women doing better than men
Kek are you even fucking trying?
i actually know a chick that was on this stupid show and she said its a fucking scam. she isnt much better but was at least honest about the bullshit that is this show.
Have you watched the show? The women rely on the men to find a location, build a camp, and start a fire. If the man taps out, the women is already set to survive. Usually the women survives by just starving and hanging out till the last day.
There are numerous episodes where the men take large risks and they pay off and carry both teams to victory. There are also numerous episodes where women flake out within a few days, with the man to go on and survive basically the entire time on his own.
(((reality))) show
>Meanwhile on Eden
>Meanwhile on The Island with Bear Grylls
>Meanwhile in the history of civilisation
What a crock of shit.
>episode 1
>There's more. Much more.
bullshit they did studies on this and woman cant cooperate for shit. Men are supreme tribal beings and leaders of civilization.
>Hurrr, I get muh facts from TV shows.
State of American education, don't hide your flag.
>Usually the women survives by just starving and hanging out till the last day.
lol this.
>165888888 get
You've never seen the show even once, obviously.
Market anarchy will rule the world.
hah. women surviving.
>literally every woman on the show comes in with a lower PSR than the men
>at the end the woman's is still always lower
There are like two episodes where a dude pusses out and the woman goes it alone. In one, the guy was a faggot long haired Californian stoner who lived with his mom, and the other dude got food poisoning or something.
All reality shows are rigged.
this is bullshit
no shit. the funny part is she claims she had to move out of the states to get away from stalkers. nowadays, she is still flat, kinda fat, pushy and a total roastie. is a bartender....the peak of post fame occupations. its her too cause i looked her up. fucking funny
Fake news
* damnit*
no shit. the funny part is she claims she had to move out of the states to get away from stalkers. nowadays, she is still flat, kinda fat, pushy and a total roastie. is a bartender....the peak of post fame occupations. its her too cause i looked her up. fucking funny
Strong, independent womyn doesn't need modern tools of lowly m*les
God I remember this, Bear had to come onto the island to light the womans fire for them.
But the men used some guys spectacles to light a fire, so that wasnt really fair either
i watched this show once. Completelly impossible camera angles to do with only the 2 people. it would have to recharge the equipment. So there is atleast another person with them that is a trained cameraman or a whole crew hidden behind the cameras. Its a fucking fake show retards.
Strong, independent womyn doesn't need fire, unlikely lowly m*le
wut? I've watched a ton of that show and women either quit or completely fail to thrive way more often than men.
Not gonna read the article because its stupid. Show itself is kinda dumb too since way too often people just make a basic shelter and barely eat for 21 days which is a complete failure in terms of long term survival.
>But the men used some guys spectacles to light a fire, so that wasnt really fair either
Women had spectacles too, so how is it unfair?
I watched a few episodes of this years ago.
>man tries to take lead, does everything for both
>woman cries and is useless and leaves the island
>man carries torch alone to the finish.
Literally every time
>women outperform
Who writes this clickbait trash?
beating off to TV is the patrician choice
>Elle magazine
every fucking time
Why beat off to TV when you can beat off on TV?
every time I've ever seen this the women are whining and the men are getting shit done
Honora #1 teammate
Yes, they specifically carved up the competitors and put men on one island, women on the other.
Everyone was free to do what they wanted, all they had to do was survive.
The men rationed their supplies, went fishing, made tools, one of them sat on the sand all day and got annoyed by it so he made benches.
The women laid down on the beach all day, consumed everything they were given, complained about the ants, constructed nothing and couldn't organise anything.
After just one week of this, the production team decided they could make an exchange, one man goes to the female island and one woman goes to the male island.
The lucky cunt who crossed over got all the attention and luxuries that were available, the poor bastard had to build his own society all alone from scratch again.
>people just make a basic shelter and barely eat for 21 days which is a complete failure in terms of long term survival.
that's why I stopped watching it too. They don't live off the land or survive in any sustainable way , they just find water and fast for three weeks. At the end they've all lost 20 or more pounds.
Someone post that web where the dude with one hand and one legs beats women clipping over some wall.
>Post as an ancap as to create division between the likeminded individuals on Jow Forums
>0.2 cents deposited into your account
Who do you think you're fooling?
I presume they didn't use his glasses as a magnifying glass, but broke it for the necessary components.
Yep. Deer love fish.
>The lucky cunt who crossed over got all the attention and luxuries that were available, the poor bastard had to build his own society all alone from scratch again.
> women are fed and sheltered off camera
> men are forced to search for food in areas where all wild game has been driven off by hired hunters and helicopters
The media can skew literally anything to produce whatever result they want. You will only see reality on TV when they are too distracted or overconfident to hide it, and it's been that way for decades.
Pic related, this phony TANG memo wasn't the first fake they tried to pass off as real, it was just the first one they were so sure of their audience's stupidity that they tried to pretend WWII era typewriters were capable of producing proportionally spaced Times New Roman fonts.
lmao this is a lie,feminist propaganda
This is what happened in the few episodes that I saw when I still had a TV.
The guys would be rational, trying to come with ways to get food, while the women would become insane and only nag and drag the guys down with them.
>the brazilian intellect
OP is a faggot
I know about that. Where's the vidya?