this little shit
This little shit
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He’s not wrong.
both need to be gassed
Why the fuck did she apologize? Doesn't she know these people? Nothing will satisfy Hogg until Ingraham pops out half a dozen mulatto babies.
And you are a sick disgusting faggot traitor to humanity. Kill yourself sick eurofaggot.
Anyone know the most painful drug to die due to an overdose of? Because I hope this fucker triple overdoses on that shit.
This. If we know anything about the left is that apologies only serve as an admittance of wrong doing.
It's possible he just didn't understand the apology, I mean, maybe it had big words or long sentences. The poor guy can't get into college, surely he doesn't have the best reading comprehension skills.
I hope this teachers the others to never give these shits an inch
When did Malcom in the middle become so popular again?
The Trump way really is the way. Never ever apologize.
When the fuck are people going to learn that you don't capitulate to these weasels?
>be retard who can't get into college
>try to use school shooting you weren't even present to experience
>still get rejected from colleges
>this timeline
my blood pressure increases everytime i look at this little mutant weirdo mkultra rapeboy freak.
She played directly into his hands. She admitted that he has the moral high ground. His entire argument is based on him having the moral high ground.
This ADULT was just outmaneuvered by a total retard.
She deserves it
This is good. The weak cuckservatives are being killed off by the rabid left. In their place we hopefully get new younger conservatives who throw two punches harder than every punch they receive and maybe then we will get to lynch these shits and hang them from the street lights and take our country back. The age of cowardice is coming to an end.
>I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight. It’s time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children.
From Hogg himself..
How the fuck can he get away with this? Is this not blackmail?
Why did Laura apologize? Hogg getting rejected is literally the no.1 story on
His SAT score sucks. All the cheating soulless Asians applying to UCLA have perfect SAT scores. If Hogg had a brain he'd realize unchecked immigration from FOB asians, DACA and other illegals from Mexico, and various far-left policies killed his chances at getting into the UC System
UCLA rejected 100,000 this year. Why? Because California has over 20 million Chinese, Koreans, Indians and white boy Hogg isn't exotic enough to get admitted. This should redpill his dumb ass
I don't really support the guy but man he does know how to get under the other side skin.
I enjoy him for that.
Trolling the right is underappreciated especially on this echo chamber of a forum that is a shell of its former self.
lmfao are you fucking serious? Jesus Christ what an idiot you are.
Parkland shooting is fake, so that is like Even Stevens
Tidy numerals.
There is nothing to get away with. Its just empty rhetoric. The only reason Laura is getting BTFO is because she stooped to his brand of emotional politics.
But more than that. She shouldn't make fun of him personally. His not getting into college isn't connected to his anti gun activities. It made Laura look petty. And her apology confirmed to the world that she was petty.
It won't, not until he's deep in his 30's working a dead end job, and he'll realize what a fucking fool he was. For now he's still fighting the good fight with the libs and enjoying celebrity status.
>It made Laura look petty.
No one actually gives a fuck about that.
anyone noticed who dug the dirt on her advertisers?
you guessed it, MediaMatters, our friends who brought you ShartBlue and CTR
the left is truly despicable using these "kids" as shields who you can't criticize. they will pay for this.
He and his sister went on twitter and actively campaigned advertisers to drop her show.
Using public influence to ruin someone's livelihood is pretty fucked up, kinda crosses the line past poking fun at someone publicly.
Her advertisers do. Because she is representing their brand. And if they don't disavow her they risk being boycotted.
The advertisers only care about their bottom line. Laura put that bottom line into jeopardy. Laura is nothing to them.
Lol how many times have you guys "doxed" people here?
Now its a problem?
Shut up faggot.
>pretty fucked up
But it isn't illegal. Just unethical.
I am not defending the Hogg by the way.
>personally attacks anyone who is against gun control constantly
>REEEEEEs when some Fox News thot makes light of his whining and calls on his army of lemmings to harass her advertisers
Kid's as weak as his jaw lmao.
>Her advertisers do.
No, they care about the potential fallout from a shit ton of leftist organizers putting pressure on them. They don't give a fuck about what she did or didn't do. And you know what makes those leftist fucks continue? Capitulating to them in anyway. She should have doubled down.
THIS. Hogg knows this and is abusing it because someone hurt his little feelings.
accepting apologies is for beta cucks especially if you're right. at least david hogg is acting alpha
>when you suck the ideological leftist dick so hard that you cant recognize emotional blackmail and demagoguery due to lack of oxygen.
>how dare she make fun of me
why is he exempt/ above ridicule?
>these are kids
they're 18. other celebrities their age get lambasted all the time.
I hope she takes back her apology and tells him to fuck off. What an immature brat.
Laura was a dumbass for apologizing.
Why would she apologize to this little faggot?
Yeah man I'm agreeing with you. They care about how Laura can impact the bottom line.
Its Laura's fault I'm saying we shouldn't pity her.
First she needlessly made fun of someone the entire world considers a victim, and then she bent the knee.
God you guys are whiny faggots.
When the fuck is this guy's birthday, he can't remain 17 for long
emotional blackmail
not even two months and Hogg is already abusing his powers
You gun fags are the only ones making this retard a story still
>Is this not blackmail?
american intellectuals everyone
I hope more advertisers abandon her and she gets sacked. Getting sicks of the cuckness. Fucking returdlicans
This bitch is dumb as fuck jesus.
Making fun of the little faggot was fine, her going back and apologising wasn't. The way to stop this from happening is to stop listening to those faggots.
kek emotional blackmail?
I'm officially on the Hogg train because of the retardedness that it leads to some Jow Forumstards to stoop to.
This is a problem that has existed since the FEC formed and started taking complaints. Anyone who is getting concerned about this needs to understand that one dedicated individual on a letter writing campaign can get a television show cancelled. This problem has always existed, only now the left is organizing these campaigns with a couple thousand people so it works faster. If you want advertisers to not give a shit about this you either have to organize a counter campaign or shift culture far enough that pic related shows up on ads again.
Pretty good
Your supervisor needs to patch your proxy, tovarish.
>getting butt-hurt by a Shitpost
there is no way that guy is 17 years old
can't bog the hogg
a HS kid is literally destroying your entire movement
He wants to get involved in the adult debates about guns he should be treated like a fucking adult. If however he's going to act like a little kid when someone apologizes I'd say at this point the gloves are forever off and this little fuck's life needs to be ruined totally as soon as he hits 18.
Also, he's making it personally about him. He's not demanding her sponsors pull out because she's against the cause /pro-guns. He's using Twitter as his personal army.
wtf is that on lauren ingraham's head?
fuck wrong video
to be fair she attacked someone with very little to lose and that smug motherfucker hit her sanctimonious ass right in the cunt.
Its like 2 niggers fighting. I hope Mrs NetworkNews and Anti-Gun Jew both lose.
She zigged when she shoulda zagged and the she got Zogged.
>they just apologized so they wouldn't get i trouble
Yeah, no shit? That's why any one has ever apologized to social justice warriors. No one actually believes whatever joke or observation they made was wrong. They just don't want it to ruin their careers.
hogg aint looking too good these days
it's your ass
if he was so fucking concerned about guns, I wonder how he found the time to start a campaign to remove someone's advertisers because they made a snide remark on twitter. He's an infantile little brat, certainly in no position to engage in serious adult debates.
ash Wednesday so they put a cross on their head, BUT IT TURNED OUT TO BE ANYTHING BUT!
he requires more blood to refill him.
its all the Jews behind the curtain
He's on a power trip at this point. The media blew up a little nobody and how he's high on the smell of his own shit.
i just witnessed and italian man get killed by an african american
Why the fuck did she apologize
Fucking retarded boomers need to fucking die already
this is why cucks should never apologize
Why did Laura apologize? Hogg getting rejected is the #1 story on
His SAT score sucks. All the cheating soulless Asians applying to UCLA have perfect SAT scores. If Hogg had a brain he'd realize unchecked immigration from FOB asians, DACA and other illegals from Mexico, and various far-left policies killed his chances at getting into the UC System
UCLA rejected 100,000 this year. Why? Because California has over 20 million Chinese, Koreans, Indians and white boy Hogg isn't exotic enough to get admitted. This should redpill his dumb ass
who cares
He's a bully.
thats what the dumb whore gets for apologizing, dumb roastie cunt.
Well that explains why he isn't getting taken by any colleges. As an employer, I'd throw away his resume if it ever landed on my desk.
I will never stop hating this AIDS christian bale who looks like his mom got alcohol poisoning six months into the pregnancy.
>dane with an actual sense of humor
what the fuck?
this gave me a good laugh. Great post!
he go go transHogg and claim his granpappy told him a story about being a Seminole who was also a holohoax survivor
Stop cyberbullying! Contact Laura's sponsors and let them know like the first lady you do not support those who support cyberrbullies!
So sick of this faggot, he wasn't even at the school until he rode over to get attention and is only known because of his dad.
He's going to go too far soon enough, I can't wait to see him crash.
This whole situation is EXACTLY why I don't take fox news seriously. Fox news is literally masturbation news for retarded boomers. If even half of the people on that network actually believe in the bullshit they spew I'd be shocked. Bending the knee is apologing to this arrogant little prick is about the most ridiculous and retarded thing you could possibly do. Now it emboldened him and the left to call for companies to boycott, fire, and censor anyone who's not on their team even more than they do already.