holder, shillary, and who knows how many other guilty dems are going to run for President 2020 that way when they get arrested they can claim President Trump is only arresting them because they're the opposition >yfw
Logan Bailey
>ohn Kricfalusi was born in Canada to a father of Ukrainian descent and mother of Scottish and English descent. He spent his early childhood in Germany and Belgium while his father was serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force. At age seven he returned with his family to Canada. Having moved in the middle of a school season, he spent much of his time that year at home, watching Hanna-Barbera cartoons and drawing them. Kricfalusi's interest in Golden Age animation crystallized during his stay at Sheridan College, where he attended weekly screenings of old films and cartoons at Innis College held by film archivist Reg Hartt, among them the cartoons of Bob Clampett and Tex Avery, which left a deep impression on Kricfalusi. He soon left Sheridan College and moved to Los Angeles, intending to become an animator.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Nope. Not Jewish.
Justin Harris
All of your GOP leaders are paying attention and homage to the BOSS HOGG
You probably should be worried. We already have ruined your immigration system so those niggers might end up going to Canada if ICE can't catch them fast enough.
What the fuck are you, some pathetic beta male? >Hating Trump because you think he's a "fascist" Step it up, niggerfaggot. He's not nearly fascist enough. In fact Trump is fairly liberal, which is why he lost my support when he worked with that kike bitch Feinstein and basically gave Schumer a handjob on TV.
Ryan Foster
>Tony Mora, an art director at Warner Bros. who previously interned at Spumco, told Buzzfeed that he once saw a drawing Kricfalusi had made of a naked Byrd with a dog ejaculating on her.
And what she's saying is only true because we've never seen anything like a failed Presidential candidate go on an 18 month and counting defeat lap, constantly falling over in to piles of shit she placed there herself as she goes.
Michael King
No one had to, men have enough sense to go away after a loss.
Remember when Gore lost and he just went away into the woods for like 2 years and came back with a beard talking about global warming? Maybe Hillary should try that.
Oliver Rogers
Exactly my point. I don't like Trump because he's a liberal Jew lover.
Oliver Rodriguez
Reminder: NEVER KEK
Angel Turner
Shut the fuck up, Hillcunt
Dominic Scott
Wait, she actually apologized? ffs, if there was anything for conservatives to learn from Trump's run, it's to not apologize when you're right.
Jacob Jones
That looks disorganized.
Jose Bailey
she already has a beard,why do you think she keeps bill around?
Caleb Baker
>Israel has a wall >Trump wants to build a wall ?
Jacob Long
Thomas Gutierrez
member when a helicopter mysteriously crashed at the Charlottesville happening? member when a glow-in-the-dark was parked a few feet away from the Draw Mohammed Contest shooting, hiding in his car?
>In 2014, Geoff saved Massachusetts taxpayers from a $2 billion gas tax increase. The Legislature had voted the year before to link the state gas tax to inflation, so that the gas tax would increase automatically every future year. Geoff stepped forward to lead a grassroots effort for a ballot question campaign to repeal the tax hike. His group collected 146,000 signatures in favor of the ballot question, and despite special interest groups outspending his team 31 to 1, Geoff’s group won. Massachusetts drivers have avoided three straight gas tax increases as a result.
>Geoff protected taxpayers again in 2015 when there was a movement to bring the Olympics to Boston. Geoff filed an amendment to the state budget to protect Massachusetts taxpayers from being harmed by any potential cost overruns related to the Games. Geoff also worked to develop a ballot question that would have allowed the Olympics to come to Massachusetts only if taxpayers were held harmless.
>In 2016, Geoff was Co-Chairman of the Massachusetts effort to elect Donald Trump as President.
His SAT score sucks. All the cheating soulless Asians applying to UCLA have perfect SAT scores. If Hogg had a brain he'd realize unchecked immigration from FOB asians, DACA and other illegals from Mexico, and various far-left policies killed his chances at getting into the UC System
UCLA rejected 100,000 this year. Why? Because California has over 20 million Chinese, Koreans, Indians and Mexicans...so white boy Hogg isn't exotic enough to get admitted. This should redpill his dumb ass
Brayden Hill
Cantwell has admitted to being a Fed informant and is actually advocating that all alt-right members talk to the police. The Irony Bros, weev, and Ricky Vaughn were right all along. The alt-right is gay.
Sad that the redditor Wave flooding Jow Forums doesn't see this.
Jeremiah Anderson
>65 other countries have big walls >but only israel is responsible for European Genocide
Christopher Bennett
>walls cause white genocide it's the only conclusion.
Mason Lewis
Mussolini trained and equipped Irgun.
Gavin Thompson
>member when a helicopter mysteriously crashed at the Charlottesville happening? They said a drone hit it a few days ago, don't have source. >member when a glow-in-the-dark was parked a few feet away from the Draw Mohammed Contest shooting I can't recollect.