Chinese warriors unite All whites will fear our might

We must destroy the round eyes.

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They'll destroy themselves anyway. We just need to enjoy the show.

After all of those millions of killed chinks, all the revolutions, wars, genocides... And yet the Chinese still manage to survive. Nothing can get rid of the Chinaman.

lound i

what about all your women that get round eye surgery?

>checks flag
>checks out

Okay, but start with the shitskins in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and South America.

To be honest, on a biological level Chinese are probably the least martial race on the planet, they are a race of effeminate manlets who have spent much of their history being ruled by foreign warrior minorities.

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>Unite all whites
They can't even unite themselves

nice try larper, i love china.

what is their secret.

I like chinese women more.

do they get round pussies too?

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lol chinese

Why are chinks so damn pathetic and weak?

You forgot you proxy, faggot

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Chinese spammed their whore women onto conquering warrior races until the Manchus and Mongols also became effeminate manlet cucks. I think that they are using the same technique on us.
China has a very unique history. The imperial Chinese state abolished the warrior aristocracy 2000 years ago and instituted a ruthless totalitarian bureaucracy which removed all genes for rebelliousness, non-conformity, creativity, individuality, athleticism and the warrior spirit from the Chinese gene-pool. Chinese are basically bred to be the ideal obedient tax cattle, the perfect citizens for a totalitarian elite to rule over.

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Ching chon wing wang dung dong li li xi xi ni hoa?

>in spite of Indian keyboard warriors "redpills" somehow China ends up obliterating their motherlands "warriors" like maggots

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Stay in your place Chankoro.

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You're an insect.

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I love China :-)

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You're obviously a Chinese shill.
How much are your overlords paying you?
1 dollar a month?

You fucking peasant

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Your Imperialism is the enemy of all Nationalist's Asian
Back in 1979 when Viets fight 2 front side still beating Communist Chink and Pol Pot.
Most of Vietcong from the north in 1979 are women, when their men fighting in Cambodia and China Communist backstab Vietnam to help their little puppet go to invade Vietnam !!!

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>1 ruppee has been deposited to your overseas account

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>chinks outnumbered Indians by 8:1

Whoa! So human wave attacks actually work!

nice! chinks got their asses handed to them by women!

when China starts collapsing, I hope you guys conquer southern China and create a Vietnamese empire. Enslave all the chink men and make all the women your sex slaves.

>They'll destroy themselves anyway.
The USA with le 56 % demographics will destroy themselves before China.

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Go fuck yourself Chankoro.

God save the Queen.

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Chinks are mutts of Asia.

>the kikes are our misery
what I see in the face of those women

We already own BC and California, It's just a matter of time.

but after 40 years, Democrat party and Obama make China become super power country.
I don't think Vietnam can't win China anymore.
10 years of banning Vietnam from USA 1976-1986 make Vietnam become poor shit.
Maybe enemy of enemy are friends. USA and Vietnam allie when???
Vietnamese communist prefer USA more than China in today LOL

Hey Northern Hemi bros.
The takeover of Sydney, Melb, Brissie is almost complete.
The Eastern Seaboard shall be ours!

Serious question to any native Chinese speakers: how can you stand listening to your language? It sounds like distressed or drowning cats, which maybe makes sense a little bit considering your love of burning or skinning them alive.

I can listen to German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Polish, or Russian and not understand what the fuck is being said, but at least the sound of it doesn't slide across my eardrums like a rusty bayonet. If your languages didn't sound so fucking awful I might not be so desperate to move away from Hongcouver.

Leave people alone go away to planet asia and die from pollution and too much asians ok? bye