Am I considered white for european stantard?

I don't know why amerimutts call me non-white

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70-80% white. Good enough for me

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you're a white male

if this is the standard for white in europe, i have no idea how le 56% meme came to be

Thank you Nigel

Asalam wa3alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatu brother, are you free to go to the friday prayer tomorrow?
I heard the Iman is going to give a gutba about the jews!

No you’re one of us embrace who you is

I said "european standard"

lips are suspiciously big...

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And he said 'if this is the standard for white in europe ... ' Where's the contradiction?

I'd be surprised if you weren't called moro in HS.

Of corse it's a greek.

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Did you enjoy being in the Lord of The Rings mate?

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that's why i said it. it's crazy to me that this is the "european standard"

Of course.

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He's spanish. They're a bit darker

Very ugly, borderline white like south spanish, south italian and most greeks.

if this was an american, there would be about 20 comments about le 56% meme being real

as white as i am


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yes, at least in Spain

whiter than average amerimutt

>american presidents follow italian football

You don't have niggerhair AKA pubes on your head so you're good

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Also, trim your beard

Those niggerlips might have something to do with it. I've seen better lips on my doggos anus.

No, you probably look like the average Amerimutt, meaning somebody who is mostly white with black and mexican. You legit much less white than my girlfriend who is 1/8 American Indian or so. You like a quadroon. That is what you would be called in the southern states.

if you would knock on my door i would think you're a criminal seriously

Unironicaly he looks really Lebanese.

In Italy we would call you "terrun, terron".

In Spain they would call you "moro, morisco".

In the US they would call you a "beaner, spic".

More specifically in LA they'll call Mexican, in NYC Puerto Rican and in Florida Cuban.

If you went to the Moon the Media would undoubtedly call you the first Hispanic on the Moon.

The only way to be certain they classify you as white is to murder a black teenager in a gated community.

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I dont consider most spaniards as white in general

This guy is not spanish but a supposedly sicilian poster of Jow Forums

But here we have the typical Spanish self-loathing poster, baiting himself and his fellow people into receiving all kind of >Spain >white memes. For what purpose? I don't know, it escapes me but it is always this fucking stupid son of a bitch doing these kind of stupid posts.

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>No, you probably look like the average Amerimutt, meaning somebody who is mostly white with black and mexican. You legit much less white than my girlfriend who is 1/8 American Indian or so
not an argument, he is european therefore white
>That is what you would be called in the southern states.
"in the muttland"

You jewish?

The "muttland" is whiter than Spain then.
>he is european therefore white
That means nothing. Will Prince Harry's children also be white since they will be European?

He's a goy

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Did your mom mate with a bull, el toro?

>he is european therefore white
LOL gonna be a lot of dark "white people" in europe in the coming years

most pertinent of all, you're scruffy looking. sort that out and little else matters.

The guy in OP pic is actually an American of Sicilian origins. The guy always posts on Jow Forums. It's a fucking meme there just much as the chicano "I'm Iberian" guy. Lurk more, people.

Ay caramba

You look like an arab

I will bed your women


This is what an American of Sicilian origins looks like. Why the fuck are his lips so big? I am willing to believe he is not African because of his nose, but what the fuck?

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seriously though, there's no "whites" in Europe, nor should OP's guy measure himself to a non existent continental standard
leave these shitty vague standards to new worlders and their identity crises

he doesn't need to pass as a local in Iceland to be European, nor should he be welcomed there obviously or anywhere in Europe where he isn't native just because he is "European"
could probably pass as a local in south Italy

Even the filename in OP pic is from saving a Jow Forums image, yet look at all the tards that fell for it. This fucking place.

>I don't know why amerimutts call me non-white
because you're not

Assuming you’re taking the piss here.
I’d have isolated you as a Moor bastard in school, that’s for sure.

All you’re missing is a Yamakha

A bit too swarthy bro.