Tell me, Jow Forums what would happen if David Hogg got sniped during a rally?

Tell me, Jow Forums what would happen if David Hogg got sniped during a rally?

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Not a fuck would be given, by me at least.

Hogg is a hologram created by the deep state. The bullet would just pass right through him.


Stop making these threads faggot

Lots of cheering.

He gets sniped by his teachers for being on his phone during exams

He already has (((special protection))) and is getting pretty used to living in a world outside the reach of regular people. The only question is whether they groom him into something or discard the tool before that.

He would be martyred and the process of banning guns would accelerate.

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I'd suck the snipers cock

He has a liberal cult following of sorts now. Conservatives wouldn't give a shit, but to the left, It would be followed by riots, the DNC and other leftists screaming for weeks about how his "tragic death" proved his point, and probably ad nauseum coverage about how he was a martyr. It could actually be enough to further radicalize several factions of the left. In any event, this little fuck is playing with fire.

Now seriously why do you have to make threads about this fag and La Goblina all the time?

Nigger this the first thread I made all day.

Did I get that right. There was a school shooting with survivors and two survivors are superstars now giving eloquent and stirring motivational speeches for gun control? In no time after the happening?

The only way it would have zero political ramifications is if he was taken out by a nonwhite person with a bow, crossbow, balista or a flinlock rifle of some kind.

You’re severely underestimating the level of influence something like that would have. It would be exactly the push needed to abolish the 2nd amendment. The country at large views him as the peaceful voice calling for common sense gun control, and the nra and Jow Forums as disgusting vile and violent people that value guns and money over human lives.

If he were to be killed by the thing he peaceably argued to regulate by someone that opposes him it would be seen as a break down in political discourse and the public would be enraged. If any kind of violence happened to him right now in reaction to his public speaking it would be playing right into their hand and effectively abolishing private gun ownership there on the spot.

The order-following children would immediately canonize him as a martyr, and the gubernare mens (government is mind control) would have all the more pretended authority to disarm the populace. Escalation would happen. Don't fucking think of it.

I would laugh.

his last name is actually hoggdanoff

Attached: Absolutely Rothschild Bogdanoff.jpg (550x558, 101K)

Probably nothing.
Hed be a minor martyr.
Better to led him fade into obscurity or poison him when noone is looking a decade from now.

I wouldn't doubt that a group who wants to abolish the second amendment would attempt an assassination on David Hogg to render him a Martyr and further their agenda.

His handlers will discard him...likely by assasination carried out by a patsy who they’ll claim lurked Jow Forums and similar boards.

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i would collect the brass, put the rifle back in its case and put my uniform back on.

not the HOGG

Attached: HOGGED.jpg (748x448, 135K)

Worst thing that could happen is this kid becoming a martyr. Don't be fucking foolish.

Do it and find out, it's his destiny but he does not yet know it.

>Tell me, Jow Forums what would happen if David Hogg got sniped during a rally?
He'd be a martyr, and the 2nd Amendment would be repealed inside of a month.

People would be calling for a ban on assault shotguns.

Something tells me you have an idea that is highly illegal

Well.... looks like (((they))) have some work to do..

Good potential nazi picture. Get that swastika armband on him.

Go on..

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Bombs are better because more comprehensive and prove gun confiscation won't stop the coming war.

Laugh, go have a beer and then nail his sister.


If someone does it they need to do it with a musket or something

poorly made but you guys will get the point

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It would be uploaded to pornhub and would top out all the lists.

Bad idea.

He would be turned into a hero. suddenly every liberal love would turn into a "do it for david" event.

They would whitewash him more than they did JFK

Threads like these may very well be intentional predictive programming designed to cause the very martyrdom of Hogg that would aid the anti-gun factions and lead to an even further weakening of the second amendment.

I guess.

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heres a better one the head is placed better

Attached: 1522365613960.png (2542x1522, 2.56M)

Hey Gang..
Can one of you anons who are good and Photoshop put hoggs head on the Saddam Hussein statue. That way we could start celebrating his demise

Attached: Crair-Saddams-Leg.jpg (727x485, 72K)

better if he got hit by a drunk driver who was an illegal immigrant

With if it was a non-white, but a brown skinned indviual to do the deed?

I would laugh my ass off

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>what would happen if David Hogg got sniped during a rally?

I'd have to clean my gun.

this, please kek, bless my life with this.

It would begin the purge of all the far right retards who can't adapt to society and changing generations.

They're the only ones making the right look bad and the sooner they're disposed of, the better.

If it was with an AR 15 I would laugh my ass off

If it was with an AR 15 and a bump stock I would laugh my ass off

If it was with a crossbow I would laugh my ass off

If it was with a slingshot I would laugh my ass off

If it was with a military style Assault blowgun I would laugh my ass off

>In Fact I really don’t give a shit how it happens, as long as it happened I would laughter my ass off
>let this be a lesson.

>never apologize to these people.

>never give an inch unless it’s tactical

He is extremely offputting and the best Gun/NRA salesman in American history

And in a year he will be completely forgotten

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Horrible idea, as it would just make him a martyr. It'd be better in the long run to stop discussing him and let the little faggot wear out his welcome on his own.

Soy sales would plummet


How old is this guy supposed to be?

Jow Forums picture of david hogg on elliot rodger's body in his car

Everyone would clap

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My man

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Oh hai FBI

I don't think there is a sniper capable of hitting such a slender target.

Not a single fuck would be given. The little shit.

Much cum

a lot of fucking lulz

Id laugh

18 but in reality hes in his 20s

love to see it

That faggot is a liar. He wasn't really at the school. Here is is talking about riding his faggy bike to school versus him being in class like we've been told.

They'd probably arrange to have him sniped.

his planned death probably gonna be used as a final push to get rid of you 2A laws.

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