>list of evidence that God exists
List of evidence that God exists
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You are not worthy of proofs.
>List of reasons why this doesn't matter
>list of characters that describe OP
if you believe something exist then it exist
>The Fox and the Hound
Patrician taste El Americano
Funny thing how many of those spirals are mathematically very different. user might as well post picture of round shapes in the universe screeching "GOD DID THESE CIRCLES"
What a retard, kek
The Bible
Who cares? Nobody knows and nobody ever will. It's just a useless question
at least put the trancendentals up there
Can you demonstrate that there's no probability for primordial structure of matter to have become existing by act of God?
what is this?
*the Quran
The inside of a shell
This is what people don't fucking understand. God isn't a being or a fucking floating bearded man in the sky.
>Heres a list of the logical reasons behind the universe just appearing from literally nothing for no reason:
Please explain the universe, and explain to me why you think you understand everything?
That's evidence there is a god.
The double slit experiment and the Quantum erasure experiment...they both prove that manifestation of complex order and form happens from direct observation. Therefore everything that exists (the universe) is being observed simultaneously by an omniscient and omnipresence being (God) which causes it to exist.
You can also logically argue through phenomenology that in fact you can never "prove" that anything exists at all. So arguing that there is no God by stating that you can't "prove it" - from an unbeliever's paradigm anyway - doesn't prove anything because the "proof" of things existing are within the experience. My experience of knowing God in Jesus Christ is proven by my experience.
Materialism suffers a hypocracy of it's own and holds scientific theory as dogmatic truth, which is it's primary "faith".
retarded arguments
atheists don't argue such vague bullshit
atheists argue that some being that cares if you jerk off doesn't exist
Are FEELS ecidence?
>Is also list of evidence that he does not exist.
for every "wow someone must have designed this!" there is also this
also, the tail bone
>We don't understand the universe and we have no opinion or reasoning to back up our opinions, but we feel we have authority to tell you why your explanation is wrong.
Lol. Atheist cucks and "science".
creationists btfo
Ok, OP, you’re admitting there’s no evidence for existence beyond the point where Plank’s Constant breaks down. I happen to agree.
Bottom Line: Insisting that existence is a meaningless accident is literally an assertion based purely on FAITH.
What’s funny about atheists is that they’re just as retarded as religionfags, as both are too intellectually dishonest to reconcile the fact that their assertion are based purely on faith that [x] is the result of that which can’t can’t be quantized.
>we don't understand universe
correct, we don't understand many things
and I have authority to tell you you're wrong, even if I'm not a scientist, because your claims go against logic
see this video as a great example
I actually agree Christianity is useful for society, but you retarded LARPers on Jow Forums need to fuck off
none of you believe in God and none of you are actually Christian, which is demonstrated by your behavior
This is the reason why I've started asking whether atheists deny a probability of primordial structure of matter to have become to exist by act of God.
Denial would require demonstration of the action which can't be observed due to QM & absence of immaterial space on this Earth.
You know every color combined is white... The blank white screen is actually a fairly good piece of evidence that God exists...
1) Virtual particles are not actual particles but characteristics exhibiting fluctuations
2) Them popping into existence in absolute emptiness would violate Thermodynamics 2nd Law of energy conservation.
Stop parroting meme tier arguments you've no idea of
I was answering him I used your post to show him how idiotic his ''intelligent design'' bullshit is
men don't need evidence, knowledge of god is built into every human being, hence all the religions in every part of the world.
if you don't feel it you're too young or a larper.
"We don't understand anything, so that means you don't either."
The absolute arrogance of atheists.
Seeing as the laws of physics are irrelevant beyond the point where Plank’s Constant breaks down, to assume that the Universe is an accident is purely an exercise in faith.
Proof does not matter. Debating something such as religion is impossible for god himself would be outside of the realm of observable space. The fact this is something you wish to argue about it petty and stupid.(Because this is something people can neither prove or disprove.)
Begone edge lord atheist. Agnostics will always be better than you.
i'd say it's an excercise in self-delusion
>Thermodynamics 2nd Law of energy conservation
he thinks laws count before they are created
To add to OP's already extensive proof, see pic related.
The five ways of Saint Thomas Aquinas
>But those aren't tangible proofs
If logic isn't enough for you then you are a brainlet.
And don't just read the wiki. Look them up on a website that explains the arguments thoroughly.
> Plank’s Constant breaks down
mind to pass some info on this to go through tomorrow?
I never said we don't understand anything
we understand enough to make the idea of Christian God highly improbable
all Christians can do now is jump through mental hoops or ignore science
>list of evidence that God DOESN’T exist
Don't forget to add "the entire fucking universe" you fucking moronic mongrel.
more like shoved into every(not) human being
To be honest, this.
Also this too.
Indeed, one whose premise is literally faith based.
And yet they expect proofs of conscious design when they equally can’t prove existence is a random accident.
Many a mathematician have detertimined that the probability of the universe existing at all is near the statistical threshold of impossibility, in terms of the Big Bang expanding as it did.
The absolute state of the atheist.
You are an idiot, with no understanding of either religion or science.
you are not a Christian
not an argument
No, it was a statement. You have heard of those right? Or is your knowledge of language limited to Stefan Molyneux videos on youtube?
>Not an argument
His post wasn't meant to be an argument. It was a statement of fact. A statement of fact which applies to most of you atheists. You are the epitome of the quote "a little learning is a dangerous thing".
>list of evidence that god doesn't exist
let's see your record ITT
>universe exists = God
>its a statement!
wow, you really enriched our exchange of words here
You're not a brainless sea slug
truth is all of this nu-christians in the modern right make up excuses to believe in god when it's just as stupid as believing in the patriarchy
>those numbers
I attribute it to the effect of poor schooling where the idea of God is presented as something opposite of science. Younglings and dropouts often stick to that first impression.
I'm not even an atheist
I don't give a fuck
Christian God doesn't exist, and Christianity is just another fairytale
same with every other organized religion on this planet
I'm not anti-Christian either, I just not a Christian
now for the existence of something else, yes, we can't know
I acknowledge that we don't know
you just blindly believe, and you call other people dumb for not blindly believing
the fact that there are so many christcucks on Jow Forums makes me realize this truly is a brainlet board
It's easy to prove God exists but none of you are ready for that Knowledge.
Bro, get a load of this guy...
Quantum Gravity Vs Materialism:
I’m surprised he’s not already hit meme status among these Athiest Vs Religion threads.
Jeus Christ is the only true saviour,come to him or rot in hell forever,you filthy heretics
if Ganesha doesn't exist, how do you explain elephants?
Where did the universe come from?
>muh big bang
How did that happen?
>molecules collided and shit
and where did they come from?
>you just don't understand science, christcuck
>t. Atheist faggot
le tip to you my enlightened stalin loving friend!
>list of evidence that Q is legit
none of them are Christian just like no one is actually pagan
it's just cringy LARPing
we live in an age of superficiality
The big bang theory doesn't say that the universe comes from nothing, it says that it existed in a different state which we don't know yet anything about
>Universe exists
Except beyond Plank’s Constant
Universe exists, wow, it must be an accident
And your assertion that it is just a random accident is nothing but an exercise is faith. Just like a religion.
Let us descide that for ourselves, I wanna hear what you got.
Yeah, I doubt God exists, at least how Christians view God.
I'm kind of a cultural Christian. I like the religion, but it's kinda dumb.
Like they think God cares about us each and individually and whether we tell a lie or not in our day to day business? lol. Yeah fucking right. There are billions of people on this planet, some of them starving to death, or dying in war, yet God cares about whether you or I tell a lie?
There might be some sort of God, if there is, it probably doesn't give a shit about us. It just made the universe and watches from afar in an impersonal manner.
I have stated my reasons earlier in this thread for my belief in a God. I do not rely on blind faith. You assume there is no proof of his existence or you are unwilling to accept logical proofs simply because those proofs aren't tangible.
I don't know
you don't know either
that is not a proof for the existence of Christian God
OP the proper position is not atheism or theism, but Ignosticism (not agnosticism).
That’s proof that the universe is structured, not that your anthropomorphic god exists.
At that point god is a meaningless concept.
Here’s a list of reasons why the universe couldn’t have possibly come into existence without an anthropomorphic god who required nothing but baseless assumptions to describe:
No they do not idiot, the conscious observer theory exists because scientists are very poor at explaining their experiments to laymen. Wave function collapse occurs all the time without “conscious observers”. The existence of consciousness also doesn’t imply god, and certainly doesn’t imply your specific brand of highly fictionalized god.
you do
you rely on blind faith
>we don't know what came before X
>it's God!
now tell me about that God
why does he care if I masturbate?
He has to reveal himself to you. He can prove himself to you in such a way that other people would correctly say that you could have colluded.
There is necessarily no proof of his existence because that would destroy the sacrifice of faith.
Are you only concerned with the Christian religion or are you challenging the idea of intelligent design in general?
Appreciate the fact that the probability of the Universe existing at all, let alone in the smooth distributed structure it is today, is statistically impossible.
Also: see
The ancient Jews believed in One True God
They wrote down a lot of stuff
Some of that stuff was prophecies
Those prophecies ended up coming true.
Some of those prophecies concerned the coming of the Son of God
A man came claiming to be this Son of God
He fulfilled all the prophecies
He healed the sick, cast out demons, btfo of all religious and political leaders he came into contact with.
He fed 5000 people with a few loaves of bread and some fish.
He rebuked the winds and calmed a storm with a word.
No one understood half the things he said.
It takes thousands of words for the greatest philosophers to say what he said in a few sentences.
He raised people from the dead.
He was crucified, died, and was buried (as he himself had foretold)
On the third day, he rose from the dead.
His body still bore the wounds of his crucifixion.
Forty days later, he ascended into heaven.
His disciples performed many miracles.
His religion spread like wildfire.
His greatest enemy (Saul) was converted and became one of his greatest apostles.
Thousands more miracles occurred.
Within three centuries, the Emperor himself converted.
The religion spread throughout all the world (fulfilling another prophecy).
Miracles still occur to this day.
I'm at odds with both
you didn't see any of those "miracles" though
Same old retarded Reddit like comment been spew it for over the past 8 years.
I hope one day you can grasp how retarded you are.
Jesus saith to him: Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed.
John 20:29
Too many miracles have occurred to reasonably doubt. This leaves a few options:
1) Ask for signs for yourself (this is frowned upon)
2) Refuse to believe regardless of what signs are given.
3) Choose to believe despite personally seeing no signs.
I do not need signs. I have the holy Scripture and the Faith. My Faith is my sign. God is not my personal clown to come down and entertain me with signs whenever I desire. Those who seek God will find him. Never in all the world was there a man who honestly sought God and did not find him.
I never wrote any of that shit lmao
why are you so angry?
checkmate vegans
think about it
>too many "miracles" occured
>no physical proof for any of them
if God is omnipotent, why doesn't he just demonstrate his existence to me right now?
it wouldn't be clownish at all
why won't God lead this sheep back to the right path?
why does he want me to suffer for eternity in Hell?
because of risk of appearing "clownish"? that's pretty vain
Heres a list of evidence God doesn't exist
but you're asserting something exists
it's up to you to provide proof
because you aren't claiming God MIGHT exists
you're claiming it exists
but you provide no proof
If God exists, everything is evidence for God.
If God doesn't exist, then there isn't any evidence.
The problem isn't the existence of evidence but the ability to appreciate it as such.
>tfw I used to be that guy in the past
Feels fucking great, man.
>why doesn't he just demonstrate his existence to me right now?
Multiple reasons, but most importantly:
>you haven’t personally sought a relationship with him
>he’s not your little bitch
>it would violate your free will by negating your choice to live without God.
>>it would violate your free will by negating your choice to live without God.
This bullshit, man. Allah doesn't let unbelievers live unaffected.