Should we ban porn? I think it would really improve the world.
Should we ban porn? I think it would really improve the world
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Kinda looks like Gia Paige. She does stuff like that, anyway. Hardcore facial abuse, too (although that's really sad).
What's up with that dude's hair line?
Yes, I think so.
No but somebody should be vigilant with the producers and male "performers"
>if you know what I mean
>stoopid libruls tryin ta take away muh gun rights
We're reaching levels of muttposting previously thought unattainable
At the very least make it less accessible than it is currently.
Sure, but only if you replace it with women being married off by their fathers at 14 as the only way for a woman to even get to TALK to a man who's not family, which is what nature and history have proven works to keep everything working well.
Yes, anything that plays into the primitive and lowest desires of humanity should be banned.
But how will I jack off?
Oh wait, lets not talk about that. That was caused by diversity hires. Lets just pretend that never happened and talk about porn
>should we
Who's we? you have no power and Trump fucks pornstars so I doubt he hates porn.
We should ban banning stuff, boy who smells funny.
>should we ban X?
Bans don't solve anything, you fuckin brainlets.
If people still want porn, they'll find ways to get it. A porn ban won't stop people from being degenerates just as a gun ban won't stop mass killings.
Only matriarchals have a problem with porn and prostitution.
Women are sex objects. Let them use their assets to their best of their abilities. It's ideal objectivism and it's completely natural.
Matriarchals like feminists and jews want a world of feminized men. Doesn't matter if lots of porn producers are jews; jews didn't invent porn nor do they keep it from dying (if anything they are killing it more than they are keeping it alive).
We should track and kill all who masturabate, for it offends the Lord.
Remember when they tried to ban alcohol. It would never work.
The only way to mitigate porn consumption is to make people's porn history public information and scare them from watching.
But people will still find a way. Banning will change nothing.
Banning things doesnt improve anything.
Shun porn watchers. Force them to know their degeneracy.
>Should we ban porn?
Only 3DPD porn.
At least there should be some filter against Brazilian porn.
Niggers groom their hairline. You've really never noticed this?
That's right, ban food advertisements - they make me feel hungry!
Yes. As well as every other aspect of our world entirely controlled by Jews.
More specifically food that hurts us and is used to make us docile, obese and disease ridden should be promptly be banned.
not until i see your daughters BLACKED
soon white bois
You can't ban porn. It will happen. One of the oldest things even from the dawn of humanity.
>stoopid libruls wanting more regulations and big government
>Be American
>World leader in porn
How about nuke USA?
Food adverts from fast food, surgery drinks and so on should be banned
isn't it all bad with a high enough quantity?
Let's leave it to god to do that eh?
no, but it will reduce how easily it's available to those who should not be exposed to it
at least people will have some concept of shame for watching porn again
ban it
The tactic of taking the most extreme of a argument, applying it as if I said it and then attacking it on the basis of how outlandish it is really shows, any other tips you picked up from kike ayn rand and her ilk?
kylie quinn
Ban 3D not 2D
I just don't understand when porn stars have children. Could you imagine how bad it would fuck you up mentally if you knew you were one Google search away from seeing your Mom getting a facial after being pounded?
not ban, but regulate it heavily to keep it from children
>mutts wanting big government to ban what they don't like
>everyone else being sensible and not giving a shit, respecting people's freedom
The thing is, internet contains so much porn that we don't really need anymore, diminishing returns on porn production is something that no one accounts for
Again why try and push to extremes? what point are you making? Are you in favor of having the kind of food we consume on a daily basis being shoved down our throats by adverts and so on?
Guys! I can jack off to porn, shove big macs down my throat! IM SO FREEE!
Kike detected.
obvious answer is yes.
why the fuck would you ever let your son watch this with your daughter in the next room
>banning stuff = freedom
user, I...
We should exterminate both porn watchers and porn developers
Who the fuck cares about "freedom"
I care about protecting the family unit, whether it's about owning guns to protect my property or banning porn to allow my chidlren prosper in a fruitful society.
They don't even need to push the fuckers out they just stand up and they drop out from all the fisting
I bet if I were to ask you why you think those are bad you would start telling me some jewish fairytales, amirite?
>Hardcore facial abuse, too (although that's really sad).
Im sorry you have such an elementary view of what it means to actually be free. Being free is reaching the pinnacle of human actualization, being the best you can be, so if you are jacking off to while eating a mcdouble and smoking a bowl you may think you're "free" but you are the worst kind of slave. A person in bondage with the false illusion of freedom and liberty.
I'd imagine many in the porn indistry are guilty of some crimes that could take them down, partners in sex trafficking?
Then why are you on Jow Forums?
>taking away my rights is ok if it's to ban something I don't like
See, that's exactly how leftists think. And when they get a majority, they'll be ok with taking away your right to the family unit, and you won't have a moral authority to call them out on it because you wanted to do the same thing. It's called "ignominy", look it up.
No, I would say that they play into the lowest form of pleasure, primitive instinct to turn you into a docile animal that doesnt care about anything only if you belly is full and balls are drained, you are baseless that way, just a pawn of the people controlling you and feeding you you're "freedoms". These people care nothing about you, you are a means of profit and making themselves richer at you expense. This is truly Stockholm syndrome at its finest.
you said
>anything that plays into the primitive and lowest desires of humanity should be banned.
eating is a lower form of function than reproducing
you're all right leafbro
really? nobody got a source on this? pls
Porn is pretty degenerate.
I watch way to much rapey jav porn and one time I straight up went to an asian girl and said you like white cock let's have sex and she reported me to the police. All the memes here about asian women and too much jav porn really messed up my psych.
All porn should be outlawed, just like prostitution is.
It's far too easy for beta males to get cheap sexual fulfillment instead of improving themselves.
eehhhh....I don't really get the "rant" vibe from you.
I mean it's great that you're taking pointers from Alex Jones with the intensity and high gravitas words but it's just not resonating with me.
Try finding a subtlety that is more unique to you. I think you may be trying to mimic too much, and be yourself too little. Hope that helps :)
>shoved down our throats
only if you mean that literally, they can metaphorically shove whatever they want wherever they want
Calm down Cheng
Just like the definition of an "assault weapon" is vague, defining porn is also vague.
I see trying to educate you idiots as a righteous thing
It just shows how ridiculous are your totalitarian and despotic inclinations to sweep under the rug of a society anything that doesn't fit your personal utopia.
Yes, lets also ban ropes because people use them to commit suicides. Humans are not a cattle, let them make choices and learn from them. If someone has a terminal cancer and loves fast food why shouldn't he be able to buy a delicious burger? Live and let live.
Why are they not allowed to improve at sex and gaining confidence that way?
Then why are you doing such a bad job of it?
So no real counter arguments to any points made, just people taking extremes and straw mans, stupid jokes and saying it didint "resonate" with you, ill leave you sad people with this, I know none of you morons that were trying to argue will watch but maybe a lurker will so for his sake,
>Jacking off to a video of another man fucking a woman is "improving at sex"
>Paying a woman to have sex with you when she obviously has no interest otherwise is "gaining confidence"
Agreed it's degenerate and the mainstreaming of it has had an extremely negative impact on society.
If not outright banned (since it doesn't work) at least make it taboo again. Hardcore porn used to be something shameful, something only lowlives and scumbags were into. Now it's seen as perfectly normal.
I don't get it at all.
If prostitution is banned, then pornography should be banned. Pornography is basically prostitution, but its even worse because women are forced to do more extreme and more extreme acts to further their career. Just like prostitutes have pimps, porn stars have "agents". Both get paid to fuck. Both are addicted to drugs and need the money.
I think it should be banned. At a minimum there should at least be extremely strong social pressure to not be a whore or do porn.
If this was 1930s Germany, all porn producers and everyone who works in the industry would have been sent to concentration camps.
Heh better than nothing.
no because I won't be able to get my fix then
go to motherless and search for 'white teen beaten and forced to cum'
>Should we ban-
>Sure, but only if you replace it with women being married off by their fathers at 14 as the only way for a woman to even get to TALK to a man who's not family
Sometimes I really think you guys are more delusional than the SJWs. Sorry user.
>I don't get it at all.
Must be the sheer popularity of it mostly. You've got pretty much all men jerking it to porn once in a while. Among younger guys, must be at least 50% doing it semi-regularly.
Something can be taboo all you want when everyone's doing it it just becomes a big joke.
At the very least, the UK has laws where you have to enter a credit card number to access a porn site, even a free site. It makes sure that only adults can use the website.
>feminist takeover happens
>all porn becomes femdom
You think...ha like your opinion matters, you concieted cunt
Friendly reminder to all that ALL authoritarians are cancer and banning everything that triggers you instead of fixing society itself simply weakens society and makes it more susceptible to degeneracy
nu-Jow Forums are basically islamist radicals at this point.
All humans are influenced by messages or what ever it may be, the kind of message thats being but out is whats important, the message that will help and better people, or the easy way out that just plays into easy things that give instant gratification? Read into some of Edward Bernays work, you'll quickly change you mind.
Gia's is really fucked up. Such a cute girl, they even ask her how she ended up there and twice give her a chance to bail. The way her eyes glaze over when they later tell her to apologize to daddy and that he's never going to love her now etc. . It's tragic and hard to watch.
are you fucking kidding me?
those authoritarian faggots
This is why 3D porn should be banned desu.
Based OP. Canadastan approves
Why do you want to take away my favorite movie?
the government should not be in charge of that
All if my this.
Makes my dick hard desu
We probably should, but I hope we don't.
It's not about "lower" or "higher" desires, but about lower and highier ways of fulfilling biological needs, ergo: hunger itself is not "low", but you may satisfy it in a "low" way (junk food) or in a "higher" way (healthy food). The same with sexual needs - they may be satisfied in a lower way (pornography, prostitution) or in a higher way.
yes I think
Im late but thats klay Thompson from the golden State warriors i was wondering why he was missing games