Also the resistance doesnt have to take and hold positions. We can attack soft targets at will. We dont have to stand and fight at all, we can be real bastards and attack from the shadows and run away.
Brody Clark
It was either than or I couldnt legally get grenades and rockets. I dont have black market connectiosn or I would have gone that route.
Plus im happy to sell weapons to people so that more are armed.
Anthony Barnes
Whatever you do, DO NOT target the press. That would be a HUGE MISTAKE.
anti-firearm laws are unjust disobeying unjust laws is civil disobedience
Andrew Collins
oh my gud muh nose is so big OP what a schnoz this is its so big and squishy a big nose filled with snot and boogers
Justin Hughes
Most of the people here have never fired any type of gun in their lives let alone a military grade assault weapon. Firing a weapon is very unpleasant and the “Cold dead hands” crowd is all talk and doesn’t have the stomach for it
Easton Sanchez
Are you this retarded? Its not unpleasant at all. Its just a bang a slight ring in the ears and a push in your hands or shoulder.
Jason James
Oh look, its the drone, tanks, bombs argument. Yawn. Have a sage.
Jaxon Long
>when tranny becomes law
Isaiah Taylor
Next time you want to weigh in on something you have no idea about, maybe at least do some research first
This. I have fired an Assault Rifle 15 before and it was incredibly loud and hurt my shoulder. Not fun at all.
Samuel King
If you own it and think it protects you from a real threat you are mentally ill. Home invasion is rare and it is more likely you shoot a loved one. In a nation of capitolists you will fight alone. You can't shoot what you cant see coming. Advice sell your fantasies and invest. All that money was a waste.
Caleb Scott
So you are all terrorists and traitors.
Levi Gomez
I hate CIA niggers so much so fucking much and all of you as well!
Im a firearms dealer by trade. Ive actually had to kill a nigger in self defense. You guys are flat out retards.
Jace Taylor
Niggers thank you. You lawless methods of gun responsibility have turned inner city hoodlums into some of the best trained combatants. (And no your weekend militia role play doesn't count.)
Josiah Torres
I hope you are ok. Good on you for knowing what you are talking about unlike 99% of these Red Dawn larpers
Owen Hughes
Your life would fall apart without the Jews holding your world together.
Jayden Gomez
Considering my militia is 218 members strong and I cna supply them all with my shop if shit hist the fan doesnt change anything in your minds.
Its fine enjoy being killed.
Matthew Mitchell
I have 4 years of food and almost half a million bullets.
Brody Hall
>lawful gun owner >you are responsible for black market enterprises
Blake Rodriguez
read that as "When Tranny becomes law"
Christian Scott
Ever fire one indoors or in close quarters? A 22 sounds like a bomb in city limits ask a gang banger.
Dylan White
I didn't think levels of bitch that high were possible.
Camden Cruz
you should get an automatic press and just start shitting out rounds for a few cents each
Jonathan Ramirez
Oh look a gun lobby shill fully buying into the propaganda.
Parker Sanchez
>muh tanks and drones thread #3,428,792,341,245 Get some new material please, it's getting boring.
>tfw got home from work 2 hours ago >must have seen at least 5 "you cant fight the (((government))) goy so just give up your guns >mfw (((they're))) afraid
Its not that bad. Like at all. Plus I wear earplugs around my neck at all times. The shop I own has an indoor range. I have reloading gear and lots of supplies.
Lincoln Price
You would be getting into heaven if you didn't hold so much faith in guns.
Brandon Sanchez
Holy shit! Please there has to be more! So skinny so busty!
Gabriel Perry
"sell your cloak and buy a sword"
Tyler Miller
>Your assault rifles aren't going to do anything against the military and their drones, tanks, and bombs.
Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan? Oh yeah most powerful military in the world couldn't concur caveman with AK47 so how are they going to concur 60million patriots with AR15? Oh I get it now that's why you want to ban AR15
One bullet and that is thousands of dollars wasted. One bullet from a gun owned by someone only marginally more unstable than yourself. Hope your gun rights are worth the risk of having you head split open by a nigger who gets the drop on you.
Anybody else here build their their ARs? I also got a friend into AR building.
Thomas Brown
What death isn’t senseless? Afraid? I’ve got guns nigger, I ain’t afraid of shit.
Adam Morales
holy fuck you might be gay nigger even women like shooting ar-15’s you’re literally weaker than a woman
Brody Ross
would removing gun rights make it any less likely that criminals would get guns?
Justin Perry
K. Considering I wont be alone at all and wont be traveling except in a group your scenario doesnt say much.
Of course you risk your life in a gunfight. Do you think we dont know that? I was in desert storm, I know what soldiers combat looks like.
Also we wont fight like a standing army. Our primary drill that we run the most is break contact.
Jonathan Fisher
I am a lawful gun owner and smart enough to know a bad guy doesnt get a gun unless a good guy lets him. I bet gun makers love selling to common thugs (black market demand) and then scaring you into buying more because the thugs are armed. I think you got played.
Ian Fisher
If you dont like the government move.
Chase Adams
>black market weapons arent primarily stolen from armories by soldiers.
Mason Jackson
>a 40mm round and your gone
You need to layoff video games lol. You can't hold a 40mm cannon and if you did recoil will probably break your ribs if not kill you.
>you’ll barely even feel it Feels like a 12 gauge really.
Isaiah Cooper
Point is you own guns for a pipe dream. When your rights allow kids to die trying to get an education. Is your fear of government worth a generation if gun haters.
So, negligible compared to what that shill thinks it would do lmao
Brayden Perry
Nope I own guns so as to kill people like you one day soon. Your losing control of your base, they are getting fed up with the incrimental approach. When they sperg and start pushing for confiscation even harder then the ufn begins.
Michael Ortiz
Indoor ranges require hearing protection and have sound dampening. In a real firefight you won't want earplugs. A 22 in a car will make your ears bleed.
AR = short range weapon 30.06, 50 cal= long range reach out and touch someone. Drones can be fooled, even if they are operating in infrared. Having a plan is the most important asset you can possess. Being setup is the key, and some of us have been doing this for years. Also many in e military are on our side, you see they believed the part of the oath that stated defend the Constitution, and will see any action against the citizens as an attack on that.
Connor Gonzalez
Pretty much. Its still a kick, but its not that bad.
gotta laod your own shells and be warned if you get caught with unregistered anti-personel shells your in trouble. So dont get caught k? Its legally a flare and smoke launcher but they sell loadable shells.
>a 22 in car makes ears bleed.
Thats why you stick the barrel out the window shitposter-kun.
Jason Ramirez
And that's a good thing
Kevin Long
Any Florida bros in this thread? What is the state of the current gun laws? Did rick scott fuck us if we’re under 21?
Blake Powell
How fucked do you want america to become?
Cooper Sanders
I want revenge for ww2 germany. This place burning in a civil war is more than enough.
Gabriel Nguyen
You mean you fired an ARMALITE RIFLE (AR is NOT short form for "Assault Rifle"). Loud, sure - most guns are unless suppressed, but how in the flying fuck did you hurt your shoulder firing an AR-15? The thing has no kick at all! I could shoot one all friggin' day at the range. I'd hate to see what would happen if you fired a .30-06!
Jacob Russell
So you agree it is a factless belief.
Joshua Green
I dont own a gun. But I've been thinking about setting up a truck of peace to run down traitors to my great country.
Nathaniel Long
Assault rifles are illegal to buy. I think you are referring to assault weapons or carbine rifles.
Assault rifles require being select-fire, unlike civilian semi-automatic arms that you can actually buy.
Bump stocks are modifications and only simulate full-auto capabilities.