
we still doing these threads, or nah?

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not sure whats going on. seems like those faggots just gave up.

honestly i have started to think I might actually be on Sargon's side, as awful as he is with the JQ and some other stuff.

hes right about one thing: this shit isn't a fucking joke and we need to fucking win.

Metokur, as great as he is, is wrong. We need to win. We need to win big. And we need to take absolute and total control of culture.

I'm done laughing. We have spent many years suffering fighting this culture war and we have a chance to truly win and turn the tide in our favor and take power.

I'm not just going to sit on the fucking internet laughing. That's why IBS is dying, because it is unwilling to take a motherfucking stand and say there is a such thing as right and wrong.

And the Alt Right is in the right. The SJW/Marxists/"globalists" are in the wrong.

Dude I'm living rent free in your head. I don't want to be a leader, I just want to make things and hurt people.

Here's the difference between me and you, I don't have this gay ass ideal of what this place is. I have an ideology and I know I'm better than you, but I don't pretend to represent this place. I just give credit to what made me.

Also, its funny you're butthurt I'm nice to Tonka. He's someone I have respect for and think is a cool dude. I support what he is doing and he is in some very abstract way supporting what we are doing. I'd probably be just as nice to Jim because he makes me laugh and I respect him.

You got a problem with me and how I live my life? Come fight me in on our thing or in the Kumite. You're a bitchmade little faggot and I'll jam my fat cock down your throat till you're crying blood and thanking me.

Open thing to anyone who thinks I was too nice to Tonka last night. Hit me up right now and talk that shit to my face. We are here for bloodsports, step into the ring if you got a problem with it.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe its wrong to be self confident and have respect for people you admire. Maybe I'm making us all look bad. I don't fucking know, I'm just having fun.

If you are soooo mad about some stupid stream we had last night that you really think the best thing to do is criticize some random guy on the internet who never claimed to be anything but a 'sociopath planting gardens in a minefield' or whatever stupid shit that was, then back it up.

I'll hear you out, I'll give you every benefit of the doubt. But if you come here and talk all that shit and aren't willing to back it up, then you are just a cowardly faggot. Lets do some real bloodsports people, I'm so ready for it.

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The truth is, we're all in this together. This shit is real. Degeneracy is real.

As fun as bloodsports is, as fun as watching funny shit is... this is our fucking life we're talking about.

Andy almost got arrested for doing a funny stream. He has to fear for his fucking life. A dude thrown in fucking prison for a joke.

This is REAL. We're ALL in this to-fucking-gether.

Don't you fucking get it?

Metokur can fucking laugh all he fucking wants but I'll not stand by and watch this fucking degenerate shit destroy my life and destroy the lives of millions of other innocent people who have to fucking deal with it.

We have the fucking opportunity to WIN. To win this fucking culture war. This isn't a god damn fucking joke. It's time to stop fucking laughing and start getting fucking serious.

We have the right ideas, the right thoughts. So we ought to fucking treat ourselves like we do and assume fucking control of this god damn fucking world for fucking once.

We made it this far, we can't fucking back down.

I'm done fucking laughing about shit.

No fucking idea what you're talking about.

JF live on Luke Ford channel

Can someone run me through the shit with Baked Alaska and his manager?

if you want to make a difference, join Enoch's side, they are basically the alt-right liberalists at this point. they realize screaming on the internet has no real impact in the real world and are finally trying to get productive people to make actual changes to society.

Baked alaska is a brainlet snake and his manager thinks reddit is a cool place.

Reddit spacing is strong in these ones.

Nice reddit spacing my dudes

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>inb4 Jow Forums

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there is no real shit, just Jim memeing on him because the manager provides no real services to Baked and seems like he's just getting close to baked on the off chance that baked actually gets big. the guy manages mia khalifa and ice poseidon already, baked is a nobody to him.

Why would you make a thread when nothing is going on, you sub-90IQ retard? You didn't even have the intelligence to look up the thread on the archives and post links. Were you dropped on your fucking head one too many times as an infant?

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Is it true that his manager is black?

just use him for the useful idiot that he is. his charisma tends to attract normies so he has a purpose. baked's not a bad dude, just an opportunist, but isn't everyone to some extent?

no, that's his roommate, scuffed steve jobs is some bald white/jewey looking dude.

Yes. We're doing the Purple Dragon as well. Things are finally getting heated and interesting again with chill intermission at the gaming bar.

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noice, thanks

I just cant stand fake personalities.

who's Luke ford

His manager ruffied him in vegas, raped him and uploaded the video somewhere.

Aqua would never be so rude

John Ford's son

White aussie jew convert 1488 guy.

Can we book Mancheeze vs. Shoe0nhead on Warski Live?

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I consider them, and Anglin, my personal allies.

Yet at the same time they've been too openly racist on their shows that makes me personally feel I can't publicly be "cool buddies" with them if you know what I mean.

Sargon is pretty clean on that front. I mean I'll say nigger and kike on here now and then however ultimately I'd really never say that to anyone in public. I'm not into it.

That said they're right about most stuff.

We need someone who is autistic enough to keep making threads in the same format, with the links and all, so as to appease the mods and prevent us from getting booted to Jow Forums again.

i don't like them either and Blacked Alaska's is pretty fake and manipulative but other user is right he is just an opportunist but a useful one. he is marginally smarter than Warski and a shitty moderator like Warski but at the very least he is still trying to schedule some interesting debates in between his IRL streaming.


that doesn't appease the mods at all, generals are softly banned

Swede is dead and Spain is asleep


Those are a special part of Jow Forums historry and get exceptions, lurk more

>pol history

hello t_d

>President trump isn't important Jow Forums history

ya, I feel you, enoch and co just held them some conference the other day and some old guy in the audience keep comparing the alt-right movement of today to the skinhead movement of the 80s like it was a good thing and it was just weird to listen to. calling people like Heather Hyer fat slobs is such bad optics, too, even if it's true.

>/tg/ /ptg/ is like 3 years old

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kept comparing*

>ptg cancer is president trump

kek, you're flailing

>too openly racist on their shows that makes me personally feel I can't publicly be "cool buddies" with them if you know what I mean.

Says the white nationalist

>so new he wasn't on Jow Forums during our biggest happening

you mean the zimmerman trial? yeah, I was around.

This is internet love sports thread. Donald cock suckers need to awwwoooo the fuck out of here.

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It all became a bit shit so I unsubbed.
I mean, how long can you unironically listen to Baked Alaska and Warski give their opinions on anything?
The Kumite guys are brainlets too.
I'll just watch Jim for the auitsm bantz.

I mean we aren't going to win by being hateful racists, we need to do things out of love for white people, not hatred for others.

i still watch Warski, but you're right that cucked Alaska and Kumite are complete shit

>spic shooting nigger dead in america
>biggest happening
wew lad

that's why IBS was successful, warski would STFU and would only interject to help clarify things him and other normies didn't fully grasp. baked and him want to be famous/popular instead of just putting on a good show and it's started to take away from ibs. papa metokur has kind of brought them back to reality though.

>I'll just watch Jim for the auitsm bantz.

Enjoy it while you can, he will be doxxed and get his account shut down very soon. He's flying too close to the sun with this eichenwald stuff

I mean it was an eye opener to a lot of people and one of the first red pills about what was going on with the media in this country so it was pretty significant.

-t. newfag who wasn't even here for it

Anglin is a closeted homosexual with women issues.

Since these threads are dying I guess I'll shamelessly shill this now.

Trevor Moore is doing a 24 consecutive hour livestream. He's one of the few comedians left that pushes the limits of free speech and more importantly he's an oldfag.

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>Anglin is a closeted homosexual with women issues.
that's half of Jow Forums tho

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No. Warski wants his retarded show where he just "chills" aka says stupid empty shit and constantly invites retards to say stupid empty shit hoping they all trick you into thinking they have a personality as they beg Jim to come on. I lived through Opie and Anthony. I saw the fights and the "make ups" and worse fights that came shortly after. All because Opie who gave nothing to the show wanted to change things. I know how this ends.

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no you're shit

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who else hyped for the upcoming Jim vs Kurt arc


>Jim tweeted my edit
>All the comments keep asking why he's ginger
Do people not know he's irish?

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>stresm is 8 minutes late

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it will be jim's first critical loss

>that's half of Jow Forums tho

Anglin don't even tell his readers to come to Jow Forums to argue here, instead of targeting other whites in their own echo-chambers, and bullying him here might get him to do that.

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Zimmerman was a 5 second celebrity. President Trump is a paradigm shift for politics around the world.
t. oldfag who has been here 10+ years

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Everyone has women issues these days

If I didn't know better I would think that Kurt is an anti-Semitic parody account.
He's such a letigious kike that I've no doubt that Jim will get doxed for pushing Kikenwald's buttons.
Jim's not an idiot though so he must know this but just not care.

>12 minutes have passed and still no stream

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>Anglin don't even tell his readers to come to Jow Forums to argue here
That's a good thing, faggot. Do newfags not even know of rules 1&2?

Jim is doing a massive video on Kurt Eichenwald and Kurt found out about it claiming its altright/Russians coming after him. Kurts know to be lawsuit happy and make a big about shit so it's going to be a beautiful shitshow. Jim might wind up on tucker when this is all said and done.

Eichenwald, or someone purporting to be him, has agreed to debate Jim?

What is situation on that front?

Hyped but kinda nervous about what kind of jew trickery Kikenwald will pull

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I was unemployed that summer and I watched the entire trial live with Jow Forums and watched the news at night.
The real red pill for me was realising that the news just flat out lied about what was happening in the trial.

video out this weekend till then we wait

nvmif he were to sue Jim and Jim has to be served, then doesn't that expose Jim? can't that happen even if Jim did nothing wrong? this could be the end of his anonymity.


I miss Zoid

Maybe Jim is delaying it because he is scared? Just playing Devils Advocate. He is flying pretty close to the sun now. Kurt got two guys here outted.

What stream are you guys waiting on?

I thought you said Kraut

>Do newfags not even know of rules 1&2?
So how do we get rid of nupol?

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You should make this into a separate thread. I completely agree, and this is relevant to a much wider audience than /ibs/.

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This fucking brit is completely retarded, jesus

Hoping this cringe is intentional desu senpai

If kurt ends up doxing jim, does he think that'll go over well? Jim even said this would be a "serious video" so he's not gonna lie about anything. How does eichenwald see justification for doxing him?

This is an amazing interview, many memorable moments already.

>tune in
JF is being a rapist as ever

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>I might actually be on Sargon's side
Liberalism, both left AND right wing liberalism, is what lead to this nightmare to begin with. Actually read a fucking book before you just blindly follow a basic bitch liberal with no actual solutions.

this thread has surprisingly no destishills or sargonites shitting things up in the most overt fashion possible like the last few days. did they realize they are faggots and nobody cares about them?

Pretty sure it's "serious" because he dug something on The Times which will warrant his twitter account nuke after the video release.
Reminder Harmful Opinions jewtube got nuked after Assange tweeted one of his videos.

>the first post is litterally a sargonite

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We don't like to beat a dead horse. It's all a matter of timing and knowing when to move on to the next development.

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The Times paid to keep the pedo forum open, so they could write a story about it, IIHUC

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Who is the chick in the lower right?

Is this quintissential JF?

Satri Devi

kek, I can smell the butt-hurt from here

how is he a sargonite? he just seems like he wants some sort of action taken instead of just being edgy on the internet. that's what we need.

so you link a post beating a dead horse to prove your point about not beating a dead horse? you guys are too stupid to be taken seriously. you'll grow up one day, kid. you have to be 18 to post here btw.

that's what the sargonites want though