How are there so many somalis in sweden?

How are there so many somalis in sweden?
These countries couldn't be more apart from each other.

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Scadanavians have a fascination with them in particular. The number one US State by Somalian population is Minnesota—it's also the most Scandinavian state.

I like to pretend it's because of some ancient connection or slave trade but I know deep down it's because Scandinavians are fucking weird anti white fags

Swedes are fucking cucked fags... The rest of Scandinavia isn't like that.

lmao Sweden isn't even going to be at least 56% but they'll at least get some good mutt memes. Quality post Ahmed.

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>the rest of Scandinavia isn’t like that
HAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA thanks for making me laugh

You know I had to

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Oh brother

Sweden give money out. The reason why they go here is because of the money. There are none in France because the welfare system can't be exploited as good as here

>isn't even going to be at least 56%
>at least 56%
Fuck off schlomo

Why do u think

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That is Stockholm school class for special needs students?

Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.

You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.

Attached: swedo neato burrito.jpg (1200x1200, 639K)

this, unfortunately

How many fucking times have I seen this

nice trips

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nazi guilt and wanting to shrug off the viking history meme,what better way to prove you are no longer the niggers of europe stealing and raping by inviting in a load of rapey thieves?

you must be new here

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a person should be able to divorce without having to give reasons to the government

that being said, this is fine as long as they also remove male adultery from the list as well

Because Jews. Unironically.

that white slut is getting creampied and doggyraped rn

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I bet you a bottle of Bourbon he's holding her by the ass.

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