Never, ever, ever, ever apologize to Leftists.
What the fuck was she thinking?
Never, ever, ever, ever apologize to Leftists.
What the fuck was she thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
>lose all your sponsors
>get fired
you're a moron
It's afraid.
you need to fake apologies to keep your job nowadays
She lost my respect for this. How fucking dumb do you have to be to make that mistake? Jesus Christ, Laura. Wtf.
She's either retarded or controlled op. Showing these people your belly is an invitation for more.
>3. Do not apologize.
>The third thing to remember when undergoing an SJW-attack is to never apologize for anything you have done. I repeat: do not apologize. Do not say you are sorry if anyone’s feelings were hurt, do not express regret, remorse, or contrition, do not say anything that can be taken as an apology in any way. Just in case I am not being sufficiently clear, do not apologize!
>Normal people seek apologies because they want to know that you feel bad about what you have done and that you will at least attempt to avoid doing it again in the future. When SJWs push you for an apology after pointing-and-shrieking at you, what they are seeking is a confession to bolster their indictment. They are like the police down at the station with a suspect in the interrogation room, badgering him to confess to the crime. And like all too many police these days, the SJWs don’t really care if you did it or not, they’re just looking for a confession that they can take to the prosecutor.
>Be aware that once they have launched an attack on you, they will press you hard for an apology and repeatedly imply that if you will just apologize, all will be forgiven. Do not be fooled! I have seen people fall for it time and time again, and the result is always the same. >The SJWs are simply looking for a public confession that will confirm their accusations, give them PR cover, and provide them with the ammunition required to discredit and disemploy you. Apologizing will accomplish nothing more than hand them the very weapons they require to destroy you.
>banter is now Haram
Nice "free" speech, America.
>How to apologise to leftist.
1. Clear and lubricant throat.
2. And in a clear loud voice repeat the words
"Go Fuck Yourself"
3. Leftist will except and no longer speak of previous subject.
while i wouldn't have apologized, it is considered the mature/classy thing to do.
the fact that Hogg didn't accept the apology makes him look like a tactless brat.
she made the gesture (even though she really didn't need to, imo), and since he turned it down, he looks like a child throwing a temper tantrum.
She’s a woman, what do you expect.
Bump. What the fuck Laura?
Clearly she wasn't.
By apologizing, she's acknowledging that she's done something wrong.
>she thinking
What the fuck does she care, shes had a radio job forever and only started at Fox like 2 months ago.
>She’s a woman, what do you expect.
I don't regret googling "fucking amateurs" to find this image.
so advertisers really dropped her because she dared talk shit on Hogg failing to get into college?
She's controlled. This was an obvious setup. They're trying to attack the right through Boomer celebs
Shes trending BECAUSE she apologized.
Nobody gave a fuck until she showed weakness.
10/10 would. /mygirl/
IF she were smart she would pull a Trump
>I am sorry for insulting the poor child, we have to remember children are fragile and immature and cant handle jokes. Children are not adults and cant nor should they be treated like adults, or taken seriously or listened to as adults.
She reads script .
Everyone thinks they are "above" gamergate so they refuse to learn from it. Fuck em.
She bullied him because he reminded her of her gay brother
You take away the talking head’s money and, oh wow, look at those opinions change
what happenig
David Hogg
>"Pathetic fuckers that want to keep killing our children"
>"They can have blood from children spattered all over their faces and they wouldn't take action because they all still see those dollar signs."
>"When your old-ass parents like, 'I don't know how to send an i-Message', and you're just like, 'Give me the fucking phone.'"
>"Our parents don't know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to. We think what sick fuckers are out there that would continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly get re-elected."
>"What type of person are you when you want to see more fucking money than children's lives? What type of shitty person does that?"
>(About Rick Scott): "He does not give a fuck about these kids' lives at all. He only cares about his re-election."
Liberals think David Hogg is their hero.
Laura Ingraham
>"David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.)"
Liberals think Laura Ingraham is a piece of shit for "harassing" a child even though she just pointed out a simple fact to him.
The hypocrisy is strong with those leftists. David Hogg's attacks are more unsavory and disgusting han anything that Laura Ingraham said. Why is she getting punished?
Why apologize? Lmao you gotta be fucking kidding me. Just double down on it, fuck your sponsors and Fox.
She's a retarded neo-con kike. She has no children, only adopted shitskins. Do you not see that redflag?
Whites have no spines.. they cave to their insufferable children all the time which is why they grow up to be socio-pathic faggots who make the world suffer. Liberalism spawned from whites due to their defunct 'the world is my oyster' mentality. None of them will own up to it because they think they're God's chosen like the kikes. You're destroying yourselves. The left is you. You birthed and groomed these faggots. You are them.
like all spineless jews, she was thinking with her wallet
is there a video? i need context
There's no Jewish consp-
Women have no understanding of pride or honor.
She figured apologizing will keep allowing her to buy nice things. Nothing more.
Any lesbo vids? Asking for a friend
Rookie move, Laura.
Her gay brother is less of a faggot than hogg
Agreed! She made a terrible decision
You still never apologise to a leftist, not ever. You give them an inch, they'll take a hundred million miles.
You have to always double down, take arguing with a Jew for example.
If they go
You gotta be like,
>First of all, I don't even believe your holocaust story. I think a bunch of Jews died of typhus and malnutrition in a prison camp
>Second of all, even if 600 billion Jews were gassed, that doesn't mean I have to live with congo niggers and feminism instigated by you people.
At this point they will either begin shrieking like some sort of humanoid weasel or they will flee the scene.